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   Author  Topic: RC seeds / success at last.  (Read 2423 times)
New Board Hall of Famer


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RC seeds / success at last.
« on: Jan 27th, 2006, 1:18pm »
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I am now at 10 days largely pain free.
First if anyone is considering RC seeds read the clusterbusters info faqs on both psylocybin and LSA.
Secondly remember this is just what worked for me and I am not reccomending my methods. Know yourself and use caution as this is not laboratory science.
I am sure many of you have read the thread "RC seeds following squanto" on the next page. If so you know I have tried many ways to make the seeds work for me, some I included some I did not.  
I feel I can state with knowledge many of the effects of the seeds through self experiments in doses of varying degrees under 75 seeds. There is a point that dream state hallucinations can occur. These are very similar to the statements of DMT experimenters (little men etc.), but this takes for me a continuos and daily dosing with abuildup over time.
The closed door effect that Flash mentions seems to dissapear with seeds at around 6 hours for me not 5 days.
The most effective dose seems to be less than 20 seeds for CH and me.
My method.
On the night of jan 12, I dosed with 15 seeds hydrolyzed in water for just 4 hours.  
For 5 days following I dosed daily with 4 seeds in the morning and 5 seeds at night 1 hour before sleep. The seeds were powdered and allowed to absorb in my mouth without soaking first.
By day 3, I was sleeping through the night.
By day 4, I was allmost symptom free and day 5 with no symptoms at all.  
Day 6 reduced seeds to 3 morning and night. No CH
Day 7 morning reduced to 2 seeds and night just one seed. No further doses since.
For the remaining days till now I have been mostly CH free with some mild CH symptoms and zero complete CH.
This morning I had my first ch on a very low scale level for all of 20 minutes.
Time will tell if I need to dose again.
The symptoms I experience now, tell me That CH is still with me but effectively blocked.
My thought is that once an initial dose soaked in water has been ingested wether the following doses were soaked or not made absolutely no difference, and if anything the sublingual method worked faster and better. I generally felt the seeds very mild effect within 20 minutes.
I feel that for me this LSA method works as a neutralyzing issue against whatever chemical buildup we are fighting. Like baking soda on acid.
If and Only if the seeds have not lasted effectively with a single dose then this method may work for others.  
It was important for me to not skip a dose as once the LSA leaves the system around 20 hours the benefits cease and the seeds will no longer be effective at the lower doses.  
 The only real side effect has been tiredness during dosing.
For my severe CH I dont think for one minute that I have a cure only a method of control at last.
« Last Edit: Mar 24th, 2007, 2:52am by MJ » IP Logged

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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #1 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 1:20pm »
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any nausea??any lightheadedness
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #2 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 1:26pm »
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No nausea  
Some lightheadedness when I first tried the seeds 3 months ago. Did not reoccur after that.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #3 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 1:27pm »
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this is so cool..
were you functional when first starting
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #4 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 1:33pm »
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on Jan 27th, 2006, 1:27pm, carriefu wrote:

were you functional when first starting

The seeds made me functional yes.
The CH did not.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #5 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 1:37pm »
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RC and HBWR seeds work for me as well.  Glad you found something that works.  Give the beast hell  Wink.
Best Wishes,
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #6 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 1:39pm »
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im nonfunctional right now...ongoing shadows that never end....
nothing is working , and im rolling up my sleeves and getting ready to fight harder
what can you tell me about these seeds??
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #7 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 5:24pm »
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They are little and round and pack a big punch  Smiley
Formal research has not happened much since the 1960s.
I have been searching and reading on the seeds for months now as well as the research on hallucinogens, I feel like I dont know a lot more than when I started but I am convinced of  the chemical relationships / interactions to CH.  
A good place to start is the clusterbusters site in the link on LSA. Only clusterbusters has any depth of info on the "seeds and CH". Use their links too.
Check out the wikepedia and links on LSA
Erowid is another informative place. Lyceaum (sp) any entheogen site, Even old church documents from the conquest of mexico where they wiped out all  the old documented knowledge of the seeds have mention of them.  
Google will take you everywhere.
Google in Rivea corymbosa seeds or Ololiugui or LSA.  
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #8 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 6:56pm »
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on Jan 27th, 2006, 1:18pm, MJ wrote:
I am now at 10 days largely pain free.

Very happy for you MJ.
Thanks for sticking it out and working out a program that worked. Your reports will help a great deal in the future.
Whatever happened to Squanto?? Anyone know?
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #9 on: Jan 29th, 2006, 11:14am »
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on Jan 27th, 2006, 6:56pm, Pinkfloyd wrote:

Very happy for you MJ.
Thanks for sticking it out and working out a program that worked. Your reports will help a great deal in the future.
Whatever happened to Squanto?? Anyone know?

