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   Author  Topic: migranes/clusters  (Read 504 times)
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« on: Dec 4th, 2003, 2:26pm »
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i was wondering, anybody who has clusters and migranes, where is the pain with each one?
do any of your  migranes occur behind one eye?
also, how is the pain in relation to each other? any migranes that you KNOW is the worst pain you've ever experienced? (aside from heartache, of course)
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #1 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 2:36pm »
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Hey Bean!  I have both types of HA.  Lucky me!
 Anyway, the CH is by far the worst pain I have ever had.   This includes giving birth without anesthesia of any type.  
My migraines I can deal with.  My migraines are on the left side and pretty much take over the whole side of my head.  My neck and shoulder gets a little stiff with them also.  Alot of the pain is near the eye, but nothing like a CH.  With a migraine, I can take something, lay down and sleep it off.  With a CH I can take something and still pace, rock, bang, and not get any relief.  The CH pain is so different than the migraine.  To me there is no comparison.
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #2 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 2:41pm »
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I got a migraine once from getting a drug trial vaccine too soon after getting my flu shot.
The migraine hurt across my entire forehead. The pain did not even come close to my clusters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kind of whished that it was a cluster. At least it would have stopped in a few hours instead of lasting about 10 hours.
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aprilbee Alumnus
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #3 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 2:48pm »
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I am one of the lucky ones that  get CH on both sides switching sides in the middle of a cycle, and every great once in a while I will get a migraine on both sides, sometimes throughout my entire forehead and back down my, but it ain't nothing compared to CH, I don't even take anything for them, I go about my business, however like Doug said it freakin lasts forever, even with medication!!! Undecided
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #4 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 3:02pm »
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Yeah migraines just go on and on.  But I can deal with them.  I can't deal with CH so well.
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #5 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 7:35pm »
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Hi Bean,
Yes, my migraines typically develop behind my eye.  I've had both and can give you the low-down about the differences of how mine act.
Typical migraine:
* one sided, mostly left side (same as CH side) in the eye and temple region
* often also develop tension headache in back of neck
* builds up slowly over several hours (if I let it)... it usually ends up encompassing most of the day
* becomes throbbing and pounding
* I want to lay down and try to sleep it off
* the thought of eating food is off-putting
* sometimes stomach is a bit yucky
I don't get the hallmark aura with vision and numbness problems.  For many migraine sufferers, the event can last for several days.  Don't be fooled, migraine pain can be quite severe and debilitating.  Mine are usually not so debillitating.
Typical CH:
* always left sided in the region of the eye, but more focused in that region
* builds up very quickly within 10 minutes
* explosive, unrelenting, all-consuming pain... the worst you can imagine, culminating in sharp pains radiating to the ear... there is nothing else, only pain
* it feels like DAMAGE IS BEING DONE, maddening pain... strong desire to bash my head on something hard
* accompanied by burning eye, tearing eye, extreme nasal congestion (on CH side)
* can last for up to 90 minutes if untreated
* usually occurs at the near-exact same times each day
The neurological symptoms between CH and migraine are often quite different.  Migraines usually include visual disturbance and/or numbness.  CH usually include burning, watery eye (nerve pain) and congested/watery nose.  This indicates to me that the causes are separate... CH and migraine are distinct.
I also have been getting some other kind of headache, possible ISH (or SUNCT).  These are:
* extremely sudden, extremely severe, sharp jabs
* occur in waves, lasting about 10 or 15 seconds (sometimes less)
* randomly occur several times a day, or not at all
* pain is so severe, so sudden, and so surprising that my initial feeling is one of extreme panic... I feel the need to drop what I'm doing and run out the door into the night... just run into the night, for no apparent reason.
I hope this helps.
--- Steve
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #6 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 8:01pm »
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.......................jonny  guyflash
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #7 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 8:22pm »
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Sorry to see more and more members, on the other hand good you found this page!
Let me put it that way, I wish I could have the migraines instead of the CH ....
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #8 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 9:40pm »
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ISH (or SUNCT) ???
What is that??
I have the same thing sometimes.
I have never been able to explain it!!
Anyway...usually my migraines last 2 to 4 days.
If they don't go away after that..I go and get a shot in the hospital.  I'm sure there is a better way.
But, believe me..the CH's I get are far far worse!!!
