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   Author  Topic: Mushrooms  (Read 2570 times)
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« on: Jun 12th, 2006, 9:16pm »
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Hey guys.. I'm new around here, new to the CH scene in general..  
 I've stumbled upon some info regarding mushrooms being a method to get you out of a cycle.. is this true? has anyone ever experimented with this? What kind of results has anyone had? I'm tempted to give it a shot myself.. i'm tempted to give anything a shot at this point..
anyways.. just looking for some feedback on the subject, and I will also post my results with it after wednesday when I'll be giving it a shot myself.. thanks: )
pain free wishes
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Redd Alumnus
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #1 on: Jun 12th, 2006, 9:21pm »
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Here is where you can get a lot of info on this method.  
edit to add:  have you by chance gotten a proper Dx yet?
« Last Edit: Jun 12th, 2006, 9:30pm by Redd » IP Logged

I saw an act of faith today. A man was on his knees, not in a pew in a Church, but in a garden planting seeds. ~~Unknown
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #2 on: Jun 12th, 2006, 9:46pm »
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Here's the actual link:
The website was started by several people from this message board who have success with it.
--- Steve
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #3 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 2:12am »
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Yeah, that's actually where I saw the info about the mushrooms.. I really couldn't find any info about their findings though.. so I was just curious what results some of you have had if you'd tried it.
I'm still going to try it on Wednesday, but I am scared to death.. if mushrooms are something that can heighten your senses, what if I got a CH at some point after taking the mushrooms? Would it be, the worst pain known to man--and then some? That's a scary thought: )
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #4 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 6:34am »
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IMHO mushrooms (and associated substances like RC seeds, LSD etc) are the only truely effective means of terminating a CH episode or breaking a chronic cycle.
Please be aware that they are not effective against 'troll-varient CH' though...
Follow the instructions very carefully.
Personally I find that mushrooms can also abort an alcohol induced attack, and the chances of experiencing a CH attack whilst on shrooms is very slim.  
Most of those that have treated their CH with shrooms (somewhere in the region of 200 people) no longer visit this message board - they don't need to.
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nani Alumnus
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #5 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 9:53am »
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There are still some of us who still visit the board.  Wink Clusterbusters has worked better for me than any other med or treatment that I've tried. Like Flash said, follow the instructions. You probably won't have an attack during the treatment, but prepare yourself for some post dose hits. Have oxygen (or your non-med abortive of choice) handy. Good luck and keep us posted.
pain free wishes, nani  (a former chronic who broke a 5 year cycle)
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #6 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 12:52pm »
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Hey Flash!  How the heck ya doin'?
Did I ever tell you that at my high school, Granada Hills High School, we were called the "Highlanders" or "Scots" for short.  Our colors were Kelley green and white.  The yearbook was called the Tartan.
We're more alike than even you realize.
« Last Edit: Jun 13th, 2006, 5:10pm by Bob P » IP Logged

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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #7 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 3:56pm »
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on Jun 13th, 2006, 6:34am, Flash wrote:

Please be aware that they are not effective against 'troll-varient CH' though...

This may be a stupid question, but what is a "troll-varient" CH?
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"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings that have a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin

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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #8 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 4:05pm »
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This may be a stupid question, but what is a "troll-varient" CH?

That would be the variety of CH that trolls don't really have.
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #9 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 4:18pm »
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What kind of results has anyone had?

Other than troll variants, real episodics see a success rate of about 75 to 80 percent, and about 60 to 70 percent of real chronics see significant relief.  
Understand this is a very unscientific count based on reports collected on this and other Internet message boards. Flash thinks the success rate is higher, Bob P suspects it might be lower. Pleae don't get them started Smiley
The tough part of this treatment is getting clean of some favorite CH drugs -  triptans like Imitrex, Prednisone and some others.  But it works like a charm (for me, anyway).
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #10 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 4:59pm »
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ClusterBuster Therapy.......
on Jun 13th, 2006, 4:18pm, tommyD wrote:

  works like a charm (for me, anyway).

