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   Ch and anxiety attacks?
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   Author  Topic: Ch and anxiety attacks?  (Read 495 times)


Ch and anxiety attacks?
« on: Jan 18th, 2003, 7:36pm »
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Hey folks I'v got a question. Roll Eyes
Yesterday Mary and I went out to eat at a restuarant. While there this little girl comes in with a real high sharp voice and starts screaming. This brought on and instant headache for me and in seconds I'm a 6 Kip. I lost my appetite and went straight into an anxiety attack.
This is the first time I've had noise trigger a headache and the first time I've had an anxiety attack along with it.
So, my question is; does anyone else get anxiety or panic attacks when the beast is lurking / pouncing on your skull?
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 7:57pm »
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Hey Michael, I have had anxiety attacks but they were related to a situation where I was all at sea, could not control what was happening, and could not flee.
They were never related to clusters.
But I can imagine a badly brought up child triggering an attack. I run a mile when I see one!
So maybe the loss of control was afactor for you there...?
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 8:09pm »
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BBear - I haven't had any anxiety attacks but I think this is part and parcel of the serotonin problems triggered by the malfunctioning hypothalmus. Just my opinion. I am not a doctor but I play one with my wife/nurse.   ;D
I'd look into paroxitine (paxil). Riccardo had some good success with this.
Hang tough bro
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 8:27pm »
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Brassbear; its interesting you mentioned the high pitch bringing on an attack. I am just now recovered fom a attack...About an hr and half ago my kid was playing his trumpet trying to see how hi of a pitch he could do. Wow an instant attack for me.... Normall playing doesnt generally bother me.........Needless to say he can play in the garage or the barn from now on. I dont care if its 5 deg out there. anxiety attacks though. Sometimes a little anxious about allowing sleep but thats it.
« Last Edit: Jan 18th, 2003, 8:30pm by Jarvis » IP Logged
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 9:30pm »
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Dave has triggers like that when he is mid cycle.  He has had a light from my crystal in the car give him an instant attack... My daughter waking him abruptly has given him one... and I would think being in cycle and wondering when your next attack would happen would give you panic attacks... sorry you arent feeling so great and I hope it ends for you ree
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 10:15pm »
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I am chronic and used to get 8 headaches every day.  I would suffer from several anxiety attacks every day or at least several times a week.  This has gone on for years.  The only thing my dr and I can think is causing the anxiety/panic attacks is getting shadows and knowing that a cluster attack is enimently comming and I am destined to pain.  We have been trying for the last couple of years to find something to help with the anxiety and am not having much luck.  I am off trying a new drug this week to try to prevent the anxiety.  Since having my headaches stop my anxiety attacks have reduced greatly however I still am getting a few every now and then.
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 3:00pm »
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Between cycles I can get the slightest twinge of a shadow and panic like a ho' in church. Panic hell, its just plain fear......fear of what is coming. It scares the hell out me sometimes, even after all of these years, or maybe because of all of these years. I still have not discovered a trigger.....havent tried nitroglycerine and won't! Good luck Michael, your due a break.....
« Last Edit: Jan 19th, 2003, 3:03pm by Mark C » IP Logged

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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 8:25pm »
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 Bummer man.....noise triggered panic/anxiety attack. You are not alone, however, I get the panic thing in or out of cycle. Large crowds, loud noises, hell, dang near anything can set me off. I have a standing order for Clonopin and Alprazolam both of which are two different forms of Xanax. The Clonopin is a longer lasting time released version, and Alprazolam is the generic form. They have helped me alot, especially when in cycle. Be warned.....these are narcotic meds and may or may not trigger a CH attack. I personally had more problems with the anti-depressants I was taking than the Xanax, when it comes to CH triggers, and neither of the drugs have any interaction warnings so I can take them with anything ( except for grapefruit juice) lessening ,even more ,any concerns I had with medicine mixing.
   I know how it is to have that happen to you. Hang in there bro' you ain't alone in this department.
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #8 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 11:30pm »
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I'm a supporter but I have panic attacks all the time and like Cerebus....dam near anything can bring em on... depends on how I am copein at the time or feel.....I get em when I get stumped on sumthin or think I did sumthin mind goes blank bad as hell tho and makes me panic worse. Paxil made me fat lazy and slobby and didn't care bout nothin...(got off it and over all that tho !!!)....but it did work on the panic attacks fast. Doc had me try Buspar that's more fer anxiety...made me drool then toss my cookies within 10 minutes.....yeah that sure made me fergit about the panic lady like.....fergit that one too !!! My confusion sumtimes confuses me.....good luck to you. Pam
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Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #9 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 3:04am »
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I have CH.
A while back I was diagnosed with anxiety attacks and depression which did not respond to a collection of happy drugs. 3 days after drying out at a rehab joint all the symptoms left. Turns out I am an alchoholic. My symptoms were the result of a fairly steady diet of boozin it up.
Well son of bitch...who'da thunk it!
good grief
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #10 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 11:29am »
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Hey all,
I'm not new to panic attacks. I was a hospitalcorpsman in Viet Nam and I have PTSD from that. In addition in the past I had problems with depression. I've been on several of the medications in the past and got nothing but more trouble and deeper depression for the effort. It has been over a year since I've been of meds or had problems along that line.
Personally, I think the panic attack may have come as a result of not wanting to be seen having a full blown CH in public in a crowded restaurant.
I appreciate all of your input. You brought up some good points, suggestions and advice. I count myself lucky to have found this site and all of the good people on it.
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #11 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 12:26pm »
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I too suffer the anxiety and panic attacks while in cycle.  The panic sets in when the head hits 8+ and I feel I may lose control.  The anxiety is just the general fear from "when, where, how bad will the next one be".
My doc put me on celexa as a preventative and to combat the anxiety.  It worked very well for me for about a year, unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be doing as well this cycle.
At least you know you're not alone with the anxiety and clusters.  The celexa is a pretty good med, it doesn't make you feel any different at all, it just makes you feel normal again (whatever your normal is)
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Re: Ch and anxiety attacks?
« Reply #12 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 4:29pm »
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The two go hand in hand with me. Anxiety is always present but increases a few million fold during cycles. And they tend to alternate back and forth through out the day. Either wake up with a CH or shaking all over from anxiety.
 If you can deal with it I would stay the hell away from meds. I know they are needed at times but I'd fight the bitch as long as possible first. They can become a  whole new problem and it can get nasty. If it's attacks why not go for a downer if it's only needed once in awhile. Addictive, but if it's not used alot it's not a bad way to go. Diazepam, clonazepam ect.
 I'd also be careful of meds bringing on an attack and keep an eye on that factor which is prob related to finally relaxing in the first place with CHs.
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