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   Oct-Dec 2003
(Moderator: DJ)
   Had a visitor today.............
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   Author  Topic: Had a visitor today.............  (Read 281 times)
New Board Hall of Famer



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Posts: 1950
Had a visitor today.............
« on: Oct 8th, 2003, 8:44pm »
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(and no it was not the beast) from Judyw. today!  Grin ;D ;D ;D *happy dance* If any of you have had the pleasure of meeting her yall know just what a wonderful lady she is. If yall havent had the pleasure of meeting her YET well when ya do you will understand what I mean. Our visit was not as long as I would have liked it to be, but it did my heart and soul good to see "Mom" again! She finally got to meet Dave in person!! I got a good one "Mom"  Wink And Mychael just lovessssssssss Aunt Judy to death!  Grin Mykee doesnt take to starngers but he did with Judy, see even an 11 mnth. old knows good folks when he see em.  Cheesy Judy thanks so much for coming to see us it meant more the you will ever know! I love you and I miss you already!  Cry Be careful out there gal! This lady is one class act!!  
 Leesa  Grin Cheesy ;D Cheesy ;D Cheesy ;D Cheesy
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"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it." General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Smiley


Re: Had a visitor today.............
« Reply #1 on: Oct 8th, 2003, 8:53pm »
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ahhh your just sayin that cause you havent met me yet ;D
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New Board Hall of Famer

2008's my year to shine~SUN IS OUT!!!YAY

64720087 64720087   Reespirit   Ree16Angel
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Re: Had a visitor today.............
« Reply #2 on: Oct 8th, 2003, 10:04pm »
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cooooool Leesa that is just great... Judy is a wonderful lady... love ree    ps I cant believe that baby is already 11 months old... wow
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Proud Mom to US ARMY Kiowa OH58 PILOT~CWO2 SCOTT Hawaii, & USMC Vet~Now POLICE OFFICER SEAN, Citizen of the Month~ Breezy~ Nana 4 Matt/Mike&Aya, MIL To Shino Wife to Dave HI BILL!
New Board Hall of Famer



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Posts: 1950
Re: Had a visitor today.............
« Reply #3 on: Oct 9th, 2003, 9:21am »
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Alright CC when the convention rolls round (if it's Nashville) I expect YOU to be the first one at the door and BIG hugs waitin!  Grin I have discovered that Cluster heads are all wonderful folks! Even Jonny Wink Tongue Ya know I love ya bro!  Kiss
Ree, time moves too fast for me.  I still rem. bringin his little butt home and how little he was and now he's crawling!!  Shocked Mycheal will a year old in Nov. My god does time fly!  Cry  Before I know he'll be in college and bingin me home his dirty laundry!  LOL
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"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it." General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Smiley
Big Dan Alumnus
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  Danboyceccg   DanielNBoyce

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Re: Had a visitor today.............
« Reply #4 on: Oct 9th, 2003, 11:22am »
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... It's always cool to meet another Head Case...
If'n we ever meet, Leesa... we can have a "Southern Twang" competition...  
-Big Dan
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Not going anywhere for a while?...

... Grab a Snickers, Fatass.
New Board Hall of Famer



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Posts: 1950
Re: Had a visitor today.............
« Reply #5 on: Oct 9th, 2003, 2:30pm »
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LMAO Dan and dont think for a skinny little min. that you wont meet me! You WILL meet me at convention if the BoD has it here in Nashville (HINT HINT BoD)  Grin Besides ya woodnt be too ferr away for the CH posse to come hunt ya down!  Wink Lots of Blue Ticks down in these parts ya know. LOL  Gotta love them Cluster Heads!
The little gal with the southern twang goin on, Leesa
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"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it." General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Smiley


Re: Had a visitor today.............
« Reply #6 on: Oct 9th, 2003, 6:35pm »
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Thanks for the sweet tea, my citified redneck (that is the description you used, right) was all my pleasure to be able to see you again and meet Dave and that handsome little guy...He has the most killer dimples going, I still enjoy the memory of his smiles...Was good to see you still dancing with zest...I know where you live now, ya know...might be showing up for dinner anytime... ;D watch it, aren't the pictures I have of you after the bachelor party...just cause you are a pappy now, does not mean the "wild man" is forgotten... Cool
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Re: Had a visitor today.............
« Reply #7 on: Oct 9th, 2003, 7:02pm »
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on Oct 9th, 2003, 11:22am, Big_Dan wrote:
If'n we ever meet, Leesa... we can have a "Southern Twang" competition...

You lose Dan......Ive met her twice and couldnt understand a damn word....."Grits" is the only word I knew and thats cause she spelled it out.......LMMFAO ;D
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New Board Hall of Famer



Gender: female
Posts: 1950
Re: Had a visitor today.............
« Reply #8 on: Oct 10th, 2003, 10:14am »
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LMAO Jonny your too much bro  Grin Hell Im not sure about that "Boston borge" you speak, but love that Yankee accent  Wink Good thing I can read lips!   Tongue
Leesa that loves da Yanks of da board  Grin
PS: grits= girls raised in the south  Grin
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"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it." General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Smiley
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