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   Author  Topic: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!  (Read 3966 times)
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #100 on: Sep 10th, 2004, 9:07am »
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Must have been a slow night in the dorm. Or a couple boxes of wine too much.
modified to say "Wow, page 5, already"
« Last Edit: Sep 10th, 2004, 9:08am by BobG » IP Logged

Stay stressed. Never relax. Never sleep. Ever.
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19 year clusterhead seeks forgiveness
« Reply #101 on: Sep 23rd, 2004, 10:45pm »
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Well I couldn't stay away any longer. I was mildly amused when I saw everyone here was proud to have scared me off. I was more amused when I saw that you had labelled an innocent person and given out their personal information.  
I regret creating a big stink about this, and I apologize to anyone I offended. My remarks came from my "thin skin" and I should not have unleashed on the forum in such a immature manner.
The fact is, this is the only thread I've ever posted or replied to at this website. I have not been here before under a different name. In fact I'm using the same IP I've logged in with before, the only one I have, and your webmaster can verify this for you.  
I did delete my account here under evilchopper as I began receiving angry emails from your "hit squad" within minutes of my first post on this thread. One of them eventually knocked my computer out with a trojan bomb filled with worms (beagle32, and mydoom32)
I am only posting now to defend my inexcuseable actions, and apologize for my inexcuseable behavior previously and provide you with the info I selfishly scrambled before I posted it.
I seriously am just a regular guy (whose manic swings have increased a little since I went off all those anti-depressants cold turkey) who plays in a local band here in Chicago. I have nothing to sell, and am not working with or for anyone.
I did take the time to clarify my story in a more understandable format so you can see my intentions were originally good. I just lost my patience and focus and temper, and I am sorry.
I might regret this but you can view my story here, I attached it to my band's website URL:
I don't sell probiotics or diflucan or enemas or illegal mushrooms. I mainly used diet and exercise to help myself.  I am now an independant music producer and work out of my own studio on the west side of Chicago.  
As a producer I've recorded over 30 CD's in the last 3 years, and mastered over 50 CD's in the same time period. As a musician, I have released several CDs, and videos of my own.  I've only been a producer for the last 3 years (since life has started to get better) but I've accomplished more in those 3 years than the 20 years before that when clusters were keeping me down.
Producing is actually another step down for me, I used to build custom guitars for the stars(see my brag page) but lost that job when things got bad for me. Producing others is all I could do and I only kept that job because I couldn't fire myself.
You can look up my personal info on my band's website to verify who I am if you are suspicious of me still, but please don't send me any more trojan bombs, my computer was down for over a week as a result and I've learned my lesson the hard way.
My only agenda is that I plan to step up the plans for my own band as I now feel confident enought to take the stage fearlessly. (ironically I'll probably get an attack at the first show, stress seems to do that!)
I hope you don't hold this debacle against me for too long, but I don't blame you if you do. I just wanted to clear the air before some of you unfairly and incorrectly ganged up on some more innocent people. I take full responsibility for my actions and words. And I wish all your headaches will come to an end sooner than later.
If you do want to bash me some more, just email me at, or come to one of my shows and throw some rotten food at me, you'll feel better(and I'll get to eat)
P.S. nothing against floridian, I was just lashing out at the hit squad, in fact, he seems to be one of the most level headed here. Floridian, I am sorry.
P.P.S. the only reason I wrote with a part one part two style was that there is a limit to post length, and there is a short timeout as well. I write from a stream of consciousness and lost my post numerous times before I split it up. The similarity to any other posts is probably coincidental and becuase of these bulliten board limitations.)
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #102 on: Sep 23rd, 2004, 11:41pm »
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Everyone here was not proud to scare you off. Some welcomed you and tried to understand what you were trying to say and hoped to learn from you.
You have to remember that this board has been here for years. There is probably more knowledge of cluster headaches here than anywhere in the world.  
Part one of that knowledge may have other medical conditions like depression or hemorrhoids but it nothing to do with clusters. Your clusters are caused by a broken hypothalamus gland.
Part two of that knowledge is……….there is no cure. There are treatments to help control it but no cure.  
Apology excepted, for now.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #103 on: Sep 24th, 2004, 11:05am »
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Thank you for the second chance, I only hope to share and learn.  
