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   What the ****
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   Author  Topic: What the ****  (Read 575 times)
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4115363 4115363   Bovineguy0  

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What the ****
« on: Jan 19th, 2003, 10:21am »
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??? I don’t know if I have cluster headaches or not.  May be someone can tell me.  I do now after looking through this site; I am making an appointment with my physician.
It started about 7 years ago.  I was sitting in my office at work, up until this point, I might have had one headache every two or three years.  Anyway, I was sitting at work, and I started getting these sparkles in my eyes.  Shortly after that, I got a headache like no other headache I have ever had, and everything went black.  I work in a hospital, so I had a coworker take me back to the ER, and the Physician diagnosed me with a migraine, cool I can deal with that.  Over the course of the next couple of months, I had three or four more and then nothing for about 7 years.  Just before Thanksgiving this year, I got a headache; I had arrived home from work about 30 minutes before, and I thought it was just from stress.  But this headache was different from anything I had ever had.  The pain was intense, isolated to one side, my teeth hurt, my right eye was watering, my ear hurt, the back right side of my neck hurt, my right nostril started draining, just touching the hair on my head hurt, and it lasted for about 30 minutes. I could not get comfortable in my chair, the TV was to loud, the light was to bright, and my wife talking was bothering me.  I took to Tylenol, no help.  When it finally it went away, I was so tired I went to bed.  The next night just after I got home from work it hit me again, this time worse.  Then the next night it happened again, and has been ever since, they have gone from 30 minutes to as long as an hour and a half.  The night before last I was seriously checking out the .22 in the bedroom.  I thought if I shot the left side of my head off, the pain would finally be gone.  Thank god my good sense kicked in before I grabbed the gun.  I have paced the halls, pounded my head with my fists, I go to bed about 9:00 PM, and I am up by 11:00 PM for about an hour and a half.  I don’t want to go to bed, cause I know the pain is coming, but I have to have my sleep, I can’t function at work without it.  Now they are coming around 11:00 AM, 4:00 PM and 11:00 PM.  The only time I have been able to get any sleep this weekend is during the day.  The pain is so intense.  A friend told me to take Excedrin Migraine, I ran out and bought some, I took two and was ecstatic, the headache was gone in 30 minutes, then I was pissed it was back an hour later.  This damn thing knows how to fight against the medicine.  What the hell is it, it has a life of its own.  I thought Ok, I will take the Excedrin about 30 minutes before I went to bed, and I will sleep all night.  WRONG!  Anything to get ride of the pain.  I had a tooth pulled 5 months ago, and I had some Tylenol 3 with codeine, I can take a couple of those and sleep.  WRONG!  I was very sleepy, but I hurt to bad to sleep.  I am sitting in my recliner crying from the pain, I want to scream, but my wife has to work, the temperature is 17 degrees outside, but I have to scream, I go outside barefoot in shorts and a tee shirt, close the doors and walk to the corral.  I scream, the horses think I am crazy.  I think maybe their right.  I wrapped my arms around my mare’s neck for some comfort.  Right now, 8:30 AM, I have a headache, not bad, just enough to let me know it is there.  Had a bad one last night about 11:00 lasted until around 12:30 when I was finally able to go to sleep in the recliner.  I am starting to wonder what the bed feels like, last three nights, when the pain had ended, I sat in the recliner, and fell asleep.
This morning, I thought I am going to learn about Migraine headaches, and learn to fight back, because that was what I thought I had.  But what I have learned has worried me.  I never heard of Cluster Headaches.  I don’t know if this is what I have, but I think I need to find out fast.
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #1 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 10:30am »
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welcome aboard, to me it sounds like ch,but i'm no specialist. you need to see a neurologist for the right diagnosis. me personally, my pcp set me up with a m.r.i. wich came back clear & then recommened me to a good neuro who has helped me out big time. research this site & o.u.c.h. arm yourself with info & you'll be ready for any doc. good luck to ya!                                                     .........2late
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #2 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 10:36am »
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WELCOME! soryy you had to look for us.
What is it-its THE BEAST!Check out ALL the buttons on the left.Pull up a chair and start reading,grab an oar and start rowing!
Again I'm sorry that the bastard is trying to bust your skull from the inside,Don't let him win!You will find something here that works.
       Peace and PFDN
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #3 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 11:00am »
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Sounds like CH. As stated above get to a neuro ASAP and starta treatment path. Get very familliar with this site and all of its features and the wonderful people that post here. LOts of informaton.
Until you can get to a neuro, go by the local firehouse and introduce yourself. Tell them about CH. One of the best abortaives for an attack (I don't like to call them headaches) is O2. 15LPM with a NON rebreathing mask. The Fire Department has plenty of it.
Welcome to our hell.
Silver DOlphins   a/k/a Barry
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #4 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 11:09am »
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bovineguy - over the next couple of weeks you'll learn all about oxygen and Imitrex as abortives and verapamil as a preventative. Welcome to Clusterville.
Read up
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JDH Alumnus
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #5 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 11:12am »
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Hi bovineguy,
Sorry you had to find this place but it sounds like the beast has found you so this is a good place to be when that happens.  
Read all you can find on this website (there's tons of info. here) and find a Dr that knows something about CH's.  
Although the beast can't be stopped, there are ways to control him which is way better than him controlling you.  
Talk to your Dr about oxygen therapy and Imitrex injections as an abortive, I've had success w/both.
Good luck and PFDAN's to you.
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Mastifflvr28 Alumnus
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #6 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 11:33am »
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Welcome Bovineguy,
You are actually one of the lucky ones.  NOT because you have clusterheadaches, but because you found US so early in your disease.  Many of us went years and years before finding out what we had, or finding THIS home!!
I strongly advise printing all the "medical" info you can find on this site, and also the OUCH site.
Take all of today and read all that you can on this ailment.  It will really help you to find yourself the right meds, and to deal with the doc.
Good luck, glad you found your new home and family.
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Mastifflvr28 (aka Michelle A.)
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #7 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 12:10pm »
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Hand in there i know it hurts it hurts all of us.I get  
it in the left side after the ch it hurts to touch my hair.
I get hit 3-4 times a day in cycle right now.
lot of great people here they will help you.keep on reading the post and ask question.
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Roxy Alumnus
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #8 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 1:26pm »
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Hi Bovineguy and welcome to the world of clusterheadaches.   It can be a really wild trip.  So sorry you are hurting, just run as fast as you can to the nearest 02 will help tremendously.
Hopefully, you will find a good neuro who will diagnose you correctly....sometimes I think most of them are dumber than a box of rocks.
Keep posting and keep reading.  Click on OUCH and join.
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Mark C Alumnus
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #9 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 2:09pm »
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Welcome aboard the Pain Train,
Sorry about the head, I know how ya feel. Not too long ago most of us suffered for years, either mis-diagnosed or mis-treated. Today because of this place we are much more able to educate our Doctors and ourselves about CH. You do not have to is avaliable. The key seems to be in finding the right cocktail of preventives and abortives to maintain a quality of life. You and you Doctor will have to discover what works best for you. Be patient, most of us have spent years looking. For me Imitrex is Nectar of the Gods. I wish you good luck in finding the combination. I have attached a favorite link to aid in your search.

