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New Board Newbie

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Clusters and ph
« on: Nov 21st, 2005, 1:44am »
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That's right, I'm laughing for the first time in months. A cluster sufferer of some 7 years, I have at last discovered a way to get rid of the beast. Balancing my body's ph has ended my current cycle prematurely (it should have persisted at least until January). This could be a major discovery - has anyone heard of, read about, or otherwise know about a correlation between ph balance and clusters?
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #1 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 2:00am »
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No never heard of that.
I could certainly use a cure right now. Do tell.  
Hows it work?  
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #2 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 2:10am »
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Ditto what MJ said.
Please, do tell us.
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #3 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 2:55am »
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on Nov 21st, 2005, 1:44am, Dawerasie wrote:
I have at last discovered a way to get rid of the beast. Balancing my body's ph has ended my current cycle prematurely

This should be good......  
Lime juice, or baking soda?
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #4 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 4:28am »
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Hi, all.
The method is a natural eating plan which I followed for 2 weeks. After the first week my clusters started diminishing in both regularity and intensity. Halfway through the second week I returned my rented oxygen canister to the supplier (in faith). It has now been 3 weeks since I started the plan, and I have been totally pain free for 9 days.
The eating plan is not a diet, but works on the simple principle of eating whole foods in stead of processed, not mixing protein with starch in the same meal, and a few other scientific truths:
80% of what you consume on a daily basis (in volume or mass, although it's not necessary to weigh everything) must consist of vegetables & fruit, preferable raw or steamed (el dente). These foods include asparagus, beet, broccoli, carrots, spinach, celery, cucumbers, garlic, squash, sprouts, red/yellow/green peppers, parsley, unions, all fruits, and sprouted grains.
15% of what you consume daily can consist of protein of choice, potato, sweet potato, candy (sweets), whole grain rice, white cheese.
5% of your daily intake should include oats, yoghurt and omega 3 / omega 6 fatty acid supplements like flax oil (1 table spoon per day).
Avoid: dairy, wine, processed meats & cheeses, white flour products, refined bakes.
Cut down to a minimum: red meat, wheat, corn.
MUST DO: At least 1 liter of distilled / mineral water per day; at least a half-hour of intensive exercise per day.
Good supplements: magnesium, vitamins, calcium.
The theory behind the principle is that a body ph that is too low (acidic) can cause clusters (among other things).
A few golden rules:
Try not to mix starch with protein; acid fruits (citrus, melons etc) with sweet fruits (banana, paw-paw, raisins etc); or fruit with any other food. All fruits are best taken in the morning on their own. Avoid fruit juice with meals.
Protein digests at a much higher acidity than starch and when eaten at the same time causes fermentation in the gut. This pushes the body's acidity sky-high (and causes all kinds of gastric irritations, of course).
Hope this works for you too. If you are as desperate as I was, you should at least try - my cycle has been broken...touch wood - and I feel excellent otherwise as well!  Grin
Regards to all C-Heads
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LeLimey Alumnus
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #5 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 4:42am »
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I'm not at all sure what you mean about balancing the body's ph? I never knew you COULD balance your bodies' ph.. to what? how do you know its "balanced"?Can you explain that in more detail?  
The diet to be honest sounds fairly "normal" to me there's nothing in there that most healthy eating plans don't recommend in all honesty.  
I hope you stay pain free!
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #6 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 5:12am »
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I'm not a scientist - please ask your physician about "ph balance". I am only relating what my doctor told me, that a body ph that is too low could cause clusters.
If you're sceptic, please just disregard the post. I promise you, though: it worked for me, whether I understand the physics or not.  Smiley
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #7 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 6:21am »
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A proper diet and excersise of course is a key to all good health.  
Glad you had the discipline and pulled off a plan. Its great that your out of cycle so soon.
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pattik Alumnus
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #8 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 9:46am »
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Trying to adjust your PH for health purposes is a bunch of  
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #9 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 9:54am »
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on Nov 21st, 2005, 9:46am, pattik wrote:
Trying to adjust your PH for health purposes is a bunch of  

Now that someone has chosen to use the "hooey" word....
Is adjusting your Ph anything like adjusting your wattage?
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seasonal boomer


Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #10 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 10:38am »
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The pH balancing idea has relatively little to do with pH per se. It does include an increase in magnesium, a decrease in sodium, more water, and less inflammatory fats, to name a few things.  Also, fewer proteins could mean less nitrogen, and less nitric oxide as a result.  
It is known that clusterheads have abnormally high reaction to platelet activating factor, and anticoagulants help some people with clusters and migraines. Fasting or modified fasting can reduce PAF levels to 1/7 of the pre-fast levels.  
See J. Morgan's detox diet info:
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #11 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 10:45am »
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What a heap of bs!
This is about the worst "diet plan" ever to be published in a women's weekly.  Sad
First and foremost:
You cannot influence the pH of your body in any way. Nature has provided a highly efficient buffering system that keeps pH at the requited level, almost regardless of what we eat. Drinking a liter of battery acid will probably etch a hole in your guts, but does not lower significantly the body pH.
Some other inconsistencies:
If we should not mixing protein with starch in the same meal why should we Avoid: white flour products? On processing wheat for white flour all spelt and germinal are removed first, the end product being almost pure starch with no protein left. The ideal "food for pH balancing", isn't it? Or is it the word "processing" that will bring pH out of whack?  
MUST DO: At least 1 liter of distilled / mineral water per day Drinking lots of distilled water is one of the worst advice I ever heard. This will bring your body out of whack, not the pH, but the electrolyte that buffer the pH value. Why can't I drink my tap water, it is saturated with calcium ions, do I really have to buy a calcium supplements?
MUST DO: At least a half-hour of intensive exercise per day. That is sure good for the general health, but how in hell does it adjust the pH value in the right direction?
Protein digests at a much higher acidity than starch and when eaten at the same time causes fermentation in the gut. This pushes the body's acidity sky-high. Up to now I thought that fermentation was caused by yeasts, not protein in general. Furthermore, the products of fermentation are alcohol and carbon dioxide. Pray, please tell, how can these influence pH, even push acidity "sky-high"?  
There remains the question why about 6 billion living people don't have CH, despite they don't follow these dietary rules?
If you're sceptic, please just disregard the post Sorry, can't do that, I must protest against such unscientific gibberish.
Dawerasie, I'm glad your cycle came to an early end. But you could as well attribute it to the last new moon instead this diet.
PFNADs, Ueli                  smokin
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #12 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 11:35am »
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See It may not be good enough for Ueli, but it's good enough for me.  Grin
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #13 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 11:41am »
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Give some credit where credit is due.  Eating a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables does bring about a cleasing in the bloodstream when the liver is not inundated with toxicity from poor absorption and elimination.  Call it 'ph balancing'  or a 'diet change' in either case it's an honest approach.
Food combining does have the ability to rot in the gut.  It takes one type of stomach acid to break down starches and another type of acid to break down proteins.  Everyone knows that when two acids meet,  they neutralize one another.  Combined acids do not break the foods down appropriately causing a toxicity in the gut.  You know this is happening when you burp an hour after you eat your meal, and taste what you ate.
White processed flour is the most abused food in America.  The problem with the flour is that essential nutrients are removed from the wheat when milled such as chromium which is a vital component used in the digestion process.  Since it's removed,  the body cannot effectively digest it.  The biggest result is extra pounds. This same type of scenrio is present in all processed foods.
I believe this addresses most of the questions presented that refer to this process as hogwash.  It isn't.  It is a total healthy way to a pain free life.  It even has the ability to delay or thwart other diseases,  like cardio-vascular, arthritis, diabetes, cancer.
Something to think about.
p.s.  I too am a ch sufferer and this ended my chronic ch's 3-4 daily.  To an episodic.  I am thankful.
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #14 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 11:51am »
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Do you mean PH or acid-base balance?  The body's acid base balance has to do with PH, but is unaffected by diet, the body has built in buffer systems to correct acid base imbalance.  To make a long story short it is almost impossible for a healthy person to affect the body's acid-base balance for more than a few hours at a time.
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Jasmyn Alumnus
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #15 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 12:26pm »
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Dawie of Dawid.
Ek is baie bly jy het n' oplossing vir hierdie kondisie gekry wat vir jou werk.
Jammer as dit lyk asof jy net afgeskiet word, maar te veel mense het al voorheen hier stellings gemaak wanneer hulle nuut is, wat nie genoeg huiswerk oor n' saak gedoen het om die aanslae te verweer nie.
Mense is skepties en dis hulle reg maar as dit vir jou werk gaan voort daarmee.
n' Goeie begin op hierdie webwerf is om mense toe te laat om jou te leer ken voor jy net inval met n' "cure" al het jy dit duidelik gestel dat dit vir jou gewerk het.
Groete Jasmyn
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Jazz Wink

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pattik Alumnus
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #16 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 12:34pm »
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on Nov 21st, 2005, 11:41am, brainfreeze wrote:

Food combining does have the ability to rot in the gut.  It takes one type of stomach acid to break down starches and another type of acid to break down proteins.  Everyone knows that when two acids meet,  they neutralize one another.  Combined acids do not break the foods down appropriately causing a toxicity in the gut.  You know this is happening when you burp an hour after you eat your meal, and taste what you ate.

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Mr. Happy Alumnus
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #17 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 12:57pm »
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on Nov 21st, 2005, 11:41am, brainfreeze wrote:
Everyone knows that when two acids meet,  they neutralize one another.  