Even though they last about 45 minutes to and hour...I would take a migraine over the CH.
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #9 on: Dec 4th, 2003, 11:27pm »
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I'm providing this link because I think it's important.
(Disclaimer: I do not endorse the above linked website, I just think the article is informative)
Stuff like this has been posted here, but I'm hoping this may help someone.  It describes:
CH - Cluster Headaches
CPH - Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania
HC - Hemicrania Continua
SUNCT - Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headaches with Conjunctival injection and Tearing
Hypnic Headache
I think it's important because there are bound to be some folks who have one or more of these head pain syndromes.  Some of them have clinical presentations that are very similar... and yet they are distinct, with distinct treatment strategies.
Unfortunately it does not describe ISH (Idiopathic Stabbing Headache).
This site has a PDF of everything you ever wanted to know about headache classifications:
--- Steve
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #10 on: Dec 5th, 2003, 2:09am »
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Some great links for info there!
I get both, and they both start on the same side (the left). They CAN  both start behind the eye, though sometimes my migraine is in the temple.
Sometimes I can get some confusion between a low level CH and a migraine as a result. I have learned now to hit whatever it is with Imigran or oxygen straight away as it works for both for me. I used to take Zomig first as a try out, but the trouble was I could be 5 minutes later at a KIP 8 CH and had wasted time not taking the right drug.
Hope that helps
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Big Dan Alumnus
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #11 on: Dec 5th, 2003, 2:20am »
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When I used to get migraine, they used to take up the entire left side of my mellon....
... but I haven't have on in over 13 years....
-Big Dan
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BarbaraD Alumnus
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #12 on: Dec 5th, 2003, 4:32am »
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on Dec 4th, 2003, 9:40pm, lbw wrote:

I have the same thing sometimes.
I have never been able to explain it!!
But, believe me..the CH's I get are far far worse!!!
Even though they last about 45 minutes to and hour...I would take a migraine over the CH.

Me too. I had one of those one time Embarassed.... but the CH has no comparison. The migraines I can live with. I take Celebrex to help prevent them (mine are arthritic - or so the neuro says).  
Aren't we the lucky ones. Not only CH, but migraines on top of it. Come on guys -- it's all in our heads....We can just take an aspirin and get over it - Right?  HuhHuh
Hugs BD
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #13 on: Dec 5th, 2003, 12:01pm »
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Your description/differentiation btw CH and Migraines is quite good and informative. It makes me realize that I too suffer from both. However, I am quite confused and unsure about certain episodes that fall in between. Particularly (and you may notice this yourself this time around) when taking Verapamil prior to the cycle beginning, most attacks "feel" like migraines (this has never happened before, that is, no 10 min onset, but a gradual crescendo with a tension-migraine-cluster headache progression) Most people call this a "shadow", but it might well be that it is a Migraine/CH combo, or that when on preventatives, the headache is downgraded to a migraine or that it only has the migraine component and not the CH component. Confused, yet?  ???????
I am. It gets more complicated. I am technically done with my cycle now, gotten off the Verapamil for three weeks now. Drank some Vodka, and no adverse effects. Then two week later (Thanksgiving) I over did it with the alcohol thingy, next day, heavily hungover and kip8. Since then I have been hit with a couple extremely heavy shadows/ Kip 3-4 / ch-migraine, whatever. It's like an continuum. The worts part is... do I count them and CHs or not. If so, guess I'm getting closer to the dreaded C word. Like I said, just confused as hell...
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Re: migranes/clusters
« Reply #14 on: Dec 6th, 2003, 9:06am »
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I get both. Migraines on the right, CH on the left.  
My migraines get both eyes, lots of auras, whole side of my head, neck, ears, shoulders, forehead, nausea. They kind of creep up on me over hours, and last for a few days. The pain is nothing in comparison to a CH. CH's are so very much worse, would rather have a migraine any day. I can knock a migraine with meds and darkness and sleep. Had a migraine yesterday and it is still hanging lightly today. But not a real biggie.
Whenever I have a migraine, I don't have CH's. That is one strange thing I have noticed. Hmmmm....makes you wonder.
I have been dx'd with Cluster-Migraine Syndrome because I have some symptoms of migraines on the left side in conjunction with my CH's.
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Jackie S.
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