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   Author  Topic: Steriod Side Effects  (Read 517 times)


Steriod Side Effects
« on: Apr 20th, 2006, 8:33pm »
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Make NO mistake about it, steriods such as Prednisone and Solu Medol are powerful medications that can cause some significant side effects.
In the last month, I did 6 IV infusions of 250mg of Solu Medrol. It caused terrible Thrush and gave me an infection on my neck. I had it removed this morning. 5 stitches.
Becareful and know what you are doing when you take steriods!
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Gator Alumnus
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Re: Steriod Side Effects
« Reply #1 on: Apr 21st, 2006, 1:25am »
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Damn, Michael.  Even when you're getting a break you don't get a break.
Hope things improve for you soon.
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Lizzie2 Alumnus
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Re: Steriod Side Effects
« Reply #2 on: Apr 21st, 2006, 2:55am »
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I know the steroids are very helpful for you - but I worry very much about you!!  I know I've told you about my avascular necrosis that I got from the steroids.  You're a prime candidate for that if you haven't gotten it already because of the amount, frequency, and route of your steroid usage.
Sometimes, the AVN is a bigger obstacle for me to overcome than the headaches.  The steroids never helped THAT much which would have warrented how much I was taking them, had I know I was going to get AVN in addition.  I spend 2+ hours at physical therapy twice a week.  Sometimes I stay after work and then get home pretty late.  Other days I go in when it's my day off.
My right calf is still very weak  from muscle atrophy after the surgery I had last year.  Though the AVN is in my knees, I go to PT for severe low back pain, which is because of the fact that I compensate with the way I'm walking because of knee pain.  So if I didn't have the AVN, then I wouldn't be spending all my free time at PT for my back.  And until I get the AVN pain under control, my back will never be able to heal the way we want it to.  It's a very vicious cycle.
Not to mention the osteopenia/osteoporosis.  If I recall, you've been advised about one or both of those before.  Causes bone density to be lost which leads to increased risk of pathologic fracture, especially in the femoral neck, hip, spine...  Have you had a DEXA scan?
That's just from the orthopedic side of things alone - Prednisone and other corticosteroids are the only drug category that have adverse effects on every single system of the body......
Ordinarly I wouldn't post quite so strongly against the use of pred because I know how helpful it can be.  However, in your case - you are using some very powerful meds full steam ahead.  You use a very large amount of trex and also these steroids.  I'm not saying this to be harsh or bossy, but out of concern for your safety.  At the rate you use trex, it can be dangerous for a variety of reasons, but I won't get into that here....especially since you also receive DHE treatments...
But the steroids.  Michael - all I ask is that you SERIOUSLY evaluate the true benefit of taking these steroid treatments.  Are you really experiencing SIGNIFICANT pain free periods from the steroids that warrants having to live through some very bad long term effects?  Please think about that seriously.  I'm not talking about a couple days without the beast thanks to steroids.  Trust me when I say that's not good enough.  It's not a good trade - a few days break for the addition of some lifelong pretty nasty conditions.  Know what I mean?
If steroids bought you a month or two pain free or the end of an actual CYCLE instead of a tiny effect in a chronic period, then maybe I would be more optimistic.  However, how much do they truly help?  Is it worth the things you have to face by taking them that frequently?  I've recently been told that the IV route is the most commonly implicated with AVN.  There are actual reports of people getting AVN from just ONE steroid IV injection...  One physician told me recently that I was probably more likely to have gotten the AVN from the IV steroid doses I received more than the oral steroid tapers.  However, neither one is truly safe where AVN is concerned.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I CARE about you!  And I hope you know that...  If you want to talk about this more sometime on the phone, via email, IM or something, then please please PM me.  I'm not even the worst case of AVN - not by a long shot, but it has created significant disability for me at a young age.  You are also too young to ignore the long term effects these meds have on your bones...
Please be careful....  Love and hugz,
« Last Edit: Apr 21st, 2006, 2:56am by Lizzie2 » IP Logged

Jasmyn Alumnus
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Re: Steriod Side Effects
« Reply #3 on: Apr 21st, 2006, 3:57am »
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Cortisone treatments, very dangerous... sorry you are having such a bad time.  Really, over the long run, not worth it.
My mother has been on that stuff daily for years and now her bones are so soft her scull is denting in, you can see through her hands, thin skin, she can't walk.
Hang in there and I hope you can find an alternative med than this stuff to manage your pain.
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Jazz Wink

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  mandymarie96   mandymarie96

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Re: Steriod Side Effects
« Reply #4 on: Apr 21st, 2006, 10:13am »
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So just how much of this stuff is dangerous? I've taken one dose pack a year since 1999, and I took two packs nearly back to back for this cycle. Is that enough to cause concern?
I just did day 3 of Verapamil 80mg and Melatonin 9mg. It certainly seems to be working because I had no attacks for days 2 and 3, but why the hell am I waking up so tired? I feel like a walking zombie. Small price to pay though...
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Jasmyn Alumnus
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Re:  Steriod Side Effects
« Reply #5 on: Apr 21st, 2006, 12:44pm »
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on Apr 21st, 2006, 10:13am, AfraidOfTheDark wrote:
So just how much of this stuff is dangerous? I've taken one dose pack a year since 1999, and I took two packs nearly back to back for this cycle. Is that enough to cause concern?
I just did day 3 of Verapamil 80mg and Melatonin 9mg. It certainly seems to be working because I had no attacks for days 2 and 3, but why the hell am I waking up so tired? I feel like a walking zombie. Small price to pay though...

I think the Prednisone is more of a danger if you use it more frequently and constantly.  Short tapers are obviously not healthy(no meds are Wink) and will in the long run show its disadvantagous but the tapers are just that, a short concentration over a short period.
As for your fatigue, Verapamil is known to cause tiredness and coupled with pain, it escalates it.  You are on a very low dosage of Verapamil though.  The other thing is that for me, Melatonin tend to make me feel groggy the next morning.  Might be because the serotonin levels do not bounce back like it should, being artificially enhanced, in the morning hours?
Maybe someone else can give you a more scientific explanation, this is only my  twocents.
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Jazz Wink

Madness is proclaimed by society’s inability to accept its own infallibility
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