I have conceded that there may be no cure, but doctors don't really know why the hypothalamus is broken, or if it is even broken, all they know is there is extra matter there, they don't know why, and can't state conclusively what you just assume and assert is fact. Doctors don't say there is no cure so catagorically, they tend to say there is no cure yet, or they know of no cure. To definitively state that there is no cure is somewhat misleading, I feel it is more accurate to say they have not found a cure. They don't even know the mechanism responsible with any accuracy, it is mostly speculation based on very limited research, how can the same people who know so little say they know there is no cure. Is it appropriate to say there will never be a cure? They have measured levels of certain neurotransmitters, and we know some are low and some are higher, but don't know if they are the cause or effect. Doctors are only starting to piece this together, and much of what we hold as truth actually holds very little validity.
Here is some hypothesis: What if the brain is trying to rewire the bodies clock to overcome the abnormal functions caused by immune depression? It has been shown the brain can rewire itself under certain conditions. If the hypothalamus is broken, something must have broken it, whether a birth defect, physical trauma, or stresses to it by improper balance of neurotansmitters, but doctors don't know why or how it broke. What if it isn't broken but just reacting to poor conditions of the immune, digestive and circulatory systems.
I don't deny the hypothalaums is different in chronic clusters, but I feel they may be on the wrong track trying to throw all the blame on the hypothalamus. What if the hypothalamus is just reacting and not causing?
I find it interesting that we just all accept this extra gray matter as the cause, when doctors themselves admit they are baffled as to the mechanism. Maybe if they looked at it as a result of the affliction, rather than the cause, they might find that it is indeed curable.  
 Some brain disorders of  the past have been minimized by reducing such factors that influence levels of neurotransmitter, and previously incurable diseases, which doctors thought they knew the exact cause have turned out that the suspected cause was just an effect of a deeper problem(multiple sclerosis, autism, alzheimers, several types of cancer are all now thought to be caused by external factors that influence chemicals that control a nerve cell's operation where originally they thought there was a defect either in the DNA, RNA, mitochondria or other intra cellular components, turns out the defect was not the primary cause but only the result, and the defect, and thus the affliction,  is now thought to be caused by external factors) and now the research is heading in a more productive direction and some types of the afflictions have very impressive cure rates compared to just 5 years ago.  By keeping an open mind, I was able to use this unconventional view and use it to my advantage. It may be just coincidence, but it warrants further investigation.
I reduced all the factors that I could find that may have such an effect, and it may be coincidental, but it worked exactly as the research I found said it would.
Anyway, I do believe that doctors are smart enough to figure it out give enough time and research. I did not say cure it, only figure it out. They have probably thought about different approaches such as mine, and plan to test their validity, but these things take up the precious little time we have, and I couldn't wait.
Thanks for letting me speak my mind again, I appreciate the opportunity and second chance.
p.s. I don't think candida albicans was the cause of my clusters but I believe leukotrienes hold the key to external effects on the hypothalamus. I believe candida was only an aggravating factor in the whole leukotriene mess.  But the whole connection to my colon through leukotriene science is too much to ignore and I feel it warrants further discussion, If I go off my diet tomorrow, in 2-3 days I can create a cluster by eating chocolate and waiting about 20 hours for it to pass through my colon. Once I eliminate, the pain is instantly gone. But is it because chocolate is a candida fuel, or is it because chocolate is a phenol which disables and overloads a detoxification enzyme called phenosulfotransferase, or is it because I have a cluster prone hypothalamus that no one can explain? I will be willing to test anyone's ideas on myself while my colon is still in this intermediate stage (not bad enough to spasm, but bad enough to still permit symptoms). And I don't feel colon is the cause, it is also probably the result of poor leukotriene chemistry which in my case was aggravated by candida. Just some food for thought.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #104 on: Sep 24th, 2004, 3:37pm »
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Chopper I do admire you for all your information. It takes a lot of time and effort to study the course our bodies are trying to take.  I have Multiple Sclerosis and cluster headaches. So I have the beast and the monster. I do a lot of research on MS for my MS watch buddies on the web.  I found a good remedy for my HA on cluster headache web site. It’s the red bull. Well I hate that sweet gross taste and looked up the chemical called taurine. That’s what you need anyway. I take that supplement instead of that yuk drink. You should if you haven't already, read about it(taurine).  In all the meds I have taken Avonex, copaxone and bataseron preventive drugs for MS (which by the way suppresses you ammiune system) kind of like taking chemo I guess. I may have lost my bodies ability to produce the taurine chemical itself. Plus I stopped eating any red meat and no dairy products because of a slight high cholesterol level. So hmmmmm! And I have taken most all the Cluster headaches med's like you have.  You just keep on writing there are some of us out here that do listen to others and it can sometimes help. Wink. I mean all we have is one another anyway., is this not why we have this discussion board?  Shocked  
I am open-minded!
