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   Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
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   Author  Topic: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...  (Read 331 times)
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64720087 64720087   Reespirit   Ree16Angel
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Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« on: Oct 5th, 2003, 8:39pm »
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Hi Dave as you all know is hopefully ending his cycle... Only a mere shadow here and there...He wants to taper off his Neurontin he is down to one 300 mg 3 times a day... How long should he wait before he stops taking it all together?.. Do you guys stay on your preventative forever? How long are you pain free before you go off your preventative?   Same question 3 different ways... Thanks... Love Ree and (Dave of course)
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Proud Mom to US ARMY Kiowa OH58 PILOT~CWO2 SCOTT Hawaii, & USMC Vet~Now POLICE OFFICER SEAN, Citizen of the Month~ Breezy~ Nana 4 Matt/Mike&Aya, MIL To Shino Wife to Dave HI BILL!
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Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #1 on: Oct 5th, 2003, 9:13pm »
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HI Ree,  Kiss  Dave never comes off his prevents.  Only reason is just in case the beast shows up outta the blue and he has in the past much to our dismay!  AngryIMHO with the Neurontin yall may want to talk to your docs about that one. Sorry we werent much more help for ya hun. Love to you and Dave.  
L  Grin
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Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #2 on: Oct 5th, 2003, 9:31pm »
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Hi Ree, I never took the med you mention, so I wouldn't want to guess on it. I know my neuro told me not to start weaning off my meds until I went a straight two weeks without any signs of CH, shadows, twitches, etc. Once I went two weeks, we started tapering the topomax first, then the verapamil. So, I guess he needs to talk to his doc but I'd make sure his cycle is completely over first before considering it. I am episodic, get hit every 2 years usually, so no need to stay on anything once cycle ends for me.
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Serious question about episodic CHeads...
« Reply #3 on: Oct 5th, 2003, 10:05pm »
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I dunno........but for me, the whole idea of being Episodic is to take crud in cycle, then get back to non-medicated reality ASAP.  Would think dumping the Neurontin would be in order, unless you find him wandering around the house at night with an ax muttering "Red Rum, Red Rum."
Once he's weaned, Spike him with a Viagra......then come back with a _Giggle_ report. Heh.........
Nifty tits,
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Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #4 on: Oct 5th, 2003, 11:02pm »
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Hey Ree,
Dave has to tawk to his neuro bout the taper thing for Neurontin.  I tapered off day by day and dose by dose and imagine same for Dave.  It's up to the doc that prescribed it, not US.  Well wishes for Dave and continued PFDAN Smiley
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Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #5 on: Oct 6th, 2003, 4:22pm »
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Hello Ree,
I would follow the docs advice.  For myself I usally start tapering off the topamax  after a few pain free weeks(3-4).  Shadows may stick around for some time, as long as I don't get hit I keep tapering.  Be careful with those dopey head drugs.
Good luck
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64720087 64720087   Reespirit   Ree16Angel
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Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #6 on: Oct 6th, 2003, 4:28pm »
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Thanks guys I will tell Dave I appreciate the input... love to you and Happy Monday~~~~ ree
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Proud Mom to US ARMY Kiowa OH58 PILOT~CWO2 SCOTT Hawaii, & USMC Vet~Now POLICE OFFICER SEAN, Citizen of the Month~ Breezy~ Nana 4 Matt/Mike&Aya, MIL To Shino Wife to Dave HI BILL!


Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #7 on: Oct 6th, 2003, 4:55pm »
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I took the meds and stopped taking it but I was not Eposodic at the time so I can't answer it.
I just wanted to say I am so happy his cycle is coming to a end. Praise God!  
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Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #8 on: Oct 6th, 2003, 5:03pm »
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Hey Dave
.................................jonny ;D
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Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #9 on: Oct 6th, 2003, 6:04pm »
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Glad to know that Dave's cycle seems to be coming to an end.  Wishing him the best of luck and lotz of pf vibes.
You are a great supporter, Ree.  He is very lucky to have you!  Cool
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2008's my year to shine~SUN IS OUT!!!YAY

64720087 64720087   Reespirit   Ree16Angel
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Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #10 on: Oct 6th, 2003, 9:50pm »
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Thanks Jean~~~There are times when I don't feel quite like a great supporter... I have to get tough and I even get to the point where I am quite spent... but thankyou for your kind words~~ I sure try really hard...  
Love to you all... for it is with your support, that I am able to help Dave with all of this pain... Ree
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Proud Mom to US ARMY Kiowa OH58 PILOT~CWO2 SCOTT Hawaii, & USMC Vet~Now POLICE OFFICER SEAN, Citizen of the Month~ Breezy~ Nana 4 Matt/Mike&Aya, MIL To Shino Wife to Dave HI BILL!


Re: Eposodics: a serious question about CH...
« Reply #11 on: Oct 7th, 2003, 1:11pm »
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Do you guys stay on your preventative forever?

A very famous British doctor has questioned why anyone would stay on an industrial strength drug if there was no obvious need to do that.
If the cycle is over.......its over.
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