« Last Edit: Jan 19th, 2003, 2:16pm by Mark C » IP Logged

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Re: What the ****
« Reply #10 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 3:43pm »
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Howdy bovineguy.....sorry ya gotta be here...take the magical mystery tour here and stick around.....good luck to ya, Pam
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #11 on: Jan 21st, 2003, 6:22pm »
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Greetings bovineguy and Welcome!
Please see a neuro. Fast. Take the bolt outta the .22 and let your wife hide it!
Many people live with CH - you're not alone! There are meds which might help you, so read all you can on this site and OUCH (join!) so that you are informed when you see the neuro.
In the meantime try to get your GP to prescribe Oxygen for you - it'll do no harm and might chase a few ha away if you catch 'em early enough. Must have a non-rebreather mask however. Check out the Search and you'll find  info on this and weeks of reading.
Glad you found us, but sorry you had to.
E mail or IM me if I can help you any time.
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Re: What the ****
« Reply #12 on: Jan 21st, 2003, 6:58pm »
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  to stay consistant with the others, Oxygen, Immitrex, Verapamil and as much info as you can stand to read in the buttons to your left.
  Sorry you have to deal with "The Beast", but, glad you came here. Get to a neurologist, and talk to your GP about the meds previously mentioned.
  Fair warning though......Many doctors are not properly educated on the subject of CH, so arm yourself with info. before your next visit. There is alot of collective information to be had here, these people saved my life and sanity ( OK the sanity thing is still debateable ).
  Welcome and condolances,
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