Hey, if you don't learn from your mistakes you're bound to repeat them... Roll Eyes
Poke`mom(slow poke is am cus of MS)but i can type fast ~~~~~~ Grin
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #105 on: Sep 24th, 2004, 5:28pm »
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I'm interested to know why you think you are cured. I have had cluster headaches for 36 years. I am now 55. When I hit 40, I started having longer remission periods between cluster cycles. When I had my first 2 year remission, I also thought I was cured, but they came back. I now appear to have about a 5 year remission period, but I don't think I'm cured. All of a sudden, out of the blue, they're back. Basically, I haven't changed anything for years as far as diet, drugs, what have you. Write again in about 5 years, and let us know if you still think you are cured.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #106 on: Sep 25th, 2004, 8:38am »
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Hi Pokemom, thanks for the encouragement. MS is something that I found mentioned repeatedly in auto-immune info, but very few actually get any more specific. I am very interested in the connection between auto--immune suppression and MS, since a cousin of mine has MS, and I even felt some of my symptoms toward the end indicated I might be coming down with it(I just thought it was genetic, and that I would get it sooner or later). I felt uncontrollable tremors in the muscles of my arms and legs, similar to how I felt back in college when I drank a lot of caffeine, but without the high heart rate.  It's part of what motivated my search. They used to call auto-immune deficiencies 'allergies' and there wasn't a lot of research available, but new stuff seems to be pouring in every day, and we see that auto-immune does indeed include allergies, but also includes other mechanism as well now, like effects from abnormal organ function, effects from infection, etc. During my search for cluster info it seemed that much focus was put on nerve toxins when the dialogue shifted to MS. I found this fascinating since many of the external factors mentioned were indeed similar to the ones at work in cluster. There was some specific information concerning hydrogen sulfide, which is a nerve toxin released by the metabolism of candida, AND also contained in cigarettes. This hydrogen sulfide was thought to have an effect on the 'sheath' membrane that covers nerve cells, effectively causing them to 'quake'. My early suspicion is that additional nerve toxins are at work with MS, and the damage is done to the nervous system in addtion to the digestive and circulatory,  but that they get into and accumulate in our bodies the same way as clusters. The latest research seems to provide some support for this.  These nerve toxins are everywhere, especially in vinegar, which is in ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc., and table salt which not only has the dreaded sodium(eats up oxidative buffers-immune reaction ability) but also potassium chloride(which is a nerve toxin I used as a youngster to make my own gunpowder to launch model rockets!) I do plan to pursue more info on MS and plan to work with my cousin on letting him know what I found(he seems to be in the dark and has lost a lot of hope, and is in great suffering, if just removing a few known risk factors made even a little difference it would mean the world to me.) Please let me know what you have found or what kind of things your doctors have told you is at work here.  
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!


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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #107 on: Sep 25th, 2004, 8:42am »
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Hi EverBoer,   I'm probably not cured, but we'll have to wait and see.  Once my clusters went chronic, I never had a remission period, my only break ever was once a couple of years ago for 5 days when I tried a colon detoxifier.(what a coincidence-lol). My headaches were far too frequent to be simple chronic cluster. 2-3 a day sometimes just one big one all day, every day without exception. When the migraines(shadows or rebounds) started, I knew there was some kind of aggravating factors. When I searched these factors out and changed them, my clusters and migraines receded for the first time. Now I am in a transitional stage where my colon is still ulcerated somewhat(inflamed and bleeds much less, only maybe once a week, but that is much better than every time I eliminate, and I was recently spending hours in the john, sometimes 8-10 times a day, and was using a whole roll of toilet paper a day, now I am healing slowly, but only a little neglect to my diet and just a small amount of any of the neuro toxins get in me, it brings back colon inflammation, and cluster pain when fecal matter passes the ulcerated parts of my colon. This connection is too much for me to ignore, althought I don't know if they are just connected as having the same cause or one causing the other, or just coincidental.  