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   I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
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   Author  Topic: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.  (Read 409 times)
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I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« on: Dec 1st, 2003, 11:47am »
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Well I spent most of yesterday evening in the ER.   Cry
Those people are annoying.  I feel like I should just say "yes, you are right it is a migraine.  I dont know why my doctor is telling me it is anything else.  Sure I'm under emense amounts of stress and you are absolutly right, I should be treated for tension headaches."    Then maybe they will take care of me, rather then making me sit in the fucking waiting room after seeing the doctor for 2 hours while I laying my head in my husbands lap trying not to scream.  
The tiage nurse was checking me in and I said the bad word of CLuster Headaches. And she says "You mean, you have a migraine." and wrote that in the chart.  I said no I mean I have cluster heaches I get them every day pretty much at the same time every day and I 've had a whopping 12 days without one since July.  So she puts me in a room and the doctor comes in. I'm sitting on the stupid littel bed with myhead in my hands, and he said "So you have a stiff neck? Are you under lots of stress, tension headaches are easily treated." I said no. "Well, you where holding your neck funny."  Well that happens when my head feels like its going to explode.  So he checks my reflexes and dialation in my eyes and says "So what is this cluster headache you say you have?" So I explain that I have had an MRI, that I take imitrex tabs and inderal for preventative.  That they have been going on since July and that the 200mg on imitrex tab I took that day did not even dent this damn thing. That I have spent most of today on the frigging floor and that I can bearly keep water daown at this point. So I am here to try and figure out a way to make it stop.  This is what he tells me "Cluster headaches are extremely rare and do not effect women, so you need to inform your dotor that he needs to treat you properly rather then having you come here and take up space that other people need more then you.  Go back out into the lobby, and once you are checked in we will get you a shot."   I wanted to beat the crap out of him.   Angry That was at 5:30 I got my shot at 7:30 and finally got home close to 9pm.  
My God, there has to be another way.  I see my doctor next Monday and hopefully I can get into see a neuro.  But at least I am seeing a trend I guess.  After 6 weeks of getting hit daily I have ended up twice now in the ER.  Last time after my ER trip, 5 weeks later I got 12 days PF.  At this point I am looking forward to that break.    Cry
Hoping that everyone else is PF...
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The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. - Carl Rogers


Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #1 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 12:01pm »
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God, I hate idiots.  What a bunch of losers.  Those are the type of people that really make me sick.  Hang in there kiddo.
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #2 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 12:08pm »
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That's it! I'm taking leaflets to emerg and stapling the hell out of their walls...Maybe some of these clueless "professionals" will wake up! Doesn't affect women indeed!!! What a crock of BS coming out of some jerks mouth that has been in school for over 20 friggin years!
Ignorance may be bliss for some...but definately not for us!
I'm being grumpy with you because I've had one since 3am...not much relief...O2 takes off the edge, but not aborting this time, shit! Angry
I got a shot of morphene in the ass after 3 hours in emerg on my last trip in...all I got was a sore ass from Olga the nurse from HELL usin' my butt for a dartboard!!!
I feel your pain girl...really I do Embarassed Undecided
Grrrrrr I feel rotten!
Hope U feelin better soon!
PF wishes for you!
« Last Edit: Dec 1st, 2003, 12:09pm by mikeyd » IP Logged

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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #3 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 12:24pm »
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If you are forced to use the ER then print out and take in with you the material on the OUCH site on educating the doctor.  
Take a look at:  
We must accept the reality that we are a MINORITY group. Most doc will never get any education on cluster and we need to guide them--until, if we are fortunate, we can find a good person to care for us.
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Bob Johnson
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #4 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 12:31pm »
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That blows!!  I can't believe what I just read!  Its incredible that we have the internet and more information that is accessible these days, you'd think that stinkin "doctor" would go to his computer and look it up!!  I am so sorry you had to go through that!
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ClusterChuck Alumnus
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #5 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 12:50pm »
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on Dec 1st, 2003, 12:24pm, Bob_Johnson wrote:
We must accept the reality that we are a MINORITY group. Most doc will never get any education on cluster and we need to guide them