Me too.
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #11 on: Jun 13th, 2006, 6:29pm »
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My last cycle started in October, I think, of last year. I was well into the cycle when I took my first dose. I definitely noticed a change in the headaches, but they didn't seem to be getting better. I tried another dose 2 weeks later. The headaches went away about a month after my second dose...I'm not sure if the mushrooms are what caused the disappearance of the headaches, but one thing is for sure. It was the shortest and least severe cycle in the last 6 years. I will let you know how this year goes. I just dosed over the weekend and I intend to do so before October when I expect the next cycle to come. I am hoping that this will be my first year in 6 without a cycle.
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #12 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 12:05pm »
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Nothing but good to say about clusterbusters, both the people and practice.
My past two cycles were aborted, for the first time, last year's all but stopped as soon as it arrived.  All the info you need is there on the website.
Like you the prospect of getting hit whilst dosing was truly terrifying, now it's the first thing I do when getting hit along with the O2.  
Just noticed that it's Wednesday - best of luck for later in the day, finger's crossed for you.
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O2 and clusterbusters - naturally
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #13 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 1:05pm »
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Thanks: ) Gonna be giving it a shot in a few hours.. and yeah, I'm still terrified of getting a hit while on them.. mainly because I have no abortive or anything. I'm a non-insured clusterhead.. hence that is why i'm trying all the non-prescription methods I can find.. I'll be posting my mushroom results in the next few days..
pfw to all
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Brew Alumnus
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #14 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 3:27pm »
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on Jun 13th, 2006, 2:12am, spidey426 wrote:
...but I am scared to death...
Yep. Me too. Scared to death that I'll get called in for a random drug screen at work and my 18-year career will be down the shitter. This is why I haven't gone the clusterbuster route yet.
I long for the day that this treatment will be cleared by the FDA and I can give it a try. I can tell you this - I took this "treatment" about a half dozen times in my early 20's, for recreational purposes. CH didn't become a part of my life until I was 31. Coincidence? Maybe.
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nani Alumnus
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #15 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 3:49pm »
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Good luck, Spidey. Just so you know, psilocybin acts as both an abortive and a prevent. A small piece under my tongue will abort a hit in minutes. So, free your mind of any fear, and go into this with the right attitude.  
I warned you about the post dose hits because it's not unusual to get hit kinda hard the following day. It means the psilocybin is "doing" something. (Others have a much better way to explain that, LOL)
You may want to try to have a Red Bull around, just in case. You never know, it may work again.
Bill, you may want to ask Pinkfloyd about tests. I think that it's unusal for employers to test for psychedelics, and even if they do, it's out of your system very quickly.
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #16 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 4:17pm »
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I need more info on this. I asked my nuero about mushrooms and he said it was the same as steroids, only help temp. This must still be a big help. I am trying to get a better job (hopefully it is better) and need to know if this is tested for.
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  katycatcm   katycatcm
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #17 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 4:45pm »
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on Jun 14th, 2006, 4:17pm, lashultz wrote:
I need more info on this. ...

Go to and read everything. That will answer many of your questions.
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"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings that have a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin

"It is not death or pain that is to be dreaded, but the fear of pain or death." Epictetus
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #18 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 5:01pm »
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I'm sure I'll be corrected if wrong -  but the odds of being screened for psychedellics are v.small - it's not standard practice. Pot and coke are the most likely tests and you've only got a few days where there's any chance of returning a positive test...
Wonder it any any triptans would return a false positive on drug  tests due to the structural similarities of the molecules/active ingredients?
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O2 and clusterbusters - naturally
Brew Alumnus
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #19 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 5:12pm »
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"v. small" isn't good enough. Still too much of a risk, especially when you have a wife and son who are dependant on your income.
Until "v. small" becomes "nonexistent," I'll pass.
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #20 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 6:43pm »
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on Jun 13th, 2006, 2:12am, spidey426 wrote:
I really couldn't find any info about their findings though.. so I was just curious what results some of you have had if you'd tried it.