Not everyone knows this.
H2SO4 + NaOH ---> ???
H2SO4 + HCl ---> ???
Fe + FI + FO + Fm --> ???

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to balance the equations, then restate your findings.
Better living thru chemicals.
« Last Edit: Nov 21st, 2005, 1:24pm by Mr. Happy » IP Logged

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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #18 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 1:33pm »
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For hundreds of years, mothers told their kids not to go out in cold or damp weather without a jacket - you'll catch a cold.  Then the science fetishists came along, and ridiculed this idea. Colds, they pointed out, were caused by viruses, not by being cold. So for 50 years, the idea that cold can enter the body and cause disease was discounted.  Then finally someone noticed that exposure to cold impaired the immune system and increased the risk of a virus triggering an active infection.  So the traditional wisdom was correct, as was the true science, but the science fetishists got it all wrong, because they couldn't think beyond their limited ideology, they couldn't accept the fact that people who didn't speak their lingo might have figured out something of how the world works.  

First and foremost:
You cannot influence the pH of your body in any way. Nature has provided a highly efficient buffering system that keeps pH at the requited level, almost regardless of what we eat. Drinking a liter of battery acid will probably etch a hole in your guts, but does not lower significantly the body pH.

Utter psuedoscientific nonsense, Ueli, you should be ashamed.   It is true that the blood is highly buffered and regulated, but blood does not equal the body.  Why not read some of the scientific literature - like the article entitled "Diet acids and alkalis influence calcium retention in bone" in the Osteoporesis International journal? (PMID: 11446566)  They compared acidic and alkali diets and concluded "The acid-forming diet increased urinary calcium excretion by 74% when compared with the base-forming diet (p<0.0001), both at baseline and after the oral calcium load ... "  
Given the fact there is an established link between calcium and neurovascular headaches, maybe a diet that increases the excretion by 74% can push some people over the edge??  
Not convinced? Here's another quote from another study (this one conducted in Basel): "An acidogenic Western diet results in mild metabolic acidosis in association with a state of cortisol excess, altered divalent ion metabolism, and increased bone resorptive indices. Acidosis-induced increases in cortisol secretion and plasma concentration may play a role in mild acidosis-induced alterations in bone metabolism and possibly in osteoporosis associated with an acidogenic Western diet." (PMID: 12388390)  
So not only does the typical western diet affect calcium balance, it also affects cortisol/cortisone balance.  Not that there is any scientific basis that cortisol/cortisone levels might affect clusters - OOPS, there could be another link right there!!  

Some other inconsistencies:
If we should On processing wheat for white flour all spelt and germinal are removed first, the end product being almost pure starch with no protein left.  

That is an incredible fact - you should publish it right away. The literature concludes that refining the flour reduces the protein content by only about 20 to 30 percent, leaving 70 to 80 percent of the protein in white flour. And while white flour has less total protein, it has a higher concentration of gluten proteins, which make for more elastic breads (along with the ability to trigger more immune response to gluten).  

Up to now I thought that fermentation was caused by yeasts, not protein in general.

Fermentation is caused by enzymes or catalysts, which may be in the presence or absence of microbes.  Green tea is fermented into red or black tea by crushing the leaves and allowing the plant's own enzymes to change the color of the tea.  

Dawerasie, I'm glad your cycle came to an early end. But you could as well attribute it to the last new moon instead this diet.

That is always a possibility that must be considered, but others (like long-time poster JMorgan) has repeatedly turned off a cycle by the detox diet.  While the effect of diet on CH has not been conclusively proven, the knee-jerk assumption that the dietary measures cannot have any effect on CH is also irrational and unscientific.  
There remains the question why about 6 billion living people don't have CH, despite they don't follow these dietary rules?
And there is the question of why more than 10% of the world's population suffers from neurovascular headaches - why do hundreds of millions of people have serious or disabling migraines and clusters??

[color=Blue]If you're sceptic, please just disregard the post
Sorry, can't do that, I must protest against such unscientific gibberish.

In the name of the hundredth anniversary of E=mc^2, then get your facts right.  I expected better out of Die Schweiz on this auspicious day.  
« Last Edit: Nov 21st, 2005, 1:38pm by floridian » IP Logged
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #19 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 2:57pm »
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on Nov 21st, 2005, 1:33pm, floridian wrote:
For hundreds of years, mothers told their kids not to go out in cold or damp weather without a jacket - you'll catch a cold.  Then the science fetishists came along, and ridiculed this idea. Colds, they pointed out, were caused by viruses, not by being cold. So for 50 years, the idea that cold can enter the body and cause disease was discounted.  Then finally someone noticed that exposure to cold impaired the immune system and increased the risk of a virus triggering an active infection.  So the traditional wisdom was correct, as was the true science, but the science fetishists got it all wrong, because they couldn't think beyond their limited ideology, they couldn't accept the fact that people who didn't speak their lingo might have figured out something of how the world works.  