I agree with Bob.  I would write a letter to the head of the hospital describing exactly the way you were treated.  Then put in some information and possibly links where they can learn.
After that, pull out the trusty "educator" ... a baseball bat!
Vibes and prayers heading your way.
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #6 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 12:52pm »
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Tianna next Time you get hit and have nothing and just need to get rid of the beast,.... go to your local fire department and ask them if you can breathe on their 02 for 15 minutes at 15 mils per flow will get much quicker help. I have done this before when I was desperate...I will not go to the ER and deal with asseholes when I am in agony. The firemen are much much nicer, and they tend to you in seconds as apposed to hours.Granted it's not an imitrex injection..but hey!
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #7 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 12:55pm »
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That does suck but I must play devils advocate here. What we suffer from is RARE and an ER doc is trained in general medicine and trauma (bullet wounds, deep cuts, etc). It does get very frustrating but we cannot expect every doctor to be educated on every subject. If you went to the er with Narcolepsy they may think you are just tired (poor example i know). I work at a hospital and understand the atttitude and condencendance that comes from the medical community. That is the part that needs fixing. A compassionate staff who is uneducated but willing to listen is very rare but what is really the issue here.
I would suggest you keep your printouts handy and talk to your neuro about the situation. If you have a "good" neuro he or she will be willing to give you an emergency number that you can call when heading to the ER. They in turn can then call ahead and prepare the staff for your impending visit.
Yes it sucks and I do understand but again, ER staff and docs are not specialists by any streatch of the imagination.
Hope this helps, really do.
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #8 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 1:46pm »
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I hate the ER, too.  I once waited over 6 hours before being seen.  Imagine thinking that a gun shot wound was more painful and important than my little "headache".  I always end up showing up at the peak of some massive flu outbreak with people coughing all over and I'm thinking "Great now I can have a bugger of a headache and the flu."  At least one is treatable.
I transferred to another doctor after the macho pig I used to see also said that women couldn't get cluster headaches.  So my new doctor is at this tiny little hospital out in the country.  The directions actually are "we are one mile past the feed store on Route 100".  But what a difference it made.  The people there are just sweet.  They see me coming and empty a room for me and turn off all the lights.  They don't shine bright lights in my eyes any more, they just ask what I think will help and give it to me.  Right now we are doing Demerol injections with Prednisone added.  It gets me through the next twelve hours and then I'm back, but they always just whish me right in.  Your story makes me ever so grateful for the staff at my little hospital.  I may send them all flowers.
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #9 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 2:56pm »
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on Dec 1st, 2003, 1:46pm, Madame_DeFarge wrote:
 I may send them all flowers.

Good idea.  Welcome aboard.
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #10 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 8:20pm »
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I wanted to beat the crap out of him

Get in line.  Angry
We need to do what epileptics do. Because I have seizures, I carry in my wallet a printed card that many of us have. I'd scan it but it's a mess and I need a new one. It's red and white with a big white cross and says this in big letters:
I HAVE EPILEPSY (convulsions, "fits" ) If found unconscious or behaving abnormally, my condition is NOT DUE TO DRINKING-but probably due to an epileptic fit.  
The reverse has other info like my name and address, telephone, close relative, and my doctor and phone. Some cards list medications and other information as well.  
Clusterheads need something like this. Even if it's homemade, it will help. O.U.C.H. and what it is would be damn helpful too. So would
You might state that you are not a drug addict nor are you in an ER for migraines. You have been professionally diagnosed with CH, you understand it and know too well the symptoms. You are looking for some abortive therapy, not a fix.----- Maybe you can find a doctor who will let you use him as a reference, phone, etc.  Other info such as drugs and things like O2 therapy might be mentioned.  Maybe other email addresses.
A few others have done something like this, I believe. I should think that after creating a card, you might be able to get it laminated at places that make rubber stamps and the like.  The more professional the better.  Maybe there are blanks of some kind on line that you can use or other help.
The idea is that you can at least hand it to the staff and it will have enough relevant information for them to pay attention and not wander around second-guessing your reasons for being there. Even if it isn't professional, it will show that you know what you're doing.
Has OUCH gone anywhere with this at all? I know I and Hap have tossed this thing around a bit in earlier posts. He scanned something once as well.
Vent away. It's something I recommend.  
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #11 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 9:51pm »
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Been there, done that.  Sorry that you had to go through it.  I definately agree to write a letter to the hospital administrator.  And maybe the hospital educator.  They need to do an inservice on clusters.  Gosh, I am an RN.  Maybe I could do inservices at our local hospitals.????  Wonder if that is possible.  Someone needs to do it.  Wish I was rich, and had time to go on a major mission.
Anyway, hope you are feeling better soon.
Feeling your frustration....little deb Smiley Angry
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #12 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 10:48pm »
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on Dec 1st, 2003, 8:20pm, Charlie wrote:

