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   Morning Show
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   Author  Topic: Morning Show  (Read 447 times)


Morning Show
« on: Dec 1st, 2003, 1:38pm »
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This morning's tv show included a "headache specialist" and a patient concerning migraines.  The Doc said all headaches are caused by the same thing:  swelling of the blood vessels.  His advice:  throw out ALL your headache medications, and stop taking the triggers.  Your medications shrink the blood vessels temporarily, then they swell again with a vengeance, a rebound.  His list of triggers, (possible triggers):  MSG, alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, citrus, bananas, on and on.  
I wonder, does he know how "cold turkey" feels?
But I know there are hidden triggers.  Such as both water packed tuna, and oil packed tuna have vegetable broth included, and it has MSG in it .   Anyway, it's something it think about, and maybe try it gradually.
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #1 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 3:59pm »
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He doesn't sound like much of a "specialist" to me.  Maybe he should try Voodoo or something.
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #2 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 4:09pm »
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So we can't eat or drink anything now?  I have tried to weed out different things to see if it would help and the only thing I got rid of that helped was wine.  Can't drink it!  I know you can essentially take too much medicine and that will ending causing more HA than helping.
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aprilbee Alumnus
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #3 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 4:31pm »
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I was given a huge list of things not to eat when I was diagnosed with CH, and I just stay completely away, whether they are triggers or may be psycho symatic, but I just can't eat these things when in cycle, My list included, chocolate, caffiene, anything dilled or fermented, fish, except herring, (hate fish any way!), citrus fruits (I love lemons that's a hard one!), I couldn't drink anything except Segrams VO and Vodka, to this day I hate bloody marys-nuff said-I can't really remember the rest, but they should add, like sitting in one position too long, excessive heat, excessive cold, dry air, watching your favorite movie, spending time with your family, helping your daughter/son with homework, sitting at work at a computer all day, need I say more...this guy is a quack, not eating these things may aleve "trigger" headaches, but they're a comin anyway, so what the hell??
I'm done....April Bee
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #4 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 4:36pm »
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I really like how April put that.   It seems that I need to totally avoid the month of November.  It is the biggest trigger I know of.
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #5 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 5:44pm »
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Once again I see the line between Clusters and Migraines being blurred. Clusters are not Migraines and should not be treated as such.  
I've been flamed for saying this here before, but I’ll say it again: Not too many years ago CH’s went largely undiagnosed. Now we see more and more doctors incorrectly diagnosing Cluster Headaches. Maybe it means that we are getting the word out……..
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #6 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 5:58pm »
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I had them for 8 yrs before I was diagnosed.  Before that I was told "it's just a little headache."
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #7 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 6:01pm »
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on Dec 1st, 2003, 5:58pm, Paigelle wrote:
"it's just a little headache."  

And giving birth is minor upset stomache.  Jeez I'm so glad I got diagnosed right as soon as I did.
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #8 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 6:06pm »
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Giving birth is easier than having these headaches.
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #9 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 6:19pm »
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on Dec 1st, 2003, 6:06pm, Paigelle wrote:
Giving birth is easier than having these headaches.

I wouldn't know.  But, I have heard that here before.
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #10 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 7:19pm »
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Now we see more and more doctors incorrectly diagnosing Cluster Headaches. Maybe it means that we are getting the word out……..  