This limited "controllability" leads me to believe that I have only reduced some external factors to lessen the pain of the affliction, and that I am for sure "cluster positive", but I believe it shows that external factors can be manipulated to make a difference, and even I was suprised it made such a big difference in such a short time esecially after such a long history of no rhyme or reason. I have had no remissions ever, although I read about them, and I was even suspicious that what I had was not cluster or chronic cluster. I felt that those were buzzwords and trivialized the afliction I had. I give a good blueprint of my cluster episodes in terms of how the intensity increased within each attack at my weblog mentioned earlier(under the colon connection heading). Are any one else's headaches like this?  Maybe I have a relative of cluster that is caused by different factors than clusters. Does anyone else have digestive problems or symptoms similar to mine, or chronic cluster with no remissions, or tremors.  Maybe only candida albicans stresses out the system enough to get clusters with absolutely no remission. (now I look back and see that I've had the candida albicans overgrowth for my complete cluster history, and simply the way it makes alcohol from every piece of bread meant that I was ingesting alcohol every day, and we know what that does-even if that is the only connection, maybe it was just the alcohol, that left me with no remission, I don't know, but I can't help speculating. I forsee the possibility of getting regular attacks again, but there were almost 30 other symptoms that responded exactly the way the information I found said it would, so I am hopefull.  I'm thankful for the 20 years of hindsight, it really helped me piece this thing together for myself, I was once just resigned to not having a normal life, and accepted the medical communities collective judgement.  One of my many character flaws is my persistance, but in this case it paid off for me. I hope none of you give up, and I hope this provokes you to ask more questions of your doctors, although that route didn't work for me it is still the best route to pursue it, but don't abandon other routes that may get you to the same place.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #108 on: Sep 25th, 2004, 1:16pm »
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Well I'm sad to report that someone is still holding a grudge against me, and I've received another influx of computer viruses. It may be a coincidence but I was hit with a similar influx the last time I posted, and now again more when I posted yesterday. I've only had one other virus come through email in the last 6 years I've been online, since I surf very cautiously, but when I posted here I got a handfull last time, and 2 particularly damaging types this time(pamela and bloodhound pack). They were all spoofed, but spoofed carelessly, even a novice like me could tell they came from the same IP. The spoof even contained refrences to usernames here but I suspect they were added to try and shift blame away from the perpetrators.  Fortunately I'm not going to lose my head over it  this time, because I caught it as it began to rewrite my registry,  but unfortunately I can't afford to risk having the computer I rely upon for my livelyhood taken down again. If I find anything here interesting enough to comment on, I will just put my opinions on my suicide headache weblog.  There will never be anything for sale there, or any links to anyone else, just a safe place for me to share my thoughts. I wish you all the best luck in your pursuit of a better life but I must go my own way now for my own safety. Like I said earlier, I was probably gonna regret posting my info, but I felt a need to clear the air. Again I apologize for all who've I've offended, and I see I didn't learn my lesson last time, but someone has now driven it home for me. (I can only imagine what is happening to the poor guy whose name and address was purposely posted by a member here!)
p.s. maybe I'll write a song about this whole website experience for my next CD so it will be preserved forever in the annals of history for my fans in over 70 countries to enjoy.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #109 on: Sep 25th, 2004, 2:40pm »
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Cry Cry Cry ......... Kiss......... laugh
Aint nobody sending you shit from got ISP #'s?....send them to got names?....send them to me.
Ali, the head cutter from Syria is not complaining of virus and he is hated here more than anyone......shit!, he keeps coming back.
Lets have some numbers, dude
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #110 on: Sep 25th, 2004, 9:32pm »
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How did I miss all this fun Grin  
Unfortunately I didn't learn anything here, except that this guy is episodic now and he thinks he cured himself.
Enjoy your PF time chopper, it'll more than likely return. And just for the record, I haven't had a hemeroid in my 24 years of clusters so you can scratch that as a characteristic. But I do have a cure for that if you need it.

Sean.................... Grin
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #111 on: Sep 25th, 2004, 11:31pm »
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!

Except for the 8 pounds of coke I do in order to finish these posts.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #112 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 8:50pm »
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on Sep 25th, 2004, 11:31pm, don wrote:
Except for the 8 pounds of coke I do in order to finish these posts.

