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   Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
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   Author  Topic: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH  (Read 244 times)
Woobie Alumnus
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Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« on: Oct 26th, 2003, 8:14am »
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Ever had one of those friends who is CONSTANTLY pulling practical jokes on ya??  I have one..and she always gets me.      
The last one she pulled was a couple weeks ago = and it was good!  But..she hasn't in a while... so....headbanger
 being Halloween time...............  I need to get HER for a change.
Now, I work in a casino - so there's not much I can do WHILE we're working........... but in the breakroom... I can do whatever I want to the beeeeeyotch.
HELP ME!!!   Someone give me a good one!!!
Last time - just so you know... she saran wrapped my car!!    yikes  (she's good!)    
tina   Kiss
« Last Edit: Oct 26th, 2003, 8:41am by Woobie » IP Logged
Woobie Alumnus
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Re: Any Pranksters here?
« Reply #1 on: Oct 26th, 2003, 8:40am »
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 my car!!!!!!!    crackup
I mean... they spent $40.00 on the saran wrap.  (that's a lot of saran wrap - for those who dont know!)
She planned it so that everyone could watch me go out to my car without me knowing. they were hiding!.. and then they all appeared out of nowhere to laugh.   (we're talking about 50 people!!!)  Embarassed  
And this was at 6:45 am.. when ALL I wanted in the world was to go home and go to bed..........  this just was not RIGHT!!! OK?
This woman has got to pay!!!!   furious
ok - i'm done now..........   Grin
tina   Kiss
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #2 on: Oct 26th, 2003, 8:49am »
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I got one for ya  
I did this once to a male friend of worked perfectly!
You need to do this at night, but during the day go to a WalMart, K-Mart, etc.  and buy as much of the washable kids paint as you can...the weirder the color the better (my firend and I bought "pink"Wink.  Then buy a lil paint kit, with the tray, rollers, and brushes....then sometime during the night paint her car!!
The stuff washes off, but she won't know it when she first sees it the following morning!  
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the waiting is the worst part
« Reply #3 on: Oct 26th, 2003, 8:58am »
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Never trust a prankster.
I can't give you one off hand ...ya gotta be there.  
Georgia and I love to "get each other". It escalates Quickly. I thought the dish sprayer handle subtly taped down so that when I turned the kitcken sink faucet on ...the water instead shot out directly at me from the sprayer thingy was a stroke of genius.
I've always "pranked" in point in honor of Holloween. Many years ago I lived in an honest to God haunted house. Tension about wierd shit was kinda high.
Sooooo...while one of my friends was taking a bath, I snuck into his closet...left the door ajar about 3 inches, lights off and waited and waited....when he came out and reached for the closet handle I thrust my hand out and grabbed his wrist with a death grip. Yea buddy! Freak freely! It doesn't get any bettern that!
Good Grief
PS: Oct 14 1999 Ted and Elaine had a "prank" fight on this message board....hey...where is Ted?
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JDH Alumnus
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #4 on: Oct 26th, 2003, 11:25am »
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OK Tina here you go. A few years ago we had a friend who was always playing practical jokes on everyone so when her birthday rolled around she had a yard sale and everyone knew it but her.
We ran an ad in the paper for a HUGE yard sale w/baby clothes, tools, and antiques. Then the night b4 the "sale" we told her we were taking her out for her birthday and got her as drunk as possible so she would feel all good and hungover the next morning.  
After we left the bar and she went home we went through the neighborhood putting up signs directing people to her house. LOL, after that we went home and unplugged the phone.  
Well the next morning the people started showing up at daylight like they always do and she didn't have a clue as to what was going on. She called one of the girls who was with us the night before screaming "there's a bunch of old ladies on my porch! wtf is going on?" lol, and the girl on the other end said she could hear the doobell ringing.
Be warned though, this happend 5 years ago and things have never been the same between us since.  
Guess some people can't take a joke.
