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   Author  Topic: Botox research study, Swedish Med Ctr, Seattle  (Read 320 times)


Botox research study, Swedish Med Ctr, Seattle
« on: May 26th, 2006, 1:15pm »
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Hello All,
Just received announcement of a clinical research study of Botox at Swedish Medical Pain and Headache Center here in Seattle. I am a patient there.
The study is focused on determination of effectiveness of this treatment for adults (18-65) with migraine (and specifically those with migraine on 15 or more days per month).
I spoke with them and they are not currently investigating this for use in CH. And yes, I know it is not considered an effective treatment for that.  
I asked for and was given permission to announce this to you all. They discouraged me from expecting that they would accept CH patients in the study (even though, in my opinion, it should at least be studied in chronics). However, are more than willing to discuss, on a case by case basis, whether your particular  "headache" or variant would be welcomed to the study.
If this doesn't apply to you, please pass it along to someone it might help. Sounds like a normally very expensive treatment regimen and study that aint gonna cost you a dime.
Swedish is a first class med center clinic that has done well by me, I can definitely recommend them (and Dr. Sheena Aurora).
Contact is Pat Barrodale, RN, Research Nurse Coord, Clinical Trials Unit, Headache Research
She has asked that I post her email address only (I think she is afraid of being swamped by a bunch of clusterhead phone calls).
(If you really want the phone number send me a PM)
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Karla Alumnus
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Re: Botox research study, Swedish Med Ctr, Seattle
« Reply #1 on: May 26th, 2006, 10:45pm »
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I tried botox every 3 months for a couple of years.  It did nothing for my ch but did cut down number of my migraines from 8 / month to 1/ every 3 months.  I would recomend it to anyone who has migraines to try it.
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Re: Botox research study, Swedish Med Ctr, Seattle
« Reply #2 on: Jun 8th, 2006, 8:49am »
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I also tried it a few years ago. I had two sets of shots over about a 3 month period. Did nothing for  CH, but did make me look a few years younger Grin.
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