LMAO...........I was waiting for him to tell us about his second grade teacher LOL
Sean........................... Grin
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #113 on: Sep 27th, 2004, 4:41am »
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There is nothing more satisfying than being shot at without result---Winston Churchill
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #114 on: Sep 27th, 2004, 12:46pm »
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Some intresting informaition I have been keeping up with. Your. cousin might like to know about this. (Fampridine-SR ) Smiley
Trial ResultsThe MS trial showed a strong positive trend compared to placebo in its primary endpoint, improvement in walking speed, as measured by a timed 25-foot walk. The trial also showed a statistically significant improvement across dose groups in its secondary endpoint, the Lower Extremity Manual Muscle Test (LEMMT).  These data are consistent with data from earlier double-blind trials that involved fewer subjects and shorter treatment periods.  Because most people with MS experience both impairment in walking ability and weakened muscles, the Timed 25 Foot Walk is widely used to assess MS patients’ functional status.  The LEMMT is a standardized, 5-point manual assessment of strength, applied to leg muscle groups.  Analysis of the other secondary endpoints in the trial is ongoing.
Andrew Goodman, M.D., Director of the MS Center at the University of Rochester Medical School and chair of the company’s MS advisory group, said, “We are encouraged by the findings of this Phase 2 trial of Fampridine-SR in MS because impaired walking and muscle weakness are two of the most common and devastating aspects of this disease.  There is a tremendous unmet need for treatments that can improve walking and weakness, as none of the currently available therapies can do so.”  
The two SCI trials did not reach statistical significance in their primary endpoints, reduction of spasticity as measured by the Ashworth score and improvement of patients’ Subject Global Impression (SGI) rating.  The Ashworth is a validated, 5-point clinician assessment of an individual’s spasticity (the involuntary tension, stiffness or contraction of muscles.)  The SGI is a seven-point scale in which study participants rate how they feel about the overall effect of the study drug.  In one of the SCI studies, the data showed a positive trend (p=0.069) toward improvement on the Ashworth score when analyzed across all observations during the double-blind study drug period, the study’s pre-specified plan of analysis. When analyzed based on the subjects’ last observation carried forward (LOCF), a commonly used method of analysis, the Ashworth score in that study was statistically significant (p=0.006).  The drug groups in both studies showed a progressive mean improvement on the Ashworth score during the double-blind study drug period.  However, the placebo group in one of the studies showed a more pronounced reduction than expected.  Analysis of the trials’ secondary endpoints of improvement in bowel, bladder or sexual function is ongoing.  
In both the SCI and MS studies, the adverse event profile, including serious adverse events, was consistent with that observed in previous studies.  The most common adverse events were insomnia, paresthesias, dizziness and nausea, the majority of which were rated as mild to moderate.
Fampridine is a selective neuronal potassium channel blocker and has been shown to restore nerve conduction by blocking the exposed potassium channels in damaged nerve fibers that have lost their insulating sheath of myelin.  By closing the channels, fampridine allows such nerve fibers to transmit impulses again. Fampridine-SR is an oral, sustained-release formulation of fampridine, designed for twice-daily dosing.  
In addition to Fampridine-SR, Acorda's clinical-stage pipeline includes valrocemide, which it is developing with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. for the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder.  The company’s pre-clinical stage pipeline includes therapeutic candidates for remyelination and nerve repair in SCI, MS and other CNS conditions, and the Company is continuing to evaluate in-licensing opportunities for clinical and post-market stage products.  
Have a great day!
Poke` mom
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #115 on: Sep 27th, 2004, 11:57pm »
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Hey guys and gals, thanks for all the positive messages of support I recieved off-board.  
I will be testing my PH this week to see if  it fluctuates with my symptoms, I will report actual values so you can all debate and speculate it's connection. I hope to isolate which foods are giving me the most deviation from the 7.35-7.45 range that is considered normal.  I only speculated ph was an indicator of leukotriene pollution, but I found info yesterday where others have recently proposed this route also so I thought I'd try it and see. I have a feeling my blood is far to one side of the scale, but when I had die offs, temporarily jumped to the other side of the scale due to the massive pollution of a die off. I may have to go off my diet till my symptoms return to get that swing effect, but my curiousity is currently getting the better of me. (It seems that I always discount the cluster pain when it's not at it's worst.)
Thanks for the info, it sure shows that another approach can be effective and is worth investigating.  
I have no medical training and approach all problems I encounter with the scientific method, from an engineer's perspective, so I like to break all the problems down to their basic building blocks, where it is easier for me to understand the processes at work.
Adjusting or modifying the nerve cells to work without myelin sheaths intuitively seems to me to be dancing around the real problem: unsuccesful remyelination.
Succesfull remyelination could be used to reverse disease, it hasn't been accomplished yet but researchers seem to be on the right track and I am confident this addresses the root of the problem.
