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   Author  Topic: My first CH meds progress  (Read 229 times)
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My first CH meds progress
« on: Jun 4th, 2006, 5:43pm »
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Well after being started on pred/verap I have had 5 days without any acute headaches.  Seems like I had some dull pain that I wouldn't have treated with tylenol even before I heard of CH.  I'm not sure what to think at this point....still haven't heard about the CT scan
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Re: My first CH meds progress
« Reply #1 on: Jun 4th, 2006, 8:40pm »
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Hi Soni,
It sounds like the Prednisone is doing it's job for you.  
When you're tapered off, hopefully the Verapamil will be doing it's work and all you'll experience for a couple of days is an increase in the shadow pain.  Hopefully, you're up to 360 or 480mg/day now.
If you have a breakthrough attack when the Prednisone is done, use your Trex or Oxygen and give it a few days.  On occasion, some people need a second Prednisone taper.  I urge you not to go beyond that.  Pred's long term side effects can be pretty nasty.
Good luck with you CAT scan results.  Chances are, it will be perfectly normal.
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