I totally agree with you, Floridian.
Science has a long way to go towards understanding the human body and mind. The whole idea that science will prove conventional wisdom wrong seems naive to me. This diet thing rings true because it includes the kinds of foods that humans have been eating for hundreds of thousands of years, the very foods that we evolved with.  
A couple years ago I went to my parents place for christmas. I remember eating sweets and big starchy meals for a month straight. I also remember the fact that it was the worst cylcle of my life. My family was in the house enjoying the season, while I was laying in my room writhing in pain.  
I stopped eating sugar this year. I got my regular fall cycle, but it has been so much weaker(nothing higher than a KCool. I don't know if it is because of that, but I really think so.
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #20 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 3:10pm »
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"15% of what you consume daily can consist of protein of choice, potato, sweet potato, candy (sweets), whole grain rice, white cheese."
I thought that potatoes, sweet potatoes where starches, as is whole grain rice; did'n't realize that candy (sweets) were also protein.  You also said to avoid dairy products but then say to eat white cheese?  
I'm glad that your headaches are gone, but I seriously doubt that it was due to this diet.  I'm also with Ueli on this one.
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Margi Alumnus
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #21 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 3:33pm »
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Good for you, Floridian.  We HAVE to look at the big picture, try the untried and turn over EVERY stone in our quest for the cure.
I am the first to admit that diet can't cause cluster, but I still can't be convinced that there aren't influencing factors and sensitivites created when candida is allowed to flourish and overgrow.  This diet is very similar to the candida diet (except the sugars).  Candida diet is basically eat nothing white:  dairy, flour, sugar.
For those of you that think this is hooey, you've obviously never done a cleanse or a candida diet.  You'd be amazed at how much better you feel and how much toxic stuff you eliminate.  When I say "amazed", I mean AMAZED.   Shocked  
The writer that said they avoided sugar from one cycle to the next proves the original poster's point.  The sugar free cycle was much weaker than the one where he did eat a lot of sugar (a primary candida feeder).  Remember Flash's test way back when?  Remember how OVERWHELMINGLY positive this group of clusterheads tested for candida overgrowth?  Don't throw this baby out with the bathwater, folks.  Flash got positive results from controlling his candida before he went the alternative route.
No, I don't think this is a cure for cluster, but I sure do think there is some merit to eating better and not playing with fire while in cycle by ingesting things that produce sensitivities.  
I'm glad your cycle ended, and I don't doubt that by doing what you did with your diet, that you did indeed kick it fully out the door (it was probably on it's way out but I think this probably helped.)
« Last Edit: Nov 21st, 2005, 3:34pm by Margi » IP Logged

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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #22 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 3:58pm »
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Wow!  I have enough trouble remembering to eat some days, but hey if this worked for you then good.  I suppose a case could be made that the old vinegar and bleu cheese method (douse self with vinegar and spread bleu cheese on chest-inhale deeply and continue until spouse throws your stinky butt out the door) Grinmay have had an effect on the ph of something.  Listen-not downing anyone-who knows, this may have brought the body back to stasis (balance) and for others eating mass quantities of walnuts and white chocolate may do the same thing.  It is obvious that we clusterheads have at least a hypothalumus out of whack and that certainly could lead to other systems being out of whack. The idea of doing a cleanse to rid body of toxins certainly seems like a good idea, but I will totally pass on the high colonics Shocked
continued PFDAN for you,  
and by the by, don't get too rattled if someone yells TROLL.  It happens when a newbie posts a miraculous cure.  But you might get lucky.
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #23 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 4:21pm »
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I'm all for the food diet and cleansing thing. I cant imagine it not being of benefit in some way.
But Jasmyn or Dawerasie while trying to decipher the lanquage you speak I found a new trigger. What is the lanquage? I got the skepties part.
Its kindof like trying to decipher my parents speaking a combo of finn, swede and norwegian dialects when discussing Xmas presents as a small child. Smiley
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Re: Clusters and ph
« Reply #24 on: Nov 21st, 2005, 5:42pm »
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The "cleansing thing", i.e., getting rid of the "poisons"in the body-usually by using some sort of laxative-some types of waters do this-is an old fashioned, medically discredited idea from thee 18th centruy or earlier.  The body does not "store" poisons and "cleansing" the body of these supposed poisons (what are they anyway?) is nonsence, unless you like taking laxatives, which can be habit forming, but hey, if you think that you are full of poisonous sh*t, be my guest!  Some of the old cure places used to encourage the drinking of urine (and there is a little colony of folks somewhere in Europe who still do this when they get together for their summer camps)-champagne for me! Roll Eyes
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