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   The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try again)
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   Author  Topic: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try again)  (Read 338 times)


The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try again)
« on: Nov 18th, 2003, 5:59pm »
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Okay, try this again.
Been through a lot of hell lately physically. Besides being chronic with CH, CPH and chronic head pain, I have been having episodes of temporary blindness, partial limb paralysis, and 2 weeks ago awoke in agony with the whole right side of my body, like half of me had been dipped in fire. Everything that my leg or arm or side touched – it was like a shock. Lasted about 3 hours; scared the hell out of me.
Been going to new neuro, getting lots of tests done, and when I went into his office Monday afternoon, I was in bad shape. In everything I do I am kind of a workaholic. I have missed many days at my bands studio, and spent last week catching up, and trying to get production underway with a new recording system we now have to learn. Had been awake for almost 3 days straight when I got home at 3am Monday morn from the studio. They wanted me to stay through, and I was supposed to go back yesterday after appt. but…
Slept 2 hours, woke up with massive 2 hour CH. Right before going to hospital, I was looking in my end table and found some Imitrex. Jammin! That is info I could have used ABOUT 2 DAMN HOURS AGO! Anyway, go for my stuff at the hospital early morn, and learn I am high risk for stroke, plus anemic, and basically a slap in the face for my unhealthy lifestyle (ie: Days of not eating, incessant smoking, days of sleep deprivation with no real pattern for sleep, MAJOR consumption of mountain dew, but can’t even make myself get drunk anymore…lost my beer ambition quite awhile back, and not adhering to meds.)
Ah, the best part – YOU’LL LOVE THIS!
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #1 on: Nov 18th, 2003, 5:59pm »
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Part two:
I go to the neuro’s office. I am wiped, and my brain is like a blender. This place is cold and the workers are like Stepford-like zombies who don’t even bother to smile. When I get in, I am worried that when they take my blood pressure they might try to admit me for heart palpitations…as I had been having them all day. They never took my blood pressure – at the NEURO’S OFFICE! Doc comes in, I am nervous as hell bracing myself for whatever it is he has to tell me. Well, I am sure my fellow clusterheads will understand that having a condition that leaves no mark so to speak can lead to confusion.
“Well um, it looks like all the tests came back okay.”
Every question I asked, he was just like “Uh, I don’t know.” Have had several scans and MRI crap the last few weeks, and he asks “We did the MRI’s on your brain, have you had any done on your neck?”
”Doc, you have my records right there. What does it show?”
”Hm, we’ll order a nerve scan of your right side of limbs and an MRI of the neck.”
Within less than 3-4 minutes, I am whisked to the ‘checkout line’. This was just classic. There were 3 ladies standing up there with me when the lady calls the hospital to order the tests. I am speechless, miffed, confused – blah fricken blah!  I hear the lady say “Yes a nerve study of the left arm and left leg…” – I lost it, in my own way (Not violent or threatening – but biting sarcasm…only remember bits of what was said, should’ve recorded that tyrade!)
I stepped back and pointed at my body “Um, left? Oh yeah, right? – Excuse me ma’am, hold on a sec.” I see the Doc in the hall “Doc – get down here!” He comes down. I get animated and start pointing at my limbs.
“Not the lefty’s but the righty’s. The right arm and leg!!!”
“Oh yeah, right arm and leg.” He tells the lady, she gets back on the phone for about 10 minutes while I ranted.
“Man, you think when a doc opens you up he knows what he is doing but instead they are like ‘Hm what is that? Never saw one before. Oh well, what was it I was doin?’  
I’d like to think if I am sedated for a simple procedure that I don’t risk waking up with my trouser mouse accidently de-squeaked!
Hey doc, which ventricle are we sewing, the red or blue one?
‘Oh, lemme see, it could be red, as it usually is in these cases.’
That is just a few things I remember saying. Spouted them off so fast I shocked myself.
When I go for these tests, I am making sure they are sent to my GP also, and when the results come back I am gonna call the neuros office and say “Tell Dr Ron Welch I will no longer be requiring his services as I have decided to seek professional neurological help.”
When I see my GP next week, I am gonna tell him  “Send me to someone who KNOWS what in the hell they are doing and actually has a fricken interest in a patients case – like yourself!”  I have to say, I have the best gp I could have ever hoped for.
So now, the big battle is on! Been almost 24 hours since my last cigarette, and trying to get into a cycle of eating, sleeping and taking meds again. It already isn’t cooperating, and I stayed at my bros house battling a monsoon rain storm that flooded his basement ferociously. Then I go by my apartment to grab paperwork and find that a window leaked severely and water flooded my living room. I have no renters insurance, and basically just wanted to cry. Came back here, tried to take a nap – knock, knock – guess who? Sis in law said I might have been out for 45 minutes, but then I was up for the Imitrex! Will try to sleep right tonight, but we are expecting torrential rains for this area, this basement is the poseiden (minus Shelley Long) and I have to get ahold of my landlord when he gets home from work about the mess. Meanwhile – guess where I am SUPPOSED TO BE?