Did you mean correctly diagnosing Ch ?
From reading the board over the last couple or so years I definitely see a trend in correct diagnosis. The problemseems to be that the Docs are still stuck on Migraine dosages for treatment
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #11 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 8:05pm »
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Hi Barbee, to answer your question... No, he certainly does not know how 'cold turkey' feels.
I agree 100% with Marc.  There is a real danger with blurring of the headache lines.  We don't benefit much when there is an increase of incorrect CH diagnosis.  Marc may be right, there may be an increasing trend of incorrect CH diagnosis.
This is why I hate those 'morning show' soundbites... they're 'oh so simplistic', and they ruin progress.  This 'specialist' would probably be more reluctant to say that all headaches are caused by vascular issues if he knew about some current CH research.  It may very well be that CH is NOT a vascular head pain syndrome.  Are the vascular changes cause or effect????
Moreover, the insurance companies LOVE to hear what this guy is saying.  Imagine if this specialist's thinking ever becomes mainstream?  'No imitrex for you!'
BTW, his 'trigger list' is a pretty good migraine trigger list.  Certainly not much use for clusterheads.
I really hate 'morning shows', LOL.
--- Steve
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #12 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 11:15pm »
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Steve, You understood my point exactly!
Don, Yes - more people are being correctly diagnosed with CH's - and a whole lot faster too. Now that CH's are being "discovered" far fewer people will have to suffer needlessly.
BUT we are also seeing doctors diagnosing CH's when they don't fit any of the patterns. I suspect that some are simply saying "CH" when they can't figure it out. If you ask where I'm seeing this pattern, I'll answer: As of yesterday, I’ve been here pretty much everyday for 3 years, and I’ve seen it gradually increase – along with correct diagnoses.
Collectively, we've worked hard to increase awareness. I just can't help but recoil when I see the line being blurred - especially on this site.  
If you feel that I'm off base - take a long hard look at some of the trigger, medication and symptom threads - then come back and argue.  
In the mean time, I’m going to take an aspirin and lay down in a dark room to sleep off my CH.
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #13 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 11:54pm »
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on Dec 1st, 2003, 6:01pm, thomas wrote:

 Jeez I'm so glad I got diagnosed right as soon as I did.

From those of us who spent 15-20 years being told there was nothing wrong with us..or "it's all in you head"
good for you
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #14 on: Dec 2nd, 2003, 9:39am »
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Hi Rick,
Welcome aboard
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #15 on: Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:35am »
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on Dec 1st, 2003, 11:15pm, Marc wrote:

In the mean time, I’m going to take an aspirin and lay down in a dark room to sleep off my CH.

Touche` Marc, LMAO!!
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #16 on: Dec 3rd, 2003, 8:21pm »
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on Dec 1st, 2003, 4:31pm, aprilbee wrote:
I was given a huge list of things not to eat when I was diagnosed with CH, and I just stay completely away, whether they are triggers or may be psycho symatic, but I just can't eat these things when in cycle, My list included, chocolate, caffiene, anything dilled or fermented, fish, except herring, (hate fish any way!), citrus fruits (I love lemons that's a hard one!), I couldn't drink anything except Segrams VO and Vodka, to this day I hate bloody marys-nuff said-I can't really remember the rest, but they should add, like sitting in one position too long, excessive heat, excessive cold, dry air, watching your favorite movie, spending time with your family, helping your daughter/son with homework, sitting at work at a computer all day, need I say more...this guy is a quack, not eating these things may aleve "trigger" headaches, but they're a comin anyway, so what the hell??
I'm done....April Bee

when i quit consuming all triggers, my headaches went from mindblowers to just hurt real bad to hurts but pop a couple of pain pills and let it ride, to the last one, which im still not even sure it was one, i just cant believe it.
 when i used to go to the doc, i wouldnt even bother talking about pain pills,  i used to ask for a blackout pill.i didnt think they would do a damn thing. and they wouldnt, if the trigger eating still went on. it took a long time, but the list isnt really that long, if you think about the potential benefits.
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #17 on: Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:16pm »
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Having Clusters and Migraines are a nightmare somedays,
Things like cigs, coffee, breathing in freezing air are great in the help cluster shadows, and hits, but they can trigger migraines, then to get rid of the migraine you lie down flat and sleep which can trigger a cluster.
I have changed my diet to reduce the migraines but it had NO effect on the clusters, unfortunatly my biggest cluster trigger is life.
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Tara Ann Alumnus
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Re: Morning Show
« Reply #18 on: Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:38pm »
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on Dec 3rd, 2003, 9:16pm, Opus wrote:
Having Clusters and Migraines are a nightmare somedays,
Things like cigs, coffee, breathing in freezing air are great in the help cluster shadows, and hits, but they can trigger migraines, then to get rid of the migraine you lie down flat and sleep which can trigger a cluster.

OMG Paul I hear ya!  I just had the week from hell because of a SEVERE migraine and many many CH hits (alot were now obviously induced by trying to sleep off the Migraine) and when I got up to pace or sat up to rock with a CH, my migraine just exploded!  **Knock on wood I've had quite a few PF hours now and that's a huge relief!
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