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   Author  Topic: Water method note  (Read 623 times)
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Water method note
« on: Jun 13th, 2006, 5:01pm »
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Hey everyone - I just wanted to add/stress an important piece of information about the Water Water Water method... TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!!! DRINK YOUR GATORADE!!  
I attended basic training for the Army about 9 years ago.. it was Georgia, in the summertime.. so they forced us to drink water every hour on the hour. Well, 2 of my buddies passed out one day, and one did not survive. All the electrolytes were flushed right out of his system from all the water, and he could not recover.  
So just a warning, be very careful! And like mentioned, for ANY treatment (as harmless as they may sound) consult your doctor!
pfw from ny
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Charlotte Alumnus
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Re: Water method note
« Reply #1 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 9:04pm »
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Thank you.  I guess we need to eat salt if we overdo the water.  I have to tell you, I could only do so much of the water, water, water, before I never wanted to see water again.
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  katycatcm   katycatcm
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Re: Water method note
« Reply #2 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 10:50pm »
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There's this brand of bottled water called Smart Water by Glaceau that contains electrolytes (except salt) and tastes fantastic. At more than a dollar a liter for non-sale price, it can get kind of expensive though. I have noticed that my local target store has the one liter bottles on sale for $1 every three or four weeks or so. I stock up. The water cure doesn't seem to help for me but it may make them less intense. I'm not sure. Still, with all the topamax & everything I've tried I usually figure tons of water can't hurt.
« Last Edit: Jun 23rd, 2006, 9:49pm by Katherinecm » IP Logged

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Re: Water method note
« Reply #3 on: Jun 23rd, 2006, 6:05pm »
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I'll agree with spidey.
But try AF basic - Lackland AFB - San Antonio Texas...... August!
DRY heat my arse!
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JoeS Alumnus
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Re: Water method note
« Reply #4 on: Jun 23rd, 2006, 6:44pm »
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Here's a suggestion that has served me well in the past (coming from the perpective of electrolyte loss due to sweating, not from excess water consumption however).
There are electrolyte supplements you can get in powder or capsule form that provide better electrolyte replacement than Gatorade and none of the sugar.   In powder form I like a product called Emergen-C, which is sold as a vitamin C supplement but also contains vital electrolytes.   Electrolytes in capsule form are harder to find but there's a product aptly named "Essential Electrolytes" at Whole Foods.
Personally, the water X 3 method has never worked for me, but perhaps I just got so sick of peeing that I didn't give it a chance.
Good luck,
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Re: Water method note
« Reply #5 on: Jun 30th, 2006, 1:34pm »
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It seems like that waters that contain a lot of Oxigen are sold very much in Japan. I use Maxalt and this "Oxigen water" with water, water, water method. I believe that Maxalt works much better with this Oxigen water.
If you can find any similar "Oxigen water" in the states or wherever you are, I recommend to give it a try.
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Re: Water method note
« Reply #6 on: Jun 30th, 2006, 4:57pm »
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Welcome from Japan!  
I am skeptical of the oxygen waters - I think it is only a marketing trick. Water can only hold a few parts per million of oxygen, and when you drink it, it would take time to be absorbed.  You would get more oxygen from taking one extra breath than from oxygen water.... and some people can abort a cluster headache by exercising vigorously at the first signs.  That technique doesn't help me, as most start when I am asleep.
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About Gatorade and electrolyte supplements
« Reply #7 on: Jun 30th, 2006, 6:07pm »
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Joe S wrote:
<<<There are electrolyte supplements you can get in powder or capsule form that provide better electrolyte replacement than Gatorade and none of the sugar.   In powder form I like a product called Emergen-C, which is sold as a vitamin C supplement but also contains vital electrolytes.   Electrolytes in capsule form are harder to find but there's a product aptly named "Essential Electrolytes" at Whole Foods.>>>
Actually, Gatorade was "designed" deliberately with glucose (sugar) added.  A lot of very careful research revealed that the water and electrolytes in the solution are absorbed through the stomach and intestinal wall more quickly if a certain concentration of glucose is present. (As I recall the optimum glucose concentration is about 8 mg%)  The liquid that's imbibed doesn't sit there in a puddle. The electrolyte concentration of Gatorade is very close to the optimum electrolyte concentration in our blood's chemistry. After the Gatorade formula was sold to the commercial manufacturer (Stokely-VanCamp), a little more glucose (sugar) was added to make it more palatable to the general public. But even the changed formula is absorbed more quickly than water alone or an electrolyte solution without the sugar.
Personnally, I liked the original formulation better than the commerical version. (I was one of the test subjects for the research - way back when.)
And yes, you CAN screw up your blood chemistry by drinking too much water without electorlytes. It's called "water intoxication" and has nothing to do with getting drunk. Everybody my age remembers being given "salt tablets" in the summer. However, the requirement to drink plenty of water with the tablets came along a lot later.
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