The Effects of Psilocybin and LSD on Cluster Headache: A Series of 53 Cases
(Presentation at the US National Headache Foundation's 3rd Annual Headache Research Summit, Febr. 2006)
R. Andrew Sewell, MD; John H. Halpern, MD  
Objective: To describe the use of psilocybin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for treatment of cluster headache.
 Design: Patients were questioned about their use of psilocybin and LSD to treat their cluster headaches. Of 383 patients identified, 53 consented to interviews and provided medical records, thus qualifying for our primary analysis. An additional 147 respondents provided quantifiable information on use of psilocybin to terminate cluster periods, but failed to provide medical records or declined to be contacted; these individuals were included in a secondary analysis only.
Patient Selection: We included all respondents who 1) reported cluster headaches, 2) had attempted to treat their headaches with either psilocybin or LSD, 3) agreed to be contacted for evaluation by telephone or e-mail, and 4) allowed us to obtain copies of their medical records.
Main Outcome Measures: For abortive treatment, a subjective rating of "effective" - causing termination of a cluster attack in less than 20 minutes - or "ineffective". For prophylactic treatment, a subjective report of "effective" – causing total remission of the cluster period, "partially effective" – causing diminishment of cluster attack frequency or intensity, or "ineffective" – no change noted. For remission extension, subjective report of "effective" – a delayed or missed cluster period, or "ineffective" – a subsequent cluster period at the expected time.
Results: Of the 53 participants in the primary analysis, 52 had used psilocybin and nine had used LSD to treat their cluster headaches. Twenty-two (85%) of 26 psilocybin users reported that psilocybin had aborted attacks; 25 (52%) of 48 psilocybin users and seven (88%) of 8 LSD users reported termination of at least one cluster period; and 18 (95%) of 19 psilocybin users and four (80%) of five LSD users reported extension of their remission period. Twenty-two (42%) psilocybin users and two (22%) LSD users experienced therapeutic effects with sub-hallucinogenic doses. In the secondary analysis, 76 (52%) of the 147 respondents reported that psilocybin terminated at least one cluster period.
Conclusions: Our observations suggest that psilocybin and LSD may be effective in treating cluster attacks, possibly by a mechanism that is unrelated to their hallucinogenic properties. This report should not be misinterpreted as an endorsement of the use of illegal substances for self-treatment of cluster headache.
Quelle: Syllabus, National Headache Foundation's 3rd Annual Headache Research Summit
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #21 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 6:57pm »
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on Jun 14th, 2006, 4:17pm, lashultz wrote:
I asked my nuero about mushrooms and he said it was the same as steroids, only help temp.                                 lashultz

Well, it's about as far from steroids as you can get.  
Ask him to check out and read the Scientific Information page.
Print out the report on the 53 subject case study of Dr. Sewell's that I posted above, and...
Then give him this link:  
Tell him I'll waive his registration fee ;-)
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Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #22 on: Jun 14th, 2006, 7:07pm »
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on Jun 13th, 2006, 6:34am, Flash wrote:
IMHO mushrooms (and associated substances like RC seeds, LSD etc) are the only truely effective means of terminating a CH episode or breaking a chronic cycle.
Please be aware that they are not effective against 'troll-varient CH' though...
Follow the instructions very carefully.
Personally I find that mushrooms can also abort an alcohol induced attack, and the chances of experiencing a CH attack whilst on shrooms is very slim.  
Most of those that have treated their CH with shrooms (somewhere in the region of 200 people) no longer visit this message board - they don't need to.

Hey Flash nice of you to stop by brother!  Come around more often.
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"Half of the modern drugs could well be thrown out of the window, except that the birds might eat them."


Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #23 on: Jun 15th, 2006, 5:12am »
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On drug tests... I really wouldn't let this stop you.  The chances of getting caught can easily be reduced down to zero.  Here (again) is all the information that you need to know:
There are several different methods of testing for drugs:
Of these urine is the most accurate and the least expensive.  Drugs dissappear from the blood stream much quicker than the metabolites are cleared from the urine.  Hair tests are only really useful when testing for cannabis, the hair test is also considered to be borderline a breach of human rights.
The ONLY test that is applicable to (could be used to detect) hallucinogenics is the urine test.  The urine test is by far the most common test used by employers.  To the best of my knowledge blood and/or hair tests have only ever been employed by the military and criminal justice organisations.  So if you are tested at work then it will certainly be a urine test.
There are 2 types of test that can be performed on urine:
EMIT - cheap and may produce false positives in up to 60% of samples
GCMS - 20x as expensive as EMIT but extremely accurate
It is standard practice to employ the cheaper EMIT test to narrow down the samples before using the GCMS test on any that came up positive on EMIT.  The EMIT test is so unreliable that failing the EMIT test could not be used as grounds for dismissal.  Hence the more expensive GCMS test.
Now for the good news...  
1) The EMIT test is NOT capable of detecing hallucinogenics.  In order to be caught you'd first have to fail the EMIT test.  Provided that you do not take any other medications, either OTC or prescription, and do not eat any poppy seed buns beforehand, and have not been drinking alcohol, then you are VERY likely to PASS the EMIT test, and will therefore not be subjected to a GCMS test.
2) Hallucinogenic drugs are not considered to be commonly used or abused, so these is little point in testing for them.  Hallucinogenic drugs do not form part of the standard GCMS drugs test.  Your employer would have to SPECIFICALLY request the lab to test for these.  The test for hallucinogenics is NOT even offered as an extra!  REPEAT - THE EMPLOYER MUST SPECIFICALLY REQUEST THIS TEST.  
3) Hallucinogenic drugs are generally metabolised within 3 days.  BUT the level of metabolites drops below the detectable threshold within 36 hours of ingestion.  Note this is the detecable threshold - the truth is that even around threshold levels it would be virtually impossible to get a conclusive result.  So if someone took shrooms on Friday evening then they would be COMPETELY UNDETECTABLE to a GCMS test by Monday morning.
4) Better still the doses used to treat CH are generally smaller than the doses used recreationally - this makes them even harder to detect.  LSD is particular is used in such tiny doses that it is virtually impossible to detect even when it's levels are at their highest, typically the CH busting dose is between 12 and 60 mcgs - that's MICROGRAMS or if you prefer 12 millionths of a gram, which equates to 0.0000000006g of detecable metabolites per piss (when levels are at their HIGHEST)...  A granule of sugar weights approx 0.01g!!!  Not much substance there then.  This test is really designed to detect a 0.5g of coke or speed, or 0.125g of cannabis!!!  Even if they did somehow succeed in detecting the 0.0000000006g of LSD you'd easily get off by claiming contamination of the equipment.
5) In the worst case scenario, it is still possible to beat the test with a little prior planning.  The solution is simply to dilute the sample.   This is achieved by drinking excess water prior to the test.  Here's the full guide to beating the test:
a) The first piss of the morning will contain the highest levels of metabolites, so make sure you pee before you reach work.
b) Diluted samples can be detected in 3 ways:
i) Colour, they look washed out.
ii) Acidity, they are not acidic enough.
iii) They do not contain enough creatine.
So in order to dilute the sample, you would require to drink lots of something acidic which contained creatine and was a yellow colour.  This can be achieved by mixing water, vitamin B complex tablets, lemon juice, and creatine monohydrate (available as a dietry suppliment from body bulding type outlets).  Mix up 4 litres of this relatively harmless substance and drink 500ml every hour.  You'll probably need to fo to the bathroom a lot, but if they call a random drugs test they you WILL pass the emit part of the test...
c) ...provided you avoid anything that might cause a false positive.  Especially alcohol, poppy seed buns, ibuprofen, and amoxycillin (an antibiotic that EMIT detects as cocaine).  In fact it is recommended to avoid all OTC and prescription meds.  
Please note that this is all about spoofing and passing the EMIT test, a diluted sample would be picked up on the GCMS, but it simply won't get that far!
So to summarise.  Someone ingesting hallucinogenics on a Friday night WILL PASS even the most stringent drugs test by Monday morning.   There risk is ZERO.  
Hallucinogenics are typically only/best taken once a week in order to treat CH anyway.  On top of this it is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY that the hallucinogenics would even form part of the test.
« Last Edit: Jun 15th, 2006, 5:40am by Flash » IP Logged


Re: Mushrooms
« Reply #24 on: Jun 15th, 2006, 5:13am »
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Worst case scenario, someone in a job that involved working 7 days a week could easily employ the spoofing technique.  Spoofing is 100% effective for hallucinogenics, even if the employer specifically requested that the lab test for them.
Now lets look at what it would take to get caught...
In theroy, someone ingesting a high dose of mushrooms on a Monday morning, whilst at work, and then being tested that same day, and not employing the spoofing technique.  You would also have to fail the EMIT test, so therefore it would be best to eat some poppy seeds, take some alcohol, and load up on medications.  In addition to this your employer would have to specifically request that the lab test for hallucinogenic drugs, and would have to be willing to pay extra for this.  And finally all those poppy seed rolls, and medications would throw up such massive spikes (in the wrong places), that the little blip of psilocybin would likely go unnoticed, or be near enough invisible to the naked eye.
Phew - not easy is it???
I strongly suggest that for peace of mind, anyone considering trying this first spends an hour on google verifying all this information.
« Last Edit: Jun 15th, 2006, 5:42am by Flash » IP Logged
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