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   Cluster/Migraine Combo
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   Author  Topic: Cluster/Migraine Combo  (Read 3434 times)
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Cluster/Migraine Combo
« on: Dec 20th, 2004, 8:28am »
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I am new to this site.  Anyone who has symptoms similar to mine, please let me know what treatment and/or meds are effective for you.  
Mine is a hybrid cluster/migraine as diagnosed by my GP and neurologist in 1993.  I get 2-3 per week and the pain (stabbing over my left eye) can go from 0-10 in 5-10 minutes and can last up to 6 hours.  I have been using fiorinal with codeine, but I have to be careful so I don't get a rebound headache which can aslo be nasty.  The medication is effective only if I get enough of an aura warning and can take it early enough.
IF anyone can help me with a different treatment, please do.
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Re: Cluster/Migraine Combo
« Reply #1 on: Dec 20th, 2004, 8:47am »
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1993 is a long time ago and there are multiple treatments depending on what type of headache you are getting. Cluster/Migraine is a catch all. Here is a link to get you started.
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nani Alumnus
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Re: Cluster/Migraine Combo
« Reply #2 on: Dec 20th, 2004, 10:38am »
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It still surprises me to hear how many health professionals use the term Cluster Migraine.  Undecided
Oh BTW...welcome and sorry you're here. Go to a different neurologist and get a proper diagnosis and the proper treatment...
« Last Edit: Dec 20th, 2004, 10:39am by nani » IP Logged

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lionsound Alumnus
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Re: Cluster/Migraine Combo
« Reply #3 on: Dec 20th, 2004, 8:23pm »
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I get clusters and migraines at the same time. Still, my doc doesn't call them cluster migraines. I've had them separate too. I have clusters, those ice pick things(name escapes me at the moment) and migraines. IF my clusters are more like what you describe the he calls them a "cluster variant."
It's kind of important for your doc to sort them out  if possible because it leads to better treatment. I never responded well to migraine treatment because as I found out a year ago...some of my HA aren't migraines. They may be in addition to one....but as clusters they are different.
One advantage after proper diagnosis is that you can use some of the abortive meds for both.
What else have you tried?
When is the last time you saw a neurologist?
A little more info will help us help you....
Be well,  
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thebbz Alumnus
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Re: Cluster/Migraine Combo
« Reply #4 on: Dec 20th, 2004, 11:50pm »
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I get clusters and migraines. Two total different things.
As said before cluster/migraine is an older term. You may have a shadow sometimes strong enough to mistake as migraine.  
 ''I have been using fiorinal with codeine",    What this does for cluster is nothing, useless. Helps with the migraines though. Get to the neuro again. Just my two cents. And what do I know anyway. LOL
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  dancenshout2002   joyflheart2004

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Re: Cluster/Migraine Combo
« Reply #5 on: Dec 22nd, 2004, 6:59pm »
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Memory is tricky thing.
Best to start a journal right away.
When pain starts, ends, where it is located, pain level
and what happens to your mood, and what not.
Also what medicine helped,
 what you take and doesn't work,
what you ate or what the weather was like....
there are sooo many types of headaches
that it is easytohave overlapping attacks,  
or variant ones....
I never noted the little headaches
under a pain level of a 4 because I didn't need meds,
and could sort of function with them.
When I did start to track them, I realized my cycle was two months long, not just three weeks..... Shocked
Good luck, it is a long journey, but at least you are
not walking alone....anymore!
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Re: Cluster/Migraine Combo
« Reply #6 on: Jan 25th, 2007, 12:42am »
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This is something totally new to me.  I hope I am doing this right.  I have been having the combo effect for about 29 yrs now.  When it started out I thought that they were just migraines.  I have taken perscription medication for about 18 yrs.  I have use the same medication as you plus maxalt.  The headaches have been getting worse and more frequent and lasting longer.  My GP finally got me into have a MRI and found everything okay.  He Then sent me to a Neurologist.  He told me I was having both types of headaches and also I may be having a dependency on the meds that is also giving me additional headaches.  He has started me on a new medication to try to prevent the frequency of attacks.  The medication is Topamax.  I have only been on it for two weeks.  It will take at least a mont to get to the full dose.  I have had a good week and a bad week so far.  I'll have to wait and see what happens.
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