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   Author  Topic: Milk???  (Read 602 times)
New Board Old Timer



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« on: Jan 18th, 2003, 5:44am »
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I'm new here but veteran in cluster headache - it lasts for 20 years.
Sorry for my poor English & my bad grammar, I'm Hungarian. But I hope so you all understand me.
My headache is episodic, it attacks in every other autumn-winter and it lasts for 1.5-2 months. It's about regular, at the beginning and at the end of the episod one headache in every other days and one headache per day in the middle phase.
This episod lasts since christmas, so I'm in the middle phase. But it was a strange event!
First of all I about never drink milk (only once in every 5 years). I don't dislike it ... but ... I'm not a cat.
3 days ago I have drink a glass of milk in the evening (about 7 p.m.)and I had a strong headache at 11 p.m. OK. I have take an Imigran injection (it's similar to US Imitrex) and after 10 minutes i went to sleep again. Next strong headache followed at 5 a.m. next morning. Imigran again.
In the evening I drinked milk too. At 11 p.m. a strong headache again. Imigran. Sleep. At 5 a.m. a strong headache. Oops! I'm out of Imigran! To tell the truth it was a very hard morning.
My question is: milk may cause attack?
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I have two enemies, cluster headache and English grammar.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #1 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 5:58am »
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Hi totka..
First of all, your English is probably better than mine - your'e doing fine.
I am sorry to hear that you had to look for us - glad you found us Smiley
Is milk a trigger? I don't know - never heard of it being one.. but then again - sometimes I think that anything can be a trigger.
What medications do you take except for the Imitrex?  
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #2 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 6:04am »
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Your English and grammer is is just fine totka.
Sorry you had a reason to come looking for this place but glad you found it.
I've never heard of milk as a trigger but many people have posted many unusual triggers so I guess it could happen.
Welcome and stick around. You can learn a lot here.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #3 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 6:33am »
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Make it three. It would be nice if everyone was as fluent in English as you appear to be.
As for milk. I haven't heard of it as a trigger but milk can be tricky for some people. My only guess is that your not drinking milk for such long periods, may make you somewhat susceptible to whatever problems your body may have with milk sugars.  Maybe it is a trigger for you. It wouldn't be the first odd trigger we've seen.  
Welcome aboard and keep in touch. We need you as much as you need us.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #4 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 7:17am »
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Welcome totka,
It’s hard to tell about the milk. But, like alcohol for me, if there is even the slightest chance that something will trigger a cluster, don’t do it. Our bodies change, so may our triggers. Have you tried 100% Oxygen?
Wishing you Pain Free Days And Nights,
David J.  
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #5 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 7:28am »
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Hi Totka,
Welcome. I have never heard of milk triggering, but so many people have different triggers here that if we all avoided them, we would starve.
I think, as does my neuro that sometiimes the Beast just shows up when he wants to. Somtimes the attack is triggered, sometimes it just happens.
CH is one of the hardest conditions to treat because of this.
I hope you find relief soon. Also, your English is fine, friend.
Silver Dolphins  a/k/a Barry
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Through the corridors of sleep, past the shadows dark and deep, my mind dances and leaps in confusion. I don't know what is real, I can't touch what I feel, and I hide behind the shield of my illusion
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #6 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 9:47am »
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Thanks for respond to my topic.
(And sorry for my talkativeness but i've a lot of time and a 'level 4 pain')
I had never 4 strong attacks in 48 hours and only milk was unusual in my menu. So I must guess it was the trigger. And I don't like to try it again.
About the medications. I taking 2,5 tablets of Isoptin, a calcium channel antagonist (it's Verapamil in the US) It's normally against high blood pressure but my blood pressure is low. So I'm a bit slow and sleepy all day. (Coffee! High octan and low calory - said Garfield)
We (in Hungary) don't use oxigen at home, only in hospitals. I don't want to go to the hospital for some oxigen.
Imigran injection started in 1996 in Hungary. Fortunately I was a 'guinea-pig' in the clinical test. (Wow! Free Imigran from GlaxoWellcome)
And the naked truth in 1998 - one injection is 20 $. It's about same in the US but our earnings are lower than in the US.
Since 2002 insurance pays the half price of Imigran but it's expensive enough jet.
I'm glad to found you,
PFDAN for everyone!
« Last Edit: Jan 18th, 2003, 11:02am by totka » IP Logged

I have two enemies, cluster headache and English grammar.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #7 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 6:39pm »
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I am not happy you have CH but am glad you found this site. Welcome.
I love my milk & has never been a problem for me that I know of.
Good luck & PFDAN to ya. Come back often as this site has a wealth of information. So does the family, including excellent support.
Glad to see you found a place where people can relate to you. We are a compassionate lot.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #8 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 7:15pm »
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Welcome to the family. Sorry your in pain. I hope you have some PFDANs soon.
Yes, whole milk can be a trigger for me. I've about given up on dairy for the time being as cheese is also a trigger for me.
Stick around, these folks are a great bunch, and your English is fine! Cheesy
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #9 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 8:37pm »
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  Welcome to clusteropia, sorry the beast has made your skull the subject of a childrens nursery rhyme.
 ( sorry folks had to try and fill in for drk) Smiley
  Milk as a trigger.....hrmmmm.....Can't say that I can offer much feedback on that one. I don't drink milk on a regular basis, if at all. Best guess is to stay away from it while in cycle.
  I can however say this......Humans are the only mammals that drink milk after infancy. What does that mean? Well.....maybe it means that milk isn't as good for us as adults as it was as infants. Something to think about anyhow.
  PFDAN to you
P.S. Your english is fine, half of us type in slang and jargon anyway.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #10 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 9:17pm »
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Hey totka,
What happens when you have milk in the times b4 relaxation time?  attacks are known to happen in the times of relaxation and sleep............beware anything you eat or drink at times when you will be winding down.