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Woobie Alumnus
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #5 on: Oct 27th, 2003, 8:22am »
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LMAO!!  Good ones............ but I cant do any of those at WORK!!!  I live 3 hours away from her....... so doing it outside of work is nearly impossiblo........
ANYONE?? ?   I cannot believe NO ONE can help me!!!  
LOL - ok - i tried....
tina   Kiss
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Woobie Alumnus
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #6 on: Oct 27th, 2003, 8:26am »
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BTW -  
Jim......... That was halarious!!  I'll have to use that some day - if'n ya dont mind!!  Know the perfect person to do that to!!!  
tina Kiss
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #7 on: Oct 27th, 2003, 9:18am »
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A few years ago, a friend of mine was sick of a co-worker's practical jokes and decided to get him back... GOOD!
While the co-worker was working, he went out to his co-worker's truck and ran leads from the battery posts and hooked them up the the springs of the driver's seat.
When the co-worker sat down in his truck after work, he got the shock of a lifetime - right in the butt-cheeks.  I guess he jumped so high, his head dented the ceiling of his truck.
Not sure this one should be experimented with by the unexperienced...   (both of these guys are electricians)
hope ya have fun,
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BruceD Alumnus
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #8 on: Oct 27th, 2003, 9:54am »
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Mmmm. Saran wrapped car, huh?  
I usually try to avoid the practical joke wars. It seems that you you'll always run up against somebody (like my next door neighbor) who will stop at nothing to "one-up" you. Money doesn't seem to be an object when guys like my neighbor gets involved.
You could try to one-up her saran wrap. Do the saran wrap thing, but then finish up by overwrapping in duct tape. The saran wrap will protect the paint, but the duct tape will make it a real pain to get things undone.
A less obtrusive (and cheaper) one would be to try to get her keys and then stuff her vents with the hole-punch remnants (or confetti) and turn the fan up on high. That way when she starts the car it's a party. (While you're at it turn up the radio & turn on the wipers too Smiley
If she has a nice car, you could place a hastily written note on the windshield saying "Sorry for the dent, but the next spot was really tight. I have insurance, but didn't have time to find you." Make sure to write the note as if in a hurry and sign it illegibly. Then you can watch as she goes around and around the car looking for the dent.
Just remember though, what goes around ... comes around. Practical jokes tend to escalate and before you know it there's a Port-a-potty sitting on your front lawn. (Or worse - a truck load of horse manure dumped in your yard)
Take care
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #9 on: Oct 27th, 2003, 10:07am »
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on Oct 27th, 2003, 9:54am, BruceD wrote:
Just remember though, what goes around ... comes around. Practical jokes tend to escalate and before you know it there's a Port-a-potty sitting on your front lawn. (Or worse - a truck load of horse manure dumped in your yard)

sounds like you're speaking from experience   Wink
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5-string Alumnus
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #10 on: Oct 27th, 2003, 10:08am »
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Hey Tina,
 Here's one that a housemate of mine did to me years ago.
 Take the very same saran wrap and go into her bathroom if you can, lift both the lid and the seat and cover the toilet with the wrap. Now you must pull very tight so it's nice and clear and not visable. drop both the seat and cover and go away.
  This happened to me doin' the was a real mess.
   Good luck..
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Woobie Alumnus
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Re: Any Pranksters here?  NOT CH
« Reply #11 on: Oct 27th, 2003, 10:44am »
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LMAO!   The next time I go to her house - I will do the toilet seat one for sure!!   Dont get to her house but twice a year, being so far away - but that'll be a good one for the reserves!
And Bruce.. i like the confetti one... I think i'll do that!!  and turn on her radio and her wipers, and THEN saran wrap her car and duct tape it too! !  all of that seems to be enough!!  LMAO!
I knew someone would come up with sumthin!
Bruce - you win ...........
I'll buy you a beer in Davenport......
Tina  Kiss
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