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   it's not a contest!!
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   Author  Topic: it's not a contest!!  (Read 654 times)
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it's not a contest!!
« on: Jan 13th, 2003, 2:55pm »
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this is'nt a contest or a bragging point ,but i've had these for seven years now and built up a pain tollerance to the point where i have dental work done with out numbing the area, because that pain is'nt as bad as my Ch. the question i have is this... any one have them so bad that every one is a puker followed up by extreme exhaustion, max out to 1.5 hrs. at the most, and every drug tried has failed? i know this sounds hokey but i'm not kidding. it's impressive how pure the pain is. i am 6',  270lbs. and i am decimated instantly to a head bashing ball of flesh strewn across the floor like toys some kids played with. i've talked to specialist and they also are amazed at this. i'm not looking for help as much as i am deeply curious if anyone else is this extreme. thanks..... also thank you for this website, until i found this, my family thought i was a mental case driven nuts by 7 years in the army.
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #1 on: Jan 13th, 2003, 3:03pm »
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No puking, but nightly 4hr visits while in cycle.  on my knees, beggin and bashin!!!
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #2 on: Jan 13th, 2003, 3:09pm »
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decimated instantly to a head bashing ball of flesh strewn across the floor like toys some kids played with

I like that. Pretty accurate decription. I would only add "that kids played with and {kicked under the oncoming garbage truck}"
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #3 on: Jan 13th, 2003, 5:00pm »
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eodtech - "how pure the pain is..." yea - when it hits, there is nothing else. only pain. nothing else exists. time seems to stop. Can't say I've ever puked tho, but have been exhausted afterwards.
Welcome to the "pain pit" as a friend of mine said the other day. pull up a chair....
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #4 on: Jan 13th, 2003, 6:11pm »
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Never puked myself either but as far as the "pureness" of the pain!
Well said!  It is the purest pain I have ever experienced. It is pain that clears everything from your mind but an incoherent moan that would sound a little like the word pain...or ....pleeeease....
that word is the one that first spits through my teeth like venom, then falls from my mouth in shards, finally to slip from my lips like a last request during the bad ones...pleeeeease...
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #5 on: Jan 13th, 2003, 7:06pm »
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i never yakked either, but you still could be a mental case ;D just messin' pure pain is a good way of putting it, i'm sorry to hear you have no luck with meds. i couldn't imagine not having relief, hang in there somethin' will help.                                                ..........2late
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #6 on: Jan 13th, 2003, 7:24pm »
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eodtech - I also get dental work done without the meds, I've had a rood canal and a tooth pulled and it was nothing compared to the ch.  I've had 4 children without meds and this fall had 3 herniated discs in my back (couldn't sit or stand for 6 weeks) but none of it compares to the "pure pain" (I like that definition).
I have never puked but I do get to the point where I'm sure I'm going to.  My headaches go on for 3 or 4 days and nights every 2 to 5 weeks all year long.  When they're over I sleep 12 or 13 hours straight, feel like I have jello instead of bones. I can't eat the day's I have the headache.  Food (except crackers) sounds disgusting but I drink a lot of water.  I also havn't found a medicine that works.  Some make it worse.
So, you're not alone.  Neither am I, I guess -  I'm new here too (been lurking for a couple of weeks).  Welcome to us!!
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Bob P
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #7 on: Jan 13th, 2003, 9:54pm »
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Hub likes to say the pain is "exquisite".
It is pure pain like no other.  Ain't we lucky?
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #8 on: Jan 14th, 2003, 3:55am »
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I have at least 2 or 3 pukers when I am in cycle. They are usually when I get to kip 10+ and am totally incapable of any rational thought or behaviour. My right eye is red and waters and my right nostril streams, my right temple and eye feels like a hot poker is in it and I am sweating profusely and can hardly cope with even breathing. People must just keep out of my way then. I don't even want sympathy thanks Cry
When I get them like that I sometimes feel a little bit better after the puke but not much.
I mentioned this in some early posts here and was told "you have migraines" by some of the self appointed experts here. Bullshit! They are definately clusters. I'm sorry to hear I'm not the only puker.
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #9 on: Jan 14th, 2003, 1:10pm »
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Welcome to the MB.
The only time I drive the porcelain bus is after taking several stadol sprays.  Always makes the CH so much more enjoyable.
Hang in there.
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Roxy Alumnus
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #10 on: Jan 14th, 2003, 2:31pm »
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Excellent description.  Pure pain.  
I've grabbed the toilet a few times, but nothing ever comes up.  So I just bang my head on the porcelain, it doesn't quite have the give like drywall does, but sometimes that's a good thing.  The exhaustion, now that hits me everytime.  Limp as a noodle, jello legs, and nice bruised circles under my eyes.
What I can't stand is that my husband says I moan and whimper before it gets really bad.  And I can't friggin' stand people that whimper, so it really pisses me off....gonna try duct tape on the mouth.
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #11 on: Jan 14th, 2003, 8:46pm »
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"pure pain" is an excellent description. Nope no puking for me yet, hopefully never to happen. but the fatigue is almost bad enough for me to want to hurl. So far even throught the worst HA's I've been able to quell the urge to scream out in agony, I don't know if its because I can't due to fatigue or if I subconsciously suppress the need to do so. The only sounds I usually get out are at the onset of the HA after that I'm mainly concerned with severing m head from the rest of my body. Lucky as well that so far all the meds I was originally given have worked, and I really hope its stays that way.
  Hang in there  
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seemed appropriate
« Reply #12 on: Jan 15th, 2003, 2:32am »
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I first posted this on February 05, 2000
If you don¹t get a clear picture of a Cluster Headache from what I am about to say...I'll understand. Before I had one I would certainly never have believed that pain like this was possible to have...and live through.
