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   Author  Topic: GABA, HGH, fat metabolism & macrobiotics  (Read 1254 times)
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  katycatcm   katycatcm
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GABA, HGH, fat metabolism & macrobiotics
« on: May 18th, 2006, 11:24am »
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I was reading back through the old posts and I found a thread in 2004 regarding Clusterheads having irregular fat metabolism- likely due to that the hypothalamus regulates Human Growth Hormone (HGH) too...
It made me wonder if anyone has had success with bodybuilding supplements meant to increase HGH?
Something like GABA (Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid), for example, is supposed to increase HGH. Topamax increases HGH too. I know I'm in the minority here when I say it has helped me more than any other drug, but it has. I wonder if there's a link?
Along the same lines that thread notes spices and herbs known to increase HGH. One of the things mentioned were Yang-producing Chinese herbs. The only thing I know about Yang is from what I read about macrobiotics a while ago. Things like rice and salt, etc. This is pure speculation, but could a modified macrobiotic diet help? The whole grains and beans that are the center of such a diet are a great source of magnesium. Perhaps one modified to include amounts of anti-inflammatory foods such as fish oil.  Has anyone tried this? I have tried an anti-inflammatory diet that consisted of salmon, halibut, and vegetables. It didn't seem to help but it was missing whole grains and all non-vegetable carbs- which obviously influence seratonin.
Two non-food ways of increasing HGH are getting more sleep (obviously difficult for us), and short sprinting exercises (be careful to not do this without a warm up, or you may risk injury)...
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Re: GABA, HGH, fat metabolism & macrobiotics
« Reply #1 on: May 18th, 2006, 11:33am »
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I haven't taken any of the body building supplements you mentioned, but I do follow a diet close to the anti-inflammatory diet--including mostly whole grains.  I will also supplement calcium and magnesium if I think I'm not getting enough.  I really can't say if this has helped, other than to say that my episodes last 4-6 weeks, which is shorter than many others have to endure.
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Re: GABA, HGH, fat metabolism & macrobiotics
« Reply #2 on: May 18th, 2006, 1:10pm »
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on May 18th, 2006, 11:24am, Katherinecm wrote:
I was reading back through the old posts and I found a thread in 2004 regarding Clusterheads having irregular fat metabolism- likely due to that the hypothalamus regulates Human Growth Hormone (HGH) too...
It made me wonder if anyone has had success with bodybuilding supplements meant to increase HGH?
Something like GABA (Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid), for example, is supposed to increase HGH. Topamax increases HGH too. I know I'm in the minority here when I say it has helped me more than any other drug, but it has. I wonder if there's a link?
Along the same lines that thread notes spices and herbs known to increase HGH. One of the things mentioned were Yang-producing Chinese herbs. The only thing I know about Yang is from what I read about macrobiotics a while ago. Things like rice and salt, etc. This is pure speculation, but could a modified macrobiotic diet help? The whole grains and beans that are the center of such a diet are a great source of magnesium. Perhaps one modified to include amounts of anti-inflammatory foods such as fish oil.  Has anyone tried this? I have tried an anti-inflammatory diet that consisted of salmon, halibut, and vegetables. It didn't seem to help but it was missing whole grains and all non-vegetable carbs- which obviously influence seratonin.
Two non-food ways of increasing HGH are getting more sleep (obviously difficult for us), and short sprinting exercises (be careful to not do this without a warm up, or you may risk injury)...

Some people have reported relief when taking drugs that stimulate the GABA receptors (xanax, valium, klonipin). GABA and serotonin regulation is inter-related to a high degree.  Not sure how it ties in with HGH, maybe there is something there.  
I'm not an expert on traditional Chinese medicine, but my take is that clusters are associated with an excess of heat/yang - conditions like surficial heat syndrome and ascending liver heat.  Kudzu is technically a yang herb, but is the least yang of all roots, and some consider it neuteral.  Angelica and peony are used for migraine in TCM, and those -might- help with clusters, don't have any evidence to say they do or don't. yo-gan
I like cod liver oil.   Grin
« Last Edit: May 18th, 2006, 1:11pm by floridian » IP Logged
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  katycatcm   katycatcm
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Re: GABA, HGH, fat metabolism & macrobiotics
« Reply #3 on: May 18th, 2006, 2:42pm »
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on May 18th, 2006, 1:10pm, floridian wrote:
  I like cod liver oil.   Grin

You like it, as in it seems to help you CH, or you like it, as in you have some rather strange tastebuds?
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"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings that have a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin

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Re: GABA, HGH, fat metabolism & macrobiotics
« Reply #4 on: May 18th, 2006, 5:55pm »
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on May 18th, 2006, 2:42pm, Katherinecm wrote:

You like it, as in it seems to help you CH, or you like it, as in you have some rather strange tastebuds?

I can't say whether or not it has helped me with respect to clusters - I wasn't diligent about taking it when I was in cycle.  But I have noticed feeling better now that I take it regularly - helps with stress/anxiety and reduces inflammation.
« Last Edit: May 18th, 2006, 5:55pm by floridian » IP Logged
New Board Old Timer

  katycatcm   katycatcm
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Re: GABA, HGH, fat metabolism & macrobiotics
« Reply #5 on: Jun 29th, 2006, 11:57am »
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From Wikipedia: "Gabapentin (brand name: Neurontin®) was initially synthesized to mimic the structure of GABA for the treatment of epilepsy."  
Which is interesting.  Why take an expensive synthesized version when it GABA is availible as a supplement? As a bodybuilding supplement it is used for these reasons: ffects.htm
It apparently induces relaxation and sleep, builds muscle, burns fat, reduces aging. It regulates moods without the side effects of lithium. Neurontin has had some success stopping CH even for chronics, it's just not one I have gotten around to trying yet.  
In the interest of experimenting on myself again I'm going to add it to my regimen. At $18/bottle from GNC it will be one of my more expensive supplements, but it sounds like it may be worth a try.
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"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings that have a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin

"It is not death or pain that is to be dreaded, but the fear of pain or death." Epictetus


Re: GABA, HGH, fat metabolism & macrobiotics
« Reply #6 on: Jun 29th, 2006, 1:30pm »
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There is some controversy on how much GABA crosses over the blood-brain barrier.  I have taken GABA amino acid for anxiety, and it helps more with peripheral/somatic symptoms (heart beat, blood pressure) than it does with mood.  
And although they originally thought that Gabapentin was a med that works on the GABA receptors, it appears now that much of the effect is through other mechanisms.
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