The MS society scientists and doctors admit there seems to be some sort of stumbling block in remyelination, and now suspect an external factor seems to be inhibiting this. (hydrogen sulfide has been proven to inhibit the cells responsible for myelin repair) These seem to be the latest theories that indicate this "external factor" and shows how much little clinical evidence is currently available:
I am already skipping to the next step and looking at possible pollutants that may not be obvious to the researchers just yet, hence my interest in hydrogen sulfide. It is produced by both candida albicans sepsus, and it appears in higher amounts in urban areas that also show increase in MS rates.  (my cousin lives in Bayonne NJ, which IMO always smells like swamp gas-hydrogen sulfide)
The MS site confirms they are actively searching for this "mystery" roadblock substance(which I suspect is hydrogen sulfide), and have now begun to look beyond their traditional approach of looking for direct result causes (I wish cluster researchers would use such an open mind but cluster research is admittedly even sparser than MS research and moving at an even slower pace and has been criticised by some leading scientific experts as misdirected.)
This quote from Dr. Franklin indicates how MS has moved beyond the traditional research parameters often imposed by the companies funding the research.
I hope cluster researchers make this leap sooner than later, and then they would be on a faster track to finding the actual mechanism at fault and treating or eliminating it, and not just proposing masking  treatments for the pain.(which is all they are doing right now, and which is what MS researchers seemingly did for ever)
I'm glad the MSS are taking several approaches to finding a solution, and now that they are, I think a solution is not far away.
I have some anecdotal information on reducing MS by eliminating hydrogen sulfide, but  the sources hydrogen sulfide of it are many. It comes from decaying matter, which occurs everywhere in the world, and is even generated inside our bodies by our digested foods if they remain in the digestive tract for too long of if they encounter too much e-coli, salmonella, or candida albicans along the way. It also comes from cigarettes, marijuana, landfills, composte heaps, and many other sources that can effect us in our daily lives. Even water from  your tap can have hydrogen sulfide in it, but it is the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide, and possible combination with other poisins that may be the real danger. (it gets even more dangerous when mixed with water, forming a variant of hydrochloric acid.)
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #116 on: Sep 28th, 2004, 12:02am »
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Sorry, this one got even long winded for me.
Many doctors seem to think that all substances that occur in the body naturally aren't harmfull (that is what they are taught in medical school about candida) but some become harmfull when the bodies protection against said substance is compromised. (just eat an orange or chocolote during a cluster, and it inhibits a pain relieving enzyme and makes the cluster last longer than usual). This attitude is generally caused by the limitations the federal government imposes on what  researchers can conclude from their research. The government's modus operandi traditionally has been that  there must be a direct connection for a drug to be approved, well now they find out that these cureless mystery diseases don't have a direct connection but instead have either a cumulation of factors or a factor that is one or two steps removed from the mechanism.  
Pokemom, it blew me away when I found out you have both, god bless you, I hope we all can put  this behind us soon. It really makes me even more suspicious of hydrogen sulfide, because doctors can't seem to acknowledge that it may exist in larger quantities inside our bodies than they can detect.
In rats, it causes demyelination, and removing it allows remyelination, but a rats nervous system is usually exposed to higher quantities of hydrogen sulfide and has become accustomed to myelin repair in it's presence.  I suspect humans could remyleniate if the presence of hydrogen sulfide is removed, something that has not been addressed by any research, yet.
Just because a person may have clusters and not hemmoroids does not disprove my initial assertions, nor does it prove you don't have candida albicans, aspergillus or any other auto-immune depressent like cids or aids which I suspect can also cause clusters. I feel my hemmoroids developed so rapidly because once the candida albican's razor sharp mycelial rhizoids penetrated my colon and recturm, and began to flourish uncontrollably, I just ignored it and figured it was a result of all the steroids, anti-depressants, bi-polar medications, and ergots I was taking. My high sugar diet just aggravated the situation and made it worse. I never said that everyone who gets clusters will have hemoroids, and if I did say that the I overstepped my bounds. I meant to only say that if you have problems with your rectum and clusters, you should investigate the possible connection until you satisfy yourself.