My band is getting pissed that I am absent, and will really love it when I tell them the ‘living there and driving myself batty’ is not an option. I will come and work, but have to have an end to the day. Otherwise, I don’t get this shit under control, there might not be any more band for me. Clusters ruined me twice, but now I am up against something else and have no more of a fucking clue as to what it is than I did a month ago.  
Anyway, OUCHFest is gonna be a mess I am afraid. Yes, it will be my fault. I can’t even find any fricken volunteers to do the shit I need done, and I can’t even keep up with myself anymore. I am one person doing way too many things, but I guess I fear if I don’t do them now, I won’t get another chance to. I am still not even clear now if Powertrip is really off the bill, or will show up to play. I’m just gonna go do what I set out to do, have fun, say fuckit I tried, and who knows? Maybe I am wrong and it will turn into an awesome event. SOMETHING has to go right just once, doesn’t it?
Peace, I’ll shut up now.
Carl D
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #2 on: Nov 18th, 2003, 6:01pm »
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Um, okay - why in the HELL did all of the fricken qoutation marks and stuff turn out &PHJKBOUIUGbv instead of a " or ' or ! ??????
Carl D
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #3 on: Nov 18th, 2003, 6:05pm »
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Thats from the "Word" thingy or whatever you used dude.
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #4 on: Nov 18th, 2003, 7:24pm »
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J is right, if you pretype in a word processing package and paste it in, the code gets all mashed up (technical terms are beyond me!).
Think it may work if you type onto an email then cut and paste but I haven't tried this myself.
Perhaps I should then I might modify what I say more!
« Last Edit: Nov 18th, 2003, 7:26pm by pubgirl » IP Logged
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #5 on: Nov 18th, 2003, 7:37pm »
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Sorry your going thru so much crap lately. It really does sound quite overwhelming.
The pains you describe reminded me of when Dave Edmond (sorry not so sure of the last name) was posting about his legs and arms.  But I dont even know if he ever found out what it was. Just seems very familiar. I'm sorry I cant find it right now.
Hope you find some peace and pf time real soon,
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #6 on: Nov 18th, 2003, 11:56pm »
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Wow Carl.....
I would say the last 2 weeks have been hell for you.
So sorry you are having all these problems.
One thing you said in your post really caught my attention.  You mentioned having heart palpitations.  Don't know how many of those Mountain Dews you drink a day, but that could be your problem with the palpitations.  My husband recently went thru all sorts of testing and also an angiogram for palpitations.  Found out that nothing was wrong w/his heart.  However, the high content of caffeine in the Mountain Dew had given him a MAJOR caffeine rush.  Cardiologist confirmed that the Mountain Dew can and will cause the heart to do weird things.  After 2 or 3 weeks of going back and forth for all these tests.........only to discover that the Mountain Dew was the culprit!  He was drinking 5 or 6 of them a day.  When he stopped the Mountain Dew...everything went back to normal.  (Just thought I would share that with you)
Sure hope you get everything squared away.
In the meanwhile....sending you lotz of pf vibes.
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #7 on: Nov 19th, 2003, 12:13am »
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Yup Mountain dew will certainly cause that !!! I was designated driver one nite and decided ta drink the time it was time ta leave I wished I was drunk......I was afraid to drive I was so jittery with bad heart skips like crazy and it made me feel crappy when it'd skip real bad in sessions. I never drank that stuff agin and I am a diet pepsi-holic and don't have a problem like that. Can't ya just try and make the Nashville convention Carl verses worrry bout the OUCH fest with all you have been goin thru.......cuz that's alot you've dealt with let alone worry bout the 'fest deal on top of it all. Git yerself on a program....and hope ya find sum answers ! Jus a thought. Pam that did the mountain dew jitter bug
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #8 on: Nov 19th, 2003, 8:00am »
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    So many problems, there has got to be something the docs missed. I hope they find it for you. Of course bad living can do a lot of strange things too.  
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Re: The wicked bad strange stuff happening (try ag
« Reply #9 on: Nov 19th, 2003, 10:47am »
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Tie all of your band buddies up and make them read some of these postings about what we go thru...people just don't gettt it. Sorry to hear things are so overwhelming for you. CH's are so baddddddd when you have to try and make ends meet. I can't hold a steady job either for that reason *CH's* so I started working at home...that way I can work when I feel like I can work, not because I have to. I am a single parent with two boys 11 & 13, computer repairs, building, upgrading and programming, house construction and vehicle mechanics. It's nice to have all the work I have, it's another thing to be able to find the time to do it between CH's. Yes, it can be overwhelming and I'm sure that the stress doesn't help matters much.  
On that note, I think I'll just burn a fat, kick back and take the day off....maybe just try to enjoy the day and de-stress myself...hang in there bud, you can do it...1 thing at a time, 1 step at a time, 1 day at a time. I hope things fall together for you right away, you deserve it for being so attentive to everyone elses needs, it will come back to you bro!  
Peace man! Gotta take my kid to performance band...he plays tenor sax and he's gettin good. Wish I could come to the OUCHFEST, but I spent all my Y[sub][/sub]d (disposable income)on medz, good luck!  
Wishes for PFD on yah man!
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