At the Cluster Headache's height, my whole being, body, mind, and soul are filled with a seemingly endless, helpless, desperate, cry of "NOOOO" as if
at once I had lost my child, my wife, and all my loved ones because of some stupid accident that I had caused. This desperate moment may last over an
hour for me. Not that I am responsible for the pain in any way...I¹m just trying to describe the depth of despair my Psyche reaches.
THE PAIN IS ALL...The worst toothache of my life grew and festered while I was in jail. Days and nights of unmedicated, unrelenting ever sharper blinding pain, the begging to the uncaring guards, the banging of my head against wall, bed frame, and bars finally culminated in my being strip searched, shackled and transported like a rabid dog to a room with a chair
to which I was handcuffed...arms and anesthesia.
I can still feel the man's knee on my stomach and the pressure of his left hand covering and roughly pushing unmercifully against my face as the unyielding tooth refused to be pulled.The muscles of his upper body shook from the tension as he pulled again and again on that tooth.The pain and terror and helplessness took me to the edge of consciousness as the molar
finally shattered and each of the three roots were dug from my head. The man's fury and frustration were repeated with each stubborn piece.
When a Cluster peaks, it feels as if not one but each of my teeth and every root, top and bottom on the left side of my face are once again experiencing THAT pain...unfortunately so is my eye socket,temple,forehead and even top of my head...each with it's individual spiking...all at the same time.
You probably think that with that much pain I'd be writhing on the floor, unable to stand.... that I'd be screaming and crying. would be right.
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suzy617 Alumnus
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #13 on: Jan 15th, 2003, 5:50am »
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Nope never puked myself but always feel like I have to.  I think because I get so nervous my insides just start shaking like jelly.
Yep, 100% PURE PAIN!  The only way to describe it!
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #14 on: Jan 15th, 2003, 11:21am »
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Hey tech....welcome to your new home.  I've never gotten sick, but sometimes too many meds make me feel that way.  I always feel the "pure pain" for about 2 months out of each of my cycles.  That's when I'm being hit about 4-6 times per day and giving myself injections as fast as I can.
Great description.....
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #15 on: Jan 15th, 2003, 11:32am »
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Yer kill'n me!!!!!
Pure Pain is a classic description. Thanks. Never puked though.
David J.
« Last Edit: Jan 15th, 2003, 11:35am by SommelierCH » IP Logged

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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #16 on: Jan 15th, 2003, 12:48pm »
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for Sommellier:
in beer there is strength
in wine there is wisdom
in water there is bacteria
German proverb
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Kirk Huff
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #17 on: Jan 15th, 2003, 1:45pm »
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I'm going on twelve years now with CH's.  Disagnosed as chronic.  Verap & Depakote helps the frequency but after about the 5th year suddenly I got hit with a cycle that made its way through the preventative meds.  I was driving up north for Easter and my CH switched from the left side to the right side and yes... puking.  Lots of it.  I wasn't smoking at the time (gilfriend's car) so I was eating Twizlers and carrot sticks.  That was a pretty site on the side of the freeway.  The puking only seemed to happen when it was a KIP 10+.  About three years ago I got hit again ( I always get the damn things if I'm not on prev. meds but even when I am it seems like around Christmas and Easter a bad cycle finds its way through) on the right side and pukin' with almost every CH.  One night was especially bad.  About seven hours of "PURE PAIN" (Pure Hell) along with puking.  That was the night my wife found this support group.  After throwing up everything I had (the first hour... now only six more to go) it was dry heaving from there on.  It was the middle of the night, doctors on call said "Well. I guess you could bring him into the ER."  I couldn't leave the toilet let alone walk.
I've been getting hit again lately but only vomiting when the PAIN is so severe that I loose bodily control.  CH's are my worst enemy, my worst pain, the one thing I fear the most in life even if it only last a half an hour.  But I have to admit, when it seems like all I can feel is pain and then the puking begins... Pain puts on a very different face and smiles at me- begging me for a challenge.
Talk with your Nero, keep him/her informed and remember...  You're not the oly one out there.
Wishing you PFDAN
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Charlie Alumnus
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #18 on: Jan 15th, 2003, 9:11pm »
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I remember this well, Den. It's good for lots of reasons but mostly that it's pretty good.  
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Mark C Alumnus
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #19 on: Jan 15th, 2003, 9:12pm »
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I also sometimes vomit during the worst attacks. It seems to be caused by a combination of "pure pain" and the copius amount of fluid my sinus produce during such an attack. The sheer volume of the discharge is what makes me sick. Too much input......
I have also been afraid to say I DO vomit for fear of being branded a bad could that be!
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #20 on: Jan 16th, 2003, 12:46am »
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Just wanted to mention that the puking was a big deciding factor in me finally braving the injections back in about 1995 when I first discovered imigran. I often found my expensive meds floating in the pan along with the puke. This meant I could not take oral meds for the really bad ones, so had to resort to inj. The good thing is that the inj works for me.
Huff the lesson here is never eat carrots when in cycle. There are already enough carrots in a chuck up without actually eating the damn things!
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #21 on: Jan 16th, 2003, 10:37am »
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Some Docs get confused and say this is a "classic migraine response", which is crap. Pure pain, as you said, I think is why some people throw up. Your body can only handle so much pain input without giving something back! On the 8 level and higher, I'm bowing to the porcelain God. If I need to walk, I carry a bucket around. Gross, I know, but at least I'm mobile.  Lips Sealed
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Re: it's not a contest!!
« Reply #22 on: Jan 16th, 2003, 10:57am »
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Never once,felt like i had to on a number of times.But not once.
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yes a newbie,unfortunately not to the beast!!!Chronic - Clusterhead
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