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   I'm back DAMMIT (nothing personal)
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   Author  Topic: I'm back DAMMIT (nothing personal)  (Read 227 times)
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I'm back DAMMIT (nothing personal)
« on: Oct 7th, 2003, 7:45pm »
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Well things have certainly changed since I was here last...  None of the names look familiar.  I was one of those who disappeared from this site a couple years ago when the shroom craze started.  They really worked!  Well, they worked the first year--totally killed the whole cycle only a week into it!  Then the same success the second year.  Well this is the third year, and the shrooms don't work anymore.  I've heard this happens with other remedies and meds too.  Oh well, I've enjoyed 2 WHOLE YEARS OF YEEEEEEHAAAA NO Clusters!  Now it's time to PAY.  Too good to be true I guess.  I forgot how much it SUCKS.  My old cycles were fairly tame:  1 severe cluster every night around 11 PM, somewhat responsive to oxygen.  Now they come at 3 or 4 in the morning, then 6 or 7, then sometimes again at 8 or 9.  One night last week I had 6.  Fortunately the oxygen still helps some, but when they're almost back to back...  hard to operate the oxygen rig when you're half asleep and half, well, blind.  I forgot that horrible leather-lung feeling of too much oxygen and no damn sleep.  It really does help to know I'm not alone...  My poor wife is a light sleeper.  I used to sleep like a baby for 12 hours straight....  Anyone else out there in the 'shrooms-quit-working' category?  Any other bright ideas?  Hell I'll try anything.   Sorry to see you all again.  It's always a pressure...  (You know, nothing personal.)
Your old pal, Heybrian.
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Re: I'm back DAMMIT (nothing personal)
« Reply #1 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 11:53pm »
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on Oct 7th, 2003, 7:45pm, heybrian wrote:
 Any other bright ideas?  Hell I'll try anything.   Sorry to see you all again.  It's always a pressure...  (You know, nothing personal.)
Your old pal, Heybrian.

Some cycles seem to be harder to break than others, with the shrooms. Sounds like this is a tougher run than you'd been having in the past. Did you dose the same amounts and times as the last two years? Maybe you needed a couple additional doses this time?
I hate to suggest this but it also appears that chronic cycles are much more difficult to break and some require quite a few doses. Since we never know if a cycle is chronic or episodic until the time passes, or doesn't...this could be a ...well, I won't even say it out loud. Whether it is chronic or episodic, I think it is what it is even if its only a month or so into the cycle. I don't believe an epiodic cycle "changes" into a chronic cycle at the 12 month period. Just gets a correct name.
You could possibly try a different strain or venture into the area of LSD. You said you'd try anything.  Undecided
« Last Edit: Oct 7th, 2003, 11:54pm by Pinkfloyd » IP Logged

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Re: I'm back DAMMIT (nothing personal)
« Reply #2 on: Oct 8th, 2003, 2:36am »
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Hey Brian! (Heybrian),
AWESOME to hear you had a couple year's break from us, but glad we're still able to be here for you!
Yeah, things have changed some huh? LOL  You'll still recognize some familiar screen names who've hung around through all of the turmoils.  Welcome back to the family!
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Re: I'm back DAMMIT (nothing personal)
« Reply #3 on: Oct 8th, 2003, 3:24am »
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Its a little nerve racking posting after the great DJ himself, but its when its a worthy cause, well..... you just have to step up to the plate.
Welcome back Heybrian, "pleased to meet." (very tempting to go into song here, but I wont)
Sorry to hear you had to return to the flock, but its an honour to have you here.
Im Turts.
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Re: I'm back DAMMIT (nothing personal)
« Reply #4 on: Oct 8th, 2003, 4:53am »
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Wellll, sorry you're back, but ... sorry you're hurting again.... oh heck, you know what I mean...  
Glad you had a couple of PF years. Guess we take the good when we can. I know I did. We tend to forget how bad they are until they remind us. Just when we think the demon has left, he comes back to remind us he's still around. The ((*&*&*))__&(^^!!!!!!!!  
Stick around and talk to the rest of us... we're in the same boat. I've had almost four years of a life and now can't rid of the *&^&^&*(()()!  
Hugs BD
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Re: I'm back DAMMIT (nothing personal)
« Reply #5 on: Oct 8th, 2003, 10:20am »
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HeyBrian!!  Sorry to welcome you back, but nice to see you again.
Yes, my husband reacted exactly the way you did with his last cycle....the shrooms failed him (yet they had kept him in remission prior to that).  He did four doses in that first four weeks, was totally med free - did everything right.  But...the beast got smart and he went into his longest cycle ever.  (I think that's because he did the med route after that, though.  He did the dreaded pred burst, then followed up with verapamil and lithium.  Cycle finally ended after six months, his longest ever. Undecided)
BobP has a similar failure story, unfortunately.  
Don't forget to let your wife know about the supporters' group - we've got some pretty experienced war vets over there.
Hang in there, Brian - you'll get through it.
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