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Topic: neuro appointment (Read 533 times) |

My doctor made it back to the good ol' US of A. He called me yesterday. He refused to write scripts for O2 or Imitrex nasal spray. He did write me an "emergency consult" with the neuro clinic headache team. They are supposed to see me within a week. Fat chance, but I'm hopefully. The doc said his malpractice insurance would not cover him for writing a script for O2 ??? Michael
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jimmers Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer
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Re: neuro appointment
« Reply #1 on: Jan 17th, 2003, 10:05am » |
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Maybe you should tell him that your homeowners insurance isn't gonna cover you when he sues you after you beat the shit outta him ;D Seeya, Jimbo
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jimbo, You noticed I said he CALLED me at home. Ever had a doctor do that? Then he had the balls to ask me if my head still hurt! If my head wasn't hurtin' why in the hell would I call in and ask for the scripts in the first place! He made it sound like he was doing me a favor by referring me to neuro, but I think he just wanted me out of his hair. I use to go to neuro when I had the severe migraines and they dumped me on him... here we go again! Michael
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JDH Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: neuro appointment
« Reply #3 on: Jan 17th, 2003, 11:19am » |
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Your Dr is an idiot! I think finding a Dr who knows ANYTHING about CH's is one of the hardest parts of dealing with these things. I hope this Neuro understands what you're going through and prescribes you the o2, Imitrex or whatever works for you. After years of dealing with numerous Dr's I think that I've FINALLY found one that knows and understands a little about CH's. He has prescribed me o2, Imitrex Inj. and Verapamil (240mg daily) and although I'm still getting my nightly visits, I don't fear the beast like I have in the past. It has made a big difference in my life just knowing that I don't have to fight this thing unarmed anymore. I hope you get results and relief soon.
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Re: neuro appointment
« Reply #4 on: Jan 17th, 2003, 2:01pm » |
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Brassbear you should have told the dr. to go fuck him self. see if he write a scrip if his wife or kids have ch. some doctors are real mother fuckers
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Charlie Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: neuro appointment
« Reply #5 on: Jan 17th, 2003, 8:13pm » |
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Stick around. Once you get the O2 and whatever else is needed, I think Jonny or others can tell you how to get your own O2. Prescriptions not needed. Dr. is putz and good luck. Charlie
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Re: neuro appointment
« Reply #6 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 7:42am » |
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I am headed back to the nero on Monday. He will at that time write me a script for O2. He has an option. He can write me a script for O2 or I can use welders O2. This is how I will present it to him. He is a compassionate man, and I feel that given this purogative he will choose the medical O2 for me. I really have not a had a hard time lately, but I want to be armed for when I need it. The one mile drive to the firehouse is the longest mile ever when the Beast is knocking the door of his cage. PFDAN Silver Dolphins a/k/a Barry
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Re: neuro appointment
« Reply #7 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 8:08am » |
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O.K. buddy, arm yourself for conflict, That, “malpractice won’t cover it” line is bull, unless he’s been caught peddling O2 on the huge, underground O2 black market. An urgent care Dr. gave me a script for O2, it’s about as safe a prescription drug that there is. If you go knocking on this Dr.’s door (heh, heh) take printouts about “medically recognized” treatment. When you get to the neuro., just give them the symptoms, they seem to like figuring out… “AHA…Cluster Headaches”…on their own. Dude, what you need to try is one the sisters of Imitrex….Maxalt MLT 10mg. fast dissolving tablet that enters the body under the tongue, bypassing the digestive system, or Zomig ZMT 5mg. also a fast dissolving, subcutaneous triptan tablet. And of course, the O2. I have printouts made up for my Doctor’s vist, let me know if you want me to email them to you. Fight the Good Fight, you lay the ground work for whomever might come after you, Peace, David J.
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David J., Yeah dude, email me the stuff you got. I'm taking everything I can get my hands on with me for armor. I've been keeping a log book with times, symptoms, pain levels, etc. ever since the day I was given the diagnosis. My head hurts like hell right now. The evening 6:00 PM special was right on time.... damn it. Peace bro. Michael
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Re: neuro appointment
« Reply #9 on: Jan 18th, 2003, 9:33pm » |
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Most doctors get their qualifications today by knowing the word virus... You really have to do your homework and find a doc that knows CH... Dave was told he cant have a script for 02 til they see it abort one... So he has to go to the Emergency Room in the heart of an attack and suck 02... whatever it takes I guess... Harrass these idiots if they wont help you let them know every minute you are in pain... I agree about that malpractice quote... what a jerk... ree
« Last Edit: Jan 18th, 2003, 9:34pm by Ree » |
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It's a shame that some doctors and bean counters at the insurance companies won't take notice of basic stuff known well over 60 years or feel obliged (in Dave's case) to reinvent the wheel. At the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of The American Association for the Study of Headache (June 1998) there was a paper by DJ Capobianco (Jacksonville, FL) on the Historical Development Of Normobaric Oxygen In The Symptomatic Treatment Of Cluster Headache From this paper: In 1938, under the direction of Walter M. Boothby, MD, oxygen therapy was employed in the symptomatic treatment of headache. Alvarez reported the beneficial response of 100% oxygen, delivered at a flow rate of between 6 to 8 liters per minute, as abortive treatment for headache (Alvarez WC, Mason AY. Results obtained in the treatment of headache with the inhalation of pure oxygen. Mayo Clin Proc. 1940;15:616-618). Bayard T. Horton was the first to note that inhaling 100% oxygen alleviated a cluster attack, if taken during the initial headache phase (Horton BT. Histaminic cephalgia. Lancet. 1952;72:92-98). An abstract of Capobianco's review can be found at: and it is in the OUCH research library too: Print it out and show it to your neuro. So many big names are quoted, that it should impress even a hard boiled case. PFNADs Ueli
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Re: neuro appointment
« Reply #11 on: Jan 21st, 2003, 11:39am » |
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Can't believe he said that about O2! It's not like you are asking for a controlled pain killer that he might not be licensed to write for, just oxygen! After dealing with a couple of Doc's who knew NOTHING about cluster headaches, or claimed to, then asked stupid questions about why I thought I needed to use an abortive medication, I'm a cynic and suspect the worst about their compassion (lack of) and training these days. There are good Docs out there, though. I have had good luck with my GP, much more than with a neurologist. Arm yourself with as much information as you can from here, prior to the visit with the neuro. Print it out, in case you have a bad headache that day and can't think straight. If you are not happy with the new neurologist, find a different one ASAP. A good Doc, who understands what a cluster is and how to treat it, is priceless. Good luck to you at your upcoming appointment.
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