Lots of help and support here.  
Pain free wishes sent your way.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #11 on: Jan 19th, 2003, 11:08pm »
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Hi totka...yer english is better then  mine 'n I was born over here.....hope ya can stand my bad grammer 'n english.....maybe I'd be better at Hungarian....hmmmmm....'goolosh' is the only Hungarian word I know tho....welp....good luck to ya !!! Pam
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #12 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 11:50am »
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I did a little medical research. Milk, cheese and turkey all contain an ammino acid called tryptophane. When we digest this it releases and enzyme which triggers the sleep reflex. That messes with the circadian clock in our brains which is controlled by the hypothalmus. We all know THAT'S screwed up for us already!
It's also why we get so sluggish after a big meal!
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Margi Alumnus
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #13 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 12:05pm »
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Hi Totka, welcome.
Dairy products all lead to increasing the candida that is already present in our guts.  This subject has been a controversial one here at, over the years.  I don't think it's out of the question that a high percentage of clusterheads have an overgrowth of candida that HYPOTHETICALLY could trigger the onset of a cycle, or perhaps individual attacks.
Flash did a survey a few years ago that called for everyone to do a spit test to confirm the presence of too much candida.  Not so surprisingly, a large number of clusterheads tested positive.  Symptoms of high candida are digestive problems, nasal congestion, excema or psoriasis, ear aches, sensitivity to aromas, acne, and, yes, headache.  There are drugs to combat an overgrowth (Lamasil, Difulcan) but the best defense is to eliminate sugars, yeasts, (both of which are in alcohol) and flour from your diet - not an easy task, especially the flour.  Pretty much anything white is not good for a candida overgrowth.
As to the tryptophans, Brassbear - I've always heard that the ones contained in turkey are good for a clusterhead because they DO promote sleep.  Your hypothalmus IS out of whack and this can help to reset it temporarily, when it comes to natural melatonin production which, in turn, promotes sleep.   So, in this case, I think messing with the circadian clock is a good thing.
Good post, Cerebus - we ARE the only mammal that drinks another mammal's milk as adults.  I took my daughter off cow's milk when she was 12 and she got through her teen years without one zit.  Calcium supplements are a MUCH safer plan.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #14 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 3:12pm »
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I noticed that you said first night drink milk. That night 11pm headache. Then 5am another headache.
Then you said next night drank milk. That same night at 11pm headache. Then again 5am headache.
Well, I don’t think milk has anything to do with it.Food triggers are a migranine thing. NOT a cluster thing. Clusters have this weird trait of hitting you the same time of the day every day. I think your normal time to get hit is 11pm and 5am.
My normal time while if full blown cycle is 6pm, 10 pm Then 2am.  
« Last Edit: Jan 20th, 2003, 3:24pm by DougL » IP Logged
echo Alumnus
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #15 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 3:52pm »
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Nothing wrong with your Enlish as far as I'm concerned.
Sorry to read that the beast has decided to start his scheduled visits and making your life miserable.
Milk?  Possible -- seems like this beast likes to bother people in many different mutant fashions.
Welcome to the family.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #16 on: Jan 20th, 2003, 4:13pm »
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Hi Totka...just to say sorry your suffering but welcome to the site...
Im sure you'll find lots of help and support here, I have to agree with everyone, your english is great.
Cathy Smiley
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #17 on: Jan 21st, 2003, 6:41am »
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I think doug may have a point. My cycle is 11AM, 5:30 PM and 1:08 AM almost to the minute.  
I know from my own meager experience at this point that there ceratinly are some triggers. Red wine is a big one for me. I don't even get to drink it, just the smell will trigger and instant 5 Kip shadow.
Margi; I don't know about the trigger or even the certainty about the tryptophan in relationship to CH. I'm fairly new here as you know, but it was the only potiential connecting link that I could find. You've been here longer and probably done more research than I have on the subject. I'm still learning!
This site is a wonderful resource and one helluva family. I learn something and everday and I've met some fantastic people here.
Stick around Totka! Good post!
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #18 on: Jan 21st, 2003, 10:14am »
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Hi Pam,
You speaks quite fluently Hungarian  Grin this 'goolosh' is written 'gulyás' in my language but I'm not sure in the English pronunciation. Maybe you have a southern accent  Wink
And about other things.  
I'll have O2 tomorrow! In Hungary only pulmonic may get O2 at home, CH-er only in the hospital. So I 'must to suffer' from a respiratory insufficiency now by my neurologist's  pulmonologist-friend. It's our Hungarian insurance! Undecided
I started to make a Hungarian CH website. Link is on the left. We (CH-ers) have no organization, club, etc. in Hungary and there is only a few - medical - information on the web.
We are a little bit 'slow-coach' *** in CH, we don't heard about half Imigran injection and we don't use O2 at home ... I'd like to 'preach' about it.
   ***Do you know your 'coach' word is from Hungarian 'kocsi' (pronounce like 'coachy')
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I have two enemies, cluster headache and English grammar.
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Re: Milk???
« Reply #19 on: Jan 21st, 2003, 5:31pm »
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Welcome totka!
Sorry you have to be here, but pleased you found the site. Have you visited the OUCH site yet? You'll probably want to join that one too!
Your English is a LOT better than my Hungarian!!! But I'm enjoying learning! Does kocsi mean coach in Hungarian?
I stopped drinking milk years ago and no longer suffer the painful, bloated stomach I carried around for so many years. I was lactose intolerant, and wish I'd learned of it sooner. Something like 10% of humans are lactose intolerant - it may be more. I'd try a few nights without the milk and see if you manage to sleep.
Wishing you PFDAN
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