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   Oct-Dec 2003
(Moderator: DJ)
   I'm back now as Surf...
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   Author  Topic: I'm back now as Surf...  (Read 182 times)


I'm back now as Surf...
« on: Oct 7th, 2003, 3:19pm »
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Well that was qiut a job, I got locked out of and had to create a new account. So in case anyone is wondering I am now officially known as Surf...Surfshi account would't let me in. So for the record here I am again... Surf=Surfshi=Keith H= Well i'll be i'm home again.+ Question if DJ is goin to restore my credentials. Or work for them again.Te he any suggestions. glad to be back and you will hear more from me in the future to come as I have alot of work ahead of me. Yup letters to write and people to contact such as Dr.Jorge still just for my piece of mind. Thanks for your help cat and it looks as if i made it back. All take care now...Surf
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