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Topic: George Bush & Moses (Read 259 times) |
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Posts: 291
George Bush & Moses
« on: Jun 15th, 2002, 3:44pm » |
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>George Bush & Moses > >(Christian humor) >George W. Bush was walking through an airport last week, when he saw an >old man with white hair, a long white beard, wearing a long white robe >and holding a staff. > >He walked up to the man, who was staring at the ceiling, and "Excuse me >sir, aren't you Moses?" > >The man stood perfectly still and continued to stare at the ceiling, >saying nothing. > >Again George W. asked, a little louder this time, "Excuse me sir, aren't >you Moses?" > >Again the old man stared at the ceiling motionless without saying a >word. > >George W. tried a third time, louder yet. "Excuse me sir, aren't you >Moses?" > >Again, no movement or words from the old man. He continued to stare at >the ceiling. > >One of George W.'s aides asked him if there was a problem, and George W. >said, "Either this man is deaf or extremely rude. I have asked him three >times if he was Moses, and he has not answered me yet." > >To which the man, still staring at the ceiling finally replied, "I can >hear you and yes, I am Moses, but the last time I spoke to a bush, I >spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness."  
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> It is only a tiny rosebud, > A flower of God's design; > But I cannot unfold the petals > With these clumsy hands of mine. > The secret of unfolding flowers > Is not known to such as I.