My doctors repeatedly told me I did not have candida, but even now I still have traces and have proved him wrong, so now I don't just believe what I hear or read no matter who it comes from, there has to be a logical scientific foundation that I can understand before I can put my faith in it.  Take a look at my symptom list on my suicide headache weblog and you will see hemmoroids is only 1 symptom I had, and it was relatively minor when compared to the spastic bowel, IBS, ulcerative colitis, and protracted and distended colon that developed. I predict that if you have an auto-immune depressant like candida albicans or aspergillus fungus, then you are a candidate for colon deterioration if you have a high sugar, high mold, high salt, high fat diet. Just pulling one symptom out of my post and implying my whole model collapses because one person doesn't have it is flawed prima facie and per se.
In response to some questions asked earlier off-board, yes I did have head trauma on the same side of my head as my clusters. Once when I was 13 I was knocked out by a blow to my head, and also when I was
14 I got struck again in a similar fashion. (freestyle skiing was my thing back then, and I loved doing helicopters and backscratchers at the ski hill near my house, sometimes unsuccesfully) I strongly believe that this may be the true cause, and is why I was only looking for a way to make my vessels less likely to spasm, and I found it.  
I got a real job today, and passed my drug screening with flying colors(or maybe that was an aura!) even though I was afraid all the anti-oxidants I was taking would indicate a tampered sample, whew!
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #117 on: Sep 30th, 2004, 8:58am »
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Hmmm... I thought that you were a music procucer/musician with your own studio that has cranked out 80+ projects in the past three years. And that you have been in the music industry for many more years. What in the hell are you doing taking a drug test? This is never a requirement in the music biz because it would not be cost effective to get back all those positive results.  Also, try and get a musician to piss in a jar or offer up a hair sample.  
The head trauma thing does explain much though.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #118 on: Sep 30th, 2004, 9:06am »
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on Sep 30th, 2004, 8:58am, Abaris wrote:
 Also, try and get a musician to piss in a jar or offer up a hair sample.  

I'vr been a musician for over 30 years and I would piss in a jar or give up a hair sample any time.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #119 on: Sep 30th, 2004, 2:17pm »
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oops ree is very sorry... thanks Pat... for pointing out my dumbness............ I misread that first post........I was right though it wasnt written by a 19 year old.........duh...? back to my ree
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #120 on: Oct 1st, 2004, 7:33am »
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I only started a studio because I couldn't do anything else, and a large part of the mixing and mastering I could do in isolation by myself. I got a job because I'm trying to get back into the insurance game and see if I can find a decent specialist without his head buried in the sand. Ulcerative colitis(my remaining symptom) is one symptom that is incureable in 50%. I want to get one of those scope things like I had 15 years ago to confirm that my colon is indeed healing properly. I am still open minded enough listen to what my doctors say, but it's just not the only thing I listen to anymore.
Many of the projects I worked on as both the producer/engineer of the project and also as the mastering engineer. Almost all of the projects I recorded/mastered with my studio, I also then mastered at my mastering labs, so there is some overlap between them making the total project count more like 50. (most studios don't mix production and post duties and/or credits, they are traditionally listed seperately.) Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.
Both cigarettes and marijuana and the aspergillus in the citric acid carbonation of soda pops, contain high amounts of the neurotoxin hydrogen sulfide, which I believe to be an important link in connecting outside factors to the cluster mechanism. If you live near a landfill, water reclamation center, or urban area, there are also higher concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in both the air and tap water. Hydrogen suflide skins the neuron's(nerve cells) protective myelin membranes(demylenation). Perhaps the cumulation of hydrogen sulfide is causing the neurons in our hypothalamus to respond in a way it is throwing off our normal hypothalalmus function. Maybe the bodies own defenses to this neural toxin overload is causing the hypathalamus to be overactive during attacks.
I don't know, and neither do doctors. They don't say "the hypothalamus is the cause" they say they believe the hypothalamus my be implicated as the cause.  
I had to ban smoking from my control room when tracking bands as the live room and iso booths always had a haze of this smoke.
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #121 on: Oct 1st, 2004, 4:17pm »
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No offense chopchop... But you sure like to type, don't you? Shocked
What'cha got in your studio?
I have a little home studio set up... I just use a daw with a crappy little us428 to record multiple synths, samplers and miscellaneous noise making apparatus. Nothing fancy but still fun. It's a very expensive hobby!
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thebbz Alumnus
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Re: 19 year clusterhead now drug free!
« Reply #122 on: Oct 1st, 2004, 9:54pm »
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Shocked WoW Shocked
He's got the Jack!
« Last Edit: Oct 1st, 2004, 9:56pm by thebbz » IP Logged

It wasn't me I didn't do it
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