Thanks Pinkfloyd
Without your knowledge and help I might have given up long ago.
Yours and Flashes efforts at opening this treatment to the world has been incredible to myself and many others. Your ability to team the minds of others as well blows me away.
Your persistence in keeping this in the light is even cooler.  
Keep up the good fight and if ever I can be of any assistance let me know.
« Last Edit: Sep 20th, 2006, 1:52am by MJ » IP Logged

New Board Hall of Famer


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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #10 on: Jan 29th, 2006, 11:17am »
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PS: Squanto is still around. Sounds like he is doing fairly ok. Maybe he will chime in soon.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #11 on: Jan 29th, 2006, 3:15pm »
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Really good news MJ, delighted you're getting p/f time
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #12 on: Jan 30th, 2006, 8:51pm »
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(just remember it takes a lot of "atta boys" to make up for one "oh shit!"Wink  Smiley  Smiley
You've done a real service to us all in keeping such good honest records and passing the info on to our community.  
(I don't want to hi-jack MJ's thread - but I'm doing okay.  Not perfect, but okay.  When I get something helpful to throw out there - I'll post it.
Thanks for asking.)
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thebbz Alumnus
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #13 on: Jan 30th, 2006, 9:29pm »
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Right on MJ. PF at last. PF at last. Clusterbusters do good work again. 2yrs PF thanks to the CB and friends.
Congrats again, get some rest and catch up.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #14 on: Feb 2nd, 2006, 3:31pm »
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Nice One MJ
So glad you're getting some PF time.
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New Board Hall of Famer


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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #15 on: Feb 4th, 2006, 4:06pm »
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Thanks all.
Dosed again last night after 16 days with a one time dose of 20 RC seeds, due to just 1 or 2 continuing low level CH in the mornings. Kip 4-5s without any shadows. No CH this morning.
Life is good, awesome again. I think we all tend to forget on occasion how really good it can be without continual reoccuring pain.
Hoping everyone can find their days and nights to be pain free.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #16 on: Mar 24th, 2007, 3:02am »
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LeeS Alumnus
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #17 on: Mar 24th, 2007, 8:33am »
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Thanks for bumping this MJ – I missed it the first time.
on Jan 27th, 2006, 1:18pm, MJ wrote:
I feel I can state with knowledge many of the effects of the seeds through self experiments in doses of varying degrees under 75 seeds. There is a point that dream state hallucinations can occur. These are very similar to the statements of DMT experimenters (little men etc.), but this takes for me a continuos and daily dosing with abuildup over time.

This I find particularly interesting.  At what dose level and frequency of dosing did these effects occur MJ?  As you know, there is very little information available in respect of continuous/multiple dosing due mainly to the supposed theory of tolerance and cross-tolerance; and what information I have found is often contradictory.
The closed door effect that Flash mentions seems to dissapear with seeds at around 6 hours for me not 5 days. {snip} I feel that for me this LSA method works as a neutralyzing issue against whatever chemical buildup we are fighting. Like baking soda on acid.

I have a hunch that (some) CH sufferers (including me) do not experience the extent of tolerance compared with other 'spiritual' and 'recreational' entheogen participators; but why so, is a mystery. Perhaps it is a case of our receptors staying open much longer than others because there is an inherent need to rebalance the action of the endogenous neurotransmitters and neurohormones that are known to be imbalanced amongst sufferers?
As a simple analogy, it seems to me that specific neurons and receptors can act like a sponge; soaking up what is required until completely saturated, and then the CH stops until the sponges (inevitably) start leaking again.  Due to the paradoxical nature of our disease, some sufferer's sponges need more soaking and unfortunately others leak more quickly.  Too simplistic perhaps, but this may help us understand why multiple doses appear more effective for some, and more naturally speaking, it may also help explain the cyclical nature of the syndrome (even amongst CCH).
Also, the "side-switching" phenomenon has to my knowledge never been explained properly in physiological terms.  Perhaps when our 'sponges' have become completely saturated in one particular area of the brain, the brain then realises that others need some attention too.  Anecdotal evidence suggests that side-switching occurs more readily amongst those who have experienced the alternative route, but this of course may just be a function of the usually more desperate (having tried most other options) sufferer profile (they may just be more prone to side-switching).
Anyway, just thinking aloud really.  Many thanks for the information on your multiple dosing regime and I hope it continues to be successful for you.  I experimented a couple of years ago with a similar "sip-method" utilising very small multiple doses of psilocybin over a two-week period.  I had some good results, but not as good as other more well documented methods.  I shall consider this again in future with the seeds though, if needs be, as intuitively it makes very good sense to me.
I'll keep you posted and all the best with it.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #18 on: Mar 24th, 2007, 12:02pm »
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wow , that is soooo great for you Grin
your success gives others hope  that there is something out there that may help them.  thanx for posting your routine
i tried the seeds the other day, but they didnt helpme .  i did them without detox though.  i am in a detox letdown of drugs now and i am still hoping that another shot at the seeds will help.  
good luck and many more pfds and nights to you
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nani Alumnus
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #19 on: Mar 24th, 2007, 12:06pm »
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on Mar 24th, 2007, 12:02pm, chrisw wrote:
i am still hoping that another shot at the seeds will help.  

