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   Author  Topic: Hello.........Help.....  (Read 1307 times)
New Board Newbie

Will Kryptonite Help??


Gender: male
Posts: 31
« on: Apr 18th, 2004, 5:04am »
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Hello, my name is Kevin and I'm a newbie here.
I was in remission for 7 glorious years, then came March 6th, 2004. I was certain I had a sinus infection (yeah right!) Even had my Dentist prescribe an antibiotic to clear it up. Obviously that didn't work, and as much as I was in denial, the real problem was becoming more and more apparent. Well as of today I'm averaging 3-5 attacks a day. Not getting ANY sleep. I wonder if anyone can answer a couple of questions..........
1. When I finally went to the doctor to hear the inevitable, he prescribed Predidsone to try and stop the episode and put me back into remission. Has anyone had any luck with this treatment?
2. I was also given Imitrex in pill form. Is it just me or does the pill form take to long to get into my system. Seems by the time it does I'm already full blown and at that point as we all know nothing helps.  
3. Does anyone have any close relatives who suffer.
4. In one word, describe how bad your pain is.......
    my ONE word would be.....mygodjustletmedie!!!!
Nice to know there are others I can relate to.
Take care and I hope everyone will get some sleep!!!!
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During those times when it's absolutely, positively unbearable, just remember..........
Someone, somewhere, is having a harder time than you!!!
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