Get in line.  Angry
We need to do what epileptics do. Because I have seizures, I carry in my wallet a printed card that many of us have. I'd scan it but it's a mess and I need a new one. It's red and white with a big white cross and says this in big letters:
I HAVE EPILEPSY (convulsions, "fits" ) If found unconscious or behaving abnormally, my condition is NOT DUE TO DRINKING-but probably due to an epileptic fit.  
The reverse has other info like my name and address, telephone, close relative, and my doctor and phone. Some cards list medications and other information as well.  
Clusterheads need something like this. Even if it's homemade, it will help. O.U.C.H. and what it is would be damn helpful too. So would
You might state that you are not a drug addict nor are you in an ER for migraines. You have been professionally diagnosed with CH, you understand it and know too well the symptoms. You are looking for some abortive therapy, not a fix.----- Maybe you can find a doctor who will let you use him as a reference, phone, etc.  Other info such as drugs and things like O2 therapy might be mentioned.  Maybe other email addresses.
A few others have done something like this, I believe. I should think that after creating a card, you might be able to get it laminated at places that make rubber stamps and the like.  The more professional the better.  Maybe there are blanks of some kind on line that you can use or other help.
The idea is that you can at least hand it to the staff and it will have enough relevant information for them to pay attention and not wander around second-guessing your reasons for being there. Even if it isn't professional, it will show that you know what you're doing.
Has OUCH gone anywhere with this at all? I know I and Hap have tossed this thing around a bit in earlier posts. He scanned something once as well.
Vent away. It's something I recommend.  

...dammit charlie, this is something that REALLY needs to be done: the laminated card, i mean.... i will make this a subject that OUCH needs to address, and if i am elected to the dubious-and-yet-highly-nondescript position of Vice President... and i will DAILY harangue you and MrHappy to come up with something that LOOKS official and COMMANDS the ATTENTION of EmergencyRoom nurses and OtherPersonsWhoHaveOurSufferingOnTheir *LIST-of-THINGS-TO-ATTEND-TO.......LATER....*
(seriously, i WILL do my best to make this another TOOL we may use to get some relief and respect when the MOFO makes us take that trip to the ER....
with respect to those who are hurting TONIGHT......
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #13 on: Dec 1st, 2003, 11:10pm »
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Maybe I could do inservices at our local hospitals.????  Wonder if that is possible.  Someone needs to do it.

This is what needs to be done.  This was discussed with Albert Gutierrez (CEO of Shore Memorial Hospital) at our last PA/NJ Chapter meeting.  This is why we need OUCH!  We need to organize, and accomplish this.  But it's going to need to be done on a local level... this is where local chapters become very important, to make alliances with hospitals.
--- Steve
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #14 on: Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:21am »
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OMG - I had no idea that my Vent would become a rallying point for people. That is great though.  If you want any help on the card. I believe that my mother has something that we can use as a template or one of the gals that I work with has Diabieteis, maybe we can look at that.  
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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #15 on: Dec 2nd, 2003, 4:08pm »
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I too, like many of you, went years misdiagnosed.  Even had very painful sinus surgery.  Ignorance by doctors I can understand, but cocky arrogance is infuriating.  What's worse is my wife used to believe highly in doctors but over the years I see them as chemists and mechanics who work on the human body - they are hardly omniscient and omnipotent.
Ultimately many of us CH must treat ourselves.
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ER stuff
« Reply #16 on: Dec 2nd, 2003, 5:01pm »
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A pretty good idea from Rev DeFord when the ER craps on your cracker:;acti on=display;num=1064775566;start=0#0

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Re: I HATE ER People... Sorry venting.
« Reply #17 on: Dec 2nd, 2003, 5:42pm »
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That really sucks T.  I'm not sure how I would handle a situation like that.  Most likely,  the police would have been involved  Angry
I guess  I was lucky when I had to go the ER a month ago.  The doctor and staff all knew what CH is and had me in a room in just a couple of minutes.  Gave me 02 and asked me if I wanted a shot.
I think the I.D. card is a good idea.  I already carry a card in my wallet that my nuero gave me that indicates what my condition is.  Its really just a type-written note from my Doc., but it seemed to do the trick.
Tension headache ...whada maroon!
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