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   Re: anyone hungry???
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   Author  Topic: Re: anyone hungry???  (Read 275 times)
Mastifflvr28 Alumnus
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Re: anyone hungry???
« on: Oct 7th, 2003, 12:17am »
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So...Tara?  What'd ya do?  Did you tell her off?  Smiley
Dang...and I'm hungry too.
Take care sweets,
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Mastifflvr28 (aka Michelle A.)
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #1 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 12:22am »
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when i am having a bad day i read this:
      what did you do today
Today i left some dishes dirty.  
The bed i made at 3:30
The diapers soaked a little longer
The odor grew a little stronger
The crumbs i spilled the day before,
are staring at me from the kitchen floor.
The finger prints there on the wall,
will likely be there next fall.
The dirty streaks on those window panes,
will still be there next time it rains.
Shame on you, old lazy bones,you say
and just what did you do today?
I held my daughter while she slept,
I held my son while he wept.
I played a game of hide and seek,
I squeezed a toy so it would squeak.
I pulled a wagon,sang a song,
taught the children right from wrong.
What did i do this whole day through?
might be important to soneone
with bright brown eyes and soft brown hair,
      If that 's true,
      then i've done my share........ ;D
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #2 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 4:12am »
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Nice poem........
TaraAnn.. I wanna know WHAT you cooked.
Sorry you're having a bad weekend!!!
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #3 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 4:34am »
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Bet TaraAnn made pumpkin pie right before the coppers showed up !!!!!!!!  Shocked
Hope you are having a better day today !!!!!!!!
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #4 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 4:45am »
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Id like to help conceal the evidence.
Throw us a piece of that pie!!!!
Look on the bright side.
You had left overs for lunch or dinner the next evening!?!
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'I'm very brave generally,' he went on in a low voice: 'only today I happen to have a headache.' (Lewis Carroll)
BarbaraD Alumnus
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #5 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 5:37am »
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Freeze the cookin' and have leftovers - that way you don't have to cook NEXT weekend. don't let mother-in-law get to you.  (Got a daughter-in-law that way - just ignore them - it's their problem - don't let it be yours).  
Had my grandson over the weekend - we baked cookies - mailed them out yesterday to some friends who needed cheering up (have to get in that bathing suit in Florida you know).  
The older I get the less I let "little" things bother me. As Kip always says, "Don't sweat the small stuff and most things are small stuff when you really think about it."  
Hang in there - tomorrow will be better.... Pumpkin pie sounds good.    
Hugs BD
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #6 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 6:19am »
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Mother in laws   Roll Eyes
Pass some food this way Tara, I'm starving!
Hope you feel better,
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Tara Ann Alumnus
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #7 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 8:56am »
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Beautiful poem tsayswhy.
Hmm let's see we had deviled eggs and cheese pepperoni and crackers for appetizers, maine course was a nice roast, gravy, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, carrots, green beans, rolls (I know I'm forgetting something else...) and the pies were butterscotch pudding pie and a chocolate creme pie.  The roast was HUGE so I'm making a stew tonight so it doesn't go to waste.
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #8 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 9:55am »
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I had a similar day like that last Thursday ! Had a friend comein up from Florida and the "guys" talked about when he'd be here and what time and this 'n that.....the perfect no no !! So Brad notifies me at 6:00 am to have a nice meal ready for our friend that nite...first I head he was comeing at any special given time ! So I rush to the store to get good GUY FOOD and extra this and that and run around here gettin house stuff done and laundry, you name it... and dinner planned and started. My washer overflowed and flooded the back porch (screw up # 1)......then NO SHOW for dinner and we get a call and the guy is at a bar in town (screwup # 3)! So Brad hops on the bike in 37 dagree weather to go talk to him and get him to come over before midnite...sheesh. They get back and pull both bikes in the garage so I had a feelin we'd have a overnite guest which I knew nothin about which is 'fine' but no warning(screwup # 4)?? No one wants to eat and they jus want beer and to yak (screwup # 5)..........they eat and leave one heck of a mess all over the house with this guys boots and clothes and dishes and beer cans and ashtrays (screwup # 6). At 11:30 pm it appears this guy has no intention of goin ta bed cuz he has both tv's on flull blast and the music stations on and is loadin up the cd player with about 6 cd's (screwup # 7) Brad has ta git up at 6:00 I gotta call him off work ta leave the message on the shops answerin machine ta git in the morning he's NOT comein in (screwup # Cool. They stay up real late makein a mess and the guy wants to leave the music station on the tv all nite to sleep but he wants it blareing ! (screwup # 9) We got no sleep.....kept turnin it down but he'd wake up to a cool song and turn it up. Kept my 5 cats locked upstairs in the little spare room cuz this guy don't like cats on furniture but they ended up there '2 days'......(screwup # 10)....I  have ta go run errands Friday and pick up Brad's check and come back and there still here makein messes.......then I run back into town "to git away" for a bit and come back and both are asleep on the couches and the house is a MESS. (screwup # 11) Had both tv's blarein music and cd player all day Friday.......but it's back ta peace and quiet now and I am lovein it ! Friends and family are fun but need to come with instructions Pam  
My cats have forgiven  me but the house is still under reconstructuion......dam I'm long winded...sorry folks but I do feel better now   Wink
« Last Edit: Oct 7th, 2003, 9:57am by cootie » IP Logged

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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #9 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 10:21am »
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LOL, Coots !  Did ya invite him back for this weekend ?
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One cannot step twice in the same river, for fresh waters are forever flowing around us.
Tara Ann Alumnus
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #10 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 11:00am »
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Damn Pam that sucks!  And I thought my sunday was bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #11 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 12:04pm »
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Just keep this day deeply in your mind Tara and while you are trying to bury it and forget the whole damn day and how hard you worked... pitty that poor bastard that is marrrying her.... I'm sure she just didnt cancel for nothing... they probably had a fight or something... maybe something better came up... I hope you rubbed the day into your hubby, so he doesnt ask you to reproduce that same meal for them next weekend... JUST saY NOOOOOOOOOO and enjoy your little ones...  
That poem is so true Tsayswhy...and no one knows it better than I. Our kids, they grow so fast and leave you missing them and praying for their ya girls... keep up the good work Ree
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Re: anyone hungry???
« Reply #12 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 1:17pm »
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Oh and wait a minute there's more (screw up # 12).....the guys ate all the food  and left the empty crock pots sittin on the counter turned on and walked away. Hey..I was kinda hungry myself ya know. Pam that can make a person's bad day look good  
Got a friend up from Georgia this weekend....luckily he has family up here and will be stayin with them......lucky me ech ?  Wink
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