Remember Chris, if you read MJ's and others reports... it could take more than one more shot. Stay strong.
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Sandy_C Alumnus
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #20 on: Apr 2nd, 2007, 1:28pm »
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MJ, great news that the seeds are working for you.  They work wonders for me, although our methods are different.  Just goes to show,  Ch is different in everybody, and methods of treatment are different in everybody.
I'm episodic, with cycles every 18 to 24 months, each cycle lasting minimum 8 weeks, maximum 16 weeks.  After my last cycle, I decided to try the Clusterbusters recommendation of trying a maintenance dose while out of cycle, in hopes of completely wiping the next cycle out.  I dosed with 11 seeds once a month.  When my cycle started showing signs of beginning, despite the maintenance doses, I upped the dose to 20 seeds, experienced no side effects,  other than a feeling of relaxation, and tiredness.  
Almost a week later after the 20 seed dose, cycle began in earnest with a lovely K7 hit.  Aborted the hit with 02, and dosed with 30 seeds.  Again, only very mild lightheadedness, and again, a tired feeling.  Re-dosed with 30 seeds 5 days later, and continued this dosage for another week, waiting 5 days between doses.
Bottom line, my typical cycle of 8 weeks minimum, was completely aborted in less then two weeks.  The hits I experienced were the initial k7, a couple of k3-4, and some shadows.  Then, it was gone.  Just gone.
And, to Chrisw...One dose typically will not do the trick.  And, keep in mind, after that first dose, you may experience some pretty intense CH hits  It takes several days for the seeds to get in to your system and do their job.  Hang in there...dose again...and let us know what happens.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #21 on: Apr 3rd, 2007, 9:28am »
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I am giving up on the seeds, after detoxing from verap, and depakote,  my hits became soo bad, and soo frequent that I couldnt take it and I took imitrex.  I know I am a weakling, but I had a cabinet full of trex, and I knowing they are relief, I gave in.  Also, since I am on anti epileptic drugs, I dont think that they will work for me, although if I ever break this cycle, I am going to try maintence doses.  Its worth a try.  If I thought the verap wasnt helping because I was still getting hits, oh boy was I wrong!!!  Holy crap I thought I was dying,  had 3 nights of bad hits 45 min after getting rid of each hit,  it was a nightmare, and I gave in to the pain.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #22 on: Apr 3rd, 2007, 10:57pm »
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on Apr 3rd, 2007, 9:28am, chrisw wrote:
I know I am a weakling, but I had a cabinet full of trex, and I knowing they are relief, I gave in.  

No weakling action going on there AFAIC.
I'm trying the seeds pre cycle, but if I was in your position I bet I'd be going for the trex right now too.  
Hey the trex helped me tremendously in the past. One cycle I even avoided even having one single sustained CH over a C7. Of course I was also on all kinds of pred etc., and pulling the death and bankruptcy defying stunt of up to 5  (!!!!)  full dose trex jabs a day. That's a dumb thing I don't recommend, especially now that I know of the half dose method.
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #23 on: Apr 4th, 2007, 7:23am »
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glad you didnt have a heart attack,  I know what you mean though.  let us know how the seeds work for you pre cycle.
PFDAN to all
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Re: RC seeds / success at last.
« Reply #24 on: Apr 6th, 2007, 11:43am »
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MJ -
I am a newbie here - just introduced myself on the newcomers page.  
I am very inspired by your persistence with the seeds!  I tried them about a month ago, and they seemed to help with intensity.  The cycle ended about 3 days after dosing.  I am chronic, so the cycle comes back every 3 weeks and lasts for 7 days (every hour).  Lovely, I know.  I felt shadows a few days ago and figured things were ramping up, so I dosed with 22 seeds this time (did 20 the first time).  I was all proud of my pepper mill grinding!  Having a tough time drinking it, though.  Man, gag.  Orange juice definitely helps.    
So far, my CH have been at bay - still shadows.  Smiley  This is tricky for me too, because I just came off a terrible attempt at birth control.  So, I didn't expect any relief for at least a month or two.  I am still experimenting, but so thrilled I saw your post with such details.  I am anxious to see how it turns out for me...time will tell!  
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