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   Donations being sought for raffle items @ Ouchfest
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   Author  Topic: Donations being sought for raffle items @ Ouchfest  (Read 202 times)


Donations being sought for raffle items @ Ouchfest
« on: Oct 6th, 2003, 9:22am »
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I am currentl seeking donations for the raffle items for OUCHFest '03. One item I want to get for sure is a DVD player. Doesn't have to be expensive. They have a great APEX DVD player at Wal Mart for just under $50.00. I want to have items people will WANT during the raffles, and all ticket sales will go to OUCH, so it is for a very good cause.
Some people Instant Messaged me about donations awhile back. Like an airhead I deleted those messages after awhile, and lost the info. Need help here guys.
Carl D
P.S. - OUCHFest 03 will also feature a CD release party for the first Act of God CD.
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Re: Donations being sought for raffle items @ Ouch
« Reply #1 on: Oct 6th, 2003, 3:43pm »
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How about 1 week with the OUCH prez. on the island of Saint Thomas in the USVI ??
Of course the winner would have to actually live on Saint Thomas and be willing to fly me there for the week but hey what do you want for a buck?
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Re: Donations being sought for raffle items @ Ouch
« Reply #2 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 1:12pm »
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Re: Donations being sought for raffle items @ Ouch
« Reply #3 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 10:50pm »
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well ok then. Carl I know we can help out somehow...If I send you something will you be sure that I am drawn for that prize. cmon now I know ya would. hay...Ill give ya a hand but can't do the DVD thing.Heres my addy(thanks Jonny). I'm at go ahead and mail me. I